Guess who else is now claiming Banadir?

Mate I’m not denying that the traditional owners of that land are us Abgal. But unlike most here I put my country first before my clan. Xamar is the capital city of Somalia, therefore belongs to all Somalis, yourself included. I would say the same thing in real life 👍🏾.
You are probably not abgaal kkk.

Xamar is no different to Hargaysa, isaq city, kismayo, Ogaden city, Baydhabo rahanwayn city, Garowe, ,Mj city, etc...

If people want to make xamar a shared city, then all the cities I have mentioned should become shared cities too, and save me "but it is the capital argument" bs but that does not matter.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
You are probably not abgaal kkk.

Xamar is no different to Hargaysa, isaq city, kismayo, Ogaden city, Baydhabo rahanwayn city, Garowe, ,Mj city, etc...

If people want to make xamar a shared city, then all the cities I have mentioned should become shared cities too, and save me "but it is the capital argument" bs but that does not matter.
My sentiment refers to all of Somalia, not just Xamar.
If Xamar belongs to everybody then Garowe, Kismayo etc each belongs to everybody too
Every-time I come across your posts I get cancer. Garowe, Bosaaso, Lascaanod, Kismaayo don't belong to all Somalis just like Cadaado, Beledweyne, Warsheikh, Hobyo don't belong to all Somalis. Those are clan territories.

Xamar is the seat of government and brings all of the people of Somalia together. Kala saar the 2 nacasyahow, it's an easy concept to grasp. :drakewtf:
Dictatorship. All the elections were rigged when they even had them, no way he got 99.9% of the votes when he was injusticing Hawiye slowly. Hawiye didn't have a problem until he started taking our lands. I hope that nigga Siyad Barre is suffering in his grave.
Siad barre is the tamest dictator in the world history let the man rest

A Mean Guy

Minister of Ajanabi Affairs
Wallahi i get confused every time i see the somali diaspora arguing about clans.
1400s mentality.
You don't see arabs arguing about clans anymore.