Habesha women are so MashaAllah

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Stop simping these xaarlimos and suugo stained sacdiyos. The only thing that comes close to Habesha broads are Dominican/PR chicks. Join team PAHG and your life will change. Been PAHGing for a couple years now and that injera booty got me feeling some type of way :patrice::whoo:

Dominican & pr chicks?:liberaltears:

Dominicans more often than not look like they have permanent down syndrome (hard to explain but they have extremely dopey faces).

ALL Puerto Ricans look the same but are generally better looking than Dominicans.

Both groups are pretty diverse tho.

Source - I've had the misfortune living amongst them here in Florida.


Xaarbashi females are only appealing to Somali men that know that they have no chance with Somali women. Xaarbashi women are prostitutes. Your country is a large brothel.
Nope, we appeal to hard working smart guys. All the smart successful guys married out. Xalimo have to deal with simps like you and sexist bums

Mali Mo

I still dont give a f*ck
They are hands down the best looking women in mama Africa :lawd:. So many reasons farahs should get with Ethiopian chicks. Their obesity rate is much smaller than somali women, and when they gain weight its all in the right places(I'm not even going to post pictures). They don't go around harassing their men everywhere. My fellow ashy abdis we need to ditch these xalimos asap. @Jennifer can you hook me up with one of your habesha friends :stevej:
They also have a higher worms rate due to eating raw meat.
Bon appetit nigga.


As i live and breathe
lol and the funny thing is when we made habesha men apprestion post and half yall niggas were beyond triggered and lost composure. And I ain' gonna repeat myself habesha girls ain' attracted to somali guys they make fun of you guys i have screenshots lmfoo

Appreciation posts are designed to trigger the other side. It's childish. If Habesha men or women is your cup of tea then by all means pursue your kangz and queenz. No one's forcing no one to go Somali. :axvmm9o:


Men are asleep but at death they will awake!
Why are somali women gettin so triggered
Its truuu habesha women do look better than the average somali girl who has
lol and the funny thing is when we made habesha men apprestion post and half yall niggas were beyond triggered and lost composure. And I ain' gonna repeat myself habesha girls ain' attracted to somali guys they make fun of you guys i have screenshots lmfoo

Show em'
Xaarbashis appeal to the lowest people if you can even call them that. Only failures that can't find anything else will take a Xaarbashi because they are the easiest girls on this planet. Just show them some raw meat and they will come to like a hungry cat.
Nope, we appeal to hard working smart guys. All the smart successful guys married out. Xalimo have to deal with simps like you and sexist bums


Blac Youngsta's brother
I have been to Addis iyo Hargeisa and the girls in Addis were far more attractive than the average dusty xalimo with ilko dadheer. :manny:

Half of Addis tings were Hijabis and they still looked better than reer SL tings:mjlol:
Your standards must be so low that you can't tell what's ugly from what's beautiful.
All those cannibals you saw in AIDS Ababa are prostitutes that are used for sex tourism.
I have been to Addis iyo Hargeisa and the girls in Addis were far more attractive than the average dusty xalimo with ilko dadheer. :manny:

Half of Addis tings were Hijabis and they still looked better than reer SL tings:mjlol:


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
I remember the "habesha men are handsome" thread and all the abdis on sspot got triggered :siilaanyolaugh:

the real question is why would a buff ting habesha women get with a somali guy :gaasdrink:

You would be surprised how many Habesha girls get with Somali guys :ohno:
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