habesha women disrespecting the deen

:farole: Calm your inflated ego. I would make myself scarce after catching a glance of your bloated eyeballs.
I chat to xalimos on a daily, they tell me all their secrets lol. ask @R.Kelly about my dms with xalimos kkkk.

y u still hurt tho smh. I'm taking the piss. I just have a few preferences. My ex was Eri so I might have a soft spot for them. Don't take shit seriously boo :icon e biggrin:
I chat to xalimos on a daily, they tell me all their secrets lol. ask @R.Kelly about my dms with xalimos kkkk.

y u still hurt tho smh. I'm taking the piss. I just have a few preferences. My ex was Eri so I might have a soft spot for them. Don't take shit seriously boo :icon e biggrin:
Your Somali? All this time I thought you were habash shiiittt :wtf:
I mean, if u're out there giving uck to mandem u might as well do it well and big. She's got more than enough money and can take care of herself well. She fuked top rappers too. Miles better than Becky from the block lmao.

Lool top rappers? Rappers fvck anything and most rappers dont have money. You think they give money to any random chick they fvck?
Lool top rappers? Rappers fvck anything and most rappers dont have money. You think they give money to any random chick they fvck?
It depends. I'm no expert but it can't be a coincidence that all the s that do it with rappers end up with more luxuries in their lives. Rubi Rose isn't just a hoe btw she actually has a career lol.
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It depends. I'm no expert but it can't be a coincidence that all the s that do it with rappers end up with more luxuries in their lives. Rubi Rose isn't just a how btw she actually has a career lol.

You mean people flaunting on instagram? You do know even known rappers hire cars and take pic? Big part of rap is faking success. The average rapper is broke
Yh u're right I guess. Rubi Rose aint broke for sure but u're telling it how it is
I never heard of her until tonight. What label is she signed to? How much has her music sold? And more imporantly whats her contract with who ever represent her. Another thing is rap game is short and rappers dont come from money. So they blow their money on stupid things like chains and cars. But just seeing she is 21 and released her first song. I doubt she has money


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Atleast she is Muslim, we should think the best about our lost sisters. She has imaan and that is a great advantage over non Muslims. May Allah guide her to the straight path.


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