Habesha have been more nice to me than Somalis


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
Aside from politics most Ethiopians and Eritreans are good people. In college I was close with an Amhara girl (Christian) , she was really sweet. Sudanese people are cool as well .
I do have yemeni grand ayeyo and turkish which my parents told me but they go way back

So you're a halfbred mutt posing as a Somali is it? Is this why you stan so hard for Armeniod pygmies like Habashas and Arabs?

This explains affinity you have for Habashas:

Arabian x Cushitic = Habashi
Arabian x Cushitic = CaliTedesse
CaliTedesse = Habeshi.

Time to head on over to Mereja.


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Aside from politics most Ethiopians and Eritreans are good people. In college I was close with an Amhara girl (Christian) , she was really sweet. Sudanese people are cool as well .

Walle Leila i love your comments


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
So you're a halfbred mutt posing as a Somali is it? Is this why you stan so hard for Armeniod pygmies like Habashas and Arabs?

This explains affinity you have for Habashas:

Arabian x Cushitic = Habashi
Arabian x Cushitic = CaliTedesse
CaliTedesse = Habeshi.

Time to head on over to Mereja.
Lol embarassing multi accounts this one had 6 messages i feel honoured my thread gets your 6th comment :chrisfreshhah:

I love how yall giving it so much thought CaliTedesse waa 1977 mujaahid from my tol


Make Hobyo Great Again
If your a habasha just state it. Lol are you not the same guy who was talking about ‘aabo ethopia’. No Somali would speak in such a manner
Waa etoobiyaan Dir wasakh ah.
@embarassing you are the most embarrassing individual here your name fits you well sick nationalistic individual
I always have trouble @ing her because she spelled her own username wrong when signing up.
Lol embarassing multi accounts this one had 6 messages i feel honoured my thread gets your 6th comment :chrisfreshhah:

I love how yall giving it so much thought CaliTedesse waa 1977 mujaahid from my tol
Loooool wth, you think I’m a multi-nicker? I’m on here too much as it is, that’s so disrespectful.


Make Hobyo Great Again
Looooool @Crow could you leave me alone for like a month? I’ve had enough of you.

Btw I have a perfectly good explanation for my username.
Lol embarassing multi accounts this one had 6 messages i feel honoured my thread gets your 6th comment :chrisfreshhah:

I love how yall giving it so much thought CaliTedesse waa 1977 mujaahid from my tol

War nin Harti oo diig guduudan ban ahay abaha wasse, multinicking kulaha

@embarassing isn't racist towards habashi xun like me, maybe just nationalistic. In aan diig xabash cabo oo aan gabdhahooda wasso beyga heysa, gabar miskeenad ee meesha marayso maxaa inay isku xirey?

Hooyaddaa iyo sinjigaba alla janeyeey
Habesha ppl are very calm folk. They don't eat as much hilib as us in their diet so naturally they have less blood pressure. I'm yet to meet any Habesha who is passionate about Ethiopia, they don't care much for politics but identify more with their tribal ethnic origin e.g Habesha, Oromo, Afar etc which is why they get along with us very well.

Ethiopia as a nation has not survived because of it's people but rather it's leadership and using their Christian links "in a sea of Muslims" to survive. That's why they could never defeat us in Wars 1on1 because they needed foreign assistance to survive.
except they defeated us many times and were on the verge of colonizing the whole horn. Mohamed Gragn is the only Somali that withstood and fought back against xabash. Many of us ignore how in 1977 the had a communist regime, fighting Eritrea and a lot more poverty. Whereas we had our golden years and had USA give us high tech weapons and we still somehow lost to Ethio and Kenya...
Why do yall keep claiming xabash to have semitic bloodline lol aren't we the ones that claim a Qurayshi ancestor wth. xabashis are just as cushitic and they didn't mix with Yemenis like we did.

Just bcus they have more European like faces and light skin smh
Why do yall keep claiming xabash to have semitic bloodline lol aren't we the ones that claim a Qurayshi ancestor wth. xabashis are just as cushitic and they didn't mix with Yemenis like we did.

Just bcus they have more European like faces and light skin smh
Incorrect. They have mixed with South Semites in the past. How do you think the shift in language happened?

My theory is that a Cushitic group went over to modern-day Yemen and mixed with the locals, and this naturally changed the language, culture, and evidently altered their makeup. Now we know for a fact that this happened. But the next phase would be that this group moved back to modern Ethiopia and mixed with their purer ancestors, which helped spark this phenomenon:

"Language shift can be understood best as a social strategy through which individuals and groups compete for positions of prestige, power, and domestic security ... What is important, then, is not just dominance, but vertical social mobility and a linkage between language and access to positions of prestige and power ... A relatively small immigrant elite population can encourage widespread language shift among numerically dominant indigenes in a non-state or pre-state context if the elite employs a specific combination of encouragements and punishments. Ethnohistorical cases ... demonstrate that small elite groups have successfully imposed their languages in non-state situations."

It explains why the Semitic part of their genes are not that large, but the cultural and linguistic practices left a strong footprint.


Why do yall keep claiming xabash to have semitic bloodline lol aren't we the ones that claim a Qurayshi ancestor wth. xabashis are just as cushitic and they didn't mix with Yemenis like we did.

Just bcus they have more European like faces and light skin smh
Somalis have 0 % Arab admiture whereas Habeshas have over 20 % recent Yemeni admixture.

You Habeshas need to embrace your origins.
Incorrect. They have mixed with South Semites in the past. How do you think the shift in language happened?

My theory is that a Cushitic group went over to modern-day Yemen and mixed with the locals, and this naturally changed the language, culture, and evidently altered their makeup. Now we know for a fact that this happened. But the next phase would be that this group moved back to modern Ethiopia and mixed with their purer ancestors, which helped spark this phenomenon:

"Language shift can be understood best as a social strategy through which individuals and groups compete for positions of prestige, power, and domestic security ... What is important, then, is not just dominance, but vertical social mobility and a linkage between language and access to positions of prestige and power ... A relatively small immigrant elite population can encourage widespread language shift among numerically dominant indigenes in a non-state or pre-state context if the elite employs a specific combination of encouragements and punishments. Ethnohistorical cases ... demonstrate that small elite groups have successfully imposed their languages in non-state situations."

It explains why the Semitic part of their genes are not that large, but the cultural and linguistic practices left a strong footprint.
They adopted Judaism from God knows how long and that's why their language is cushitic-semitic. That very small group that brought back their Yemeni war booty is very small and insignificant compared to the rest. It's a myth. Let's not confuse culture with genetics sbx. There's def south Yemenis with Ethio ancestry. We don't have all the answers and people are misinterpreting DNA studies; saying that Ethios have semitic ancestry just shows the self hate some of us have.
Somalis have 0 % Arab admiture whereas Habeshas have over 20 % recent Yemeni admixture.

You Habeshas need to embrace your origins.
Incorrect. Assuming you're not trolling xabash def don't have 20% "Yemeni" ancestry kulaha XD. How tf do we have 0% admixture when we've been fucking Yemenis back and forth with written accounts smh U even remember one saying Mujerteen families allowing travelers/traders from Yemen into the clan. We even have elders telling us that some of us hail from Arab tribes from the time of the Sahaba. How do South Somalis look so different to timo jileecs in the north ??? Oh but don't worry "we wuz neva mixed man 0% bruv". Believe what u want saxiib.


Incorrect. Assuming you're not trolling xabash def don't have 20% "Yemeni" ancestry kulaha XD. How tf do we have 0% admixture when we've been fucking Yemenis back and forth with written accounts smh U even remember one saying Mujerteen families allowing travelers/traders from Yemen into the clan. We even have elders telling us that some of us hail from Arab tribes from the time of the Sahaba. How do South Somalis look so different to timo jileecs in the north ??? Oh but don't worry "we wuz neva mixed man 0% bruv". Believe what u want saxiib.
Why the f*ck do I care about written accounts and other crap when we have genetic studies? All ethnic Somalis have 0 % Arab ancestry.

There is no genetic genetic between South Somalis and northern Somalis, they cluster the same.

Habeshas all have 20+ % Yemeni admixture.


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