Gym and weight gain

Every time I try to do weight training my appetite goes crazy and in turn leads me to put on a ton of weight and get extremely bulky.

I ain't gonna lie, I prefer being lean and just doing sports like football/running.

Otherwise man will be hitting 90-100kg soon:bell:

Anyone else have this problem?


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Yeah I had the same issue of putting on weight fast but I grew to accept it and ate better and pumped iron hard. the plus side of this issue is you can make gains quicker and put on muscle quicker just eat good and lift hard since your like me you dont have to track your progress much like others who have slow gains 👍
coleman ronnie GIF

To put it simply
Fast Metabolism= Hard Bulk, Easy Cut
Slow Metabolism (You and Me)= Easy Bulk, Hard Cut.

I think I should've cut properly first, because I'm 85kg...10/15 over my normal weight range. It's near impossible for me to cut and also do weight training. What do you think?
Whats your diet like?

Usually qashin, normal somali diet too much carbs...baasto/flour/bariis.

When I try to cut i do one meal a day and it works. But the issue is when I do a lot of exercise or weight lifting I can't be doing omad/low carb because I won't have the energy required for physical extertion.

Since going back to gym, i usually have eggs/liver/kidney in the morning with wholegrain canjeero or sabaayad. No lunch, but Dinner time I ain't gonna lie I kill whatever I it baasto/bariis/wraps with any kinda meat source. My biggest weakness is juices...I can't be doing water all the time man.

Even when I was doing Omad I would lose weight off my shoulders/arms/bum...but the one thing that never goes is the tyre around my waist. I look like a well built slim dude but that tyre man smh

I'm thinking of doing keto and cutting till I lose it....but keto ain't no joke bro


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Usually qashin, normal somali diet too much carbs...baasto/flour/bariis.

When I try to cut i do one meal a day and it works. But the issue is when I do a lot of exercise or weight lifting I can't be doing omad/low carb because I won't have the energy required for physical extertion.

Since going back to gym, i usually have eggs/liver/kidney in the morning with wholegrain canjeero or sabaayad. No lunch, but Dinner time I ain't gonna lie I kill whatever I it baasto/bariis/wraps with any kinda meat source. My biggest weakness is juices...I can't be doing water all the time man.

Even when I was doing Omad I would lose weight off my shoulders/arms/bum...but the one thing that never goes is the tyre around my waist. I look like a well built slim dude but that tyre man smh

I'm thinking of doing keto and cutting till I lose it....but keto ain't no joke bro
Haye so your skinny fat. what you are going to do is go on a lean bulk and cut all SOMALI food and carb rich food from your diet and increase protein intake (steak, eggs and other protein rich foods) also dont do omad cause it will make you lose muscle mass not fat so intermittent fast in the morning till lunch and reduce cardio activity and replace with more this for 6 or 9 months then go on a normal cut.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Usually qashin, normal somali diet too much carbs...baasto/flour/bariis.

When I try to cut i do one meal a day and it works. But the issue is when I do a lot of exercise or weight lifting I can't be doing omad/low carb because I won't have the energy required for physical extertion.

Since going back to gym, i usually have eggs/liver/kidney in the morning with wholegrain canjeero or sabaayad. No lunch, but Dinner time I ain't gonna lie I kill whatever I it baasto/bariis/wraps with any kinda meat source. My biggest weakness is juices...I can't be doing water all the time man.

Even when I was doing Omad I would lose weight off my shoulders/arms/bum...but the one thing that never goes is the tyre around my waist. I look like a well built slim dude but that tyre man smh

I'm thinking of doing keto and cutting till I lose it....but keto ain't no joke bro
Broski I can't stop munching on either Haneed or Kebabs. Everything meat I destroy. I never go a day without munching on a load of meat. Personally I don't mind cutting drinks out. I basically quit soda and only drink Water, milk. But I have a habit of running out to locals at 11pm to buy a liter a chocolate milk I down while on game. So there's that unhealthy thing.

I was at 73kg beginning of the year now I'm at 82. I can push heavy but I'm focusing on fitting in cardio. Trying to do an hour everyday but it's hard since I wake up like 5 30 4 days a week for my long commute and come late from uni and stuff.

Will focus more on my diet and cut the carbs, they're the real killer for any Somali man. I already eat too much meat so no issues there. I've stopped munching multiple kebabs a week. Will learn how to cook my own healthy meat from home once hooyo teaches me the basics. Recommend you cut as much carbs as possible.

I don't really play sports like I use to so I have to be in the gym to get my cardio. Or ride my bike around which Is dead since most the guys in my neighbourhood I use to ride with after school got their own lives Init, with work and stuff.
Haye so your skinny fat. what you are going to do is go on a lean bulk and cut all SOMALI food and carb rich food from your diet and increase protein intake (steak, eggs and other protein rich foods) also dont do omad cause it will make you lose muscle mass not fat so intermittent fast in the morning till lunch and reduce cardio activity and replace with more this for 6 or 9 months then go on a normal cut.

I was kinda getting to the point to finally acknowledging carbs as my biggest enemy.

No more more more malawax lol

Thanks for the advice.

