Don't believe what the Apostates are saying above. My comment was pretty explanatory. If you want to study the religion and ask interesting questions, you can ask a reliable scholar or Sheikh while at the same time doing proper research. It's good to ask questions and learn about your deen but you should also be conscious of Satan, whenever you hear whispers in your mind, ask yourself if these are only your thoughts or if it's satan trying to set up a trap for you to follow. Don't fall into his trap and always seek refuge in Allah.
Don't believe what the Apostates are saying above. My comment was pretty explanatory. If you want to study the religion and ask interesting questions, you can ask a reliable scholar or Sheikh while at the same time doing proper research. It's good to ask questions and learn about your deen but you should also be conscious of Satan, whenever you hear whispers in your mind, ask yourself if these are only your thoughts or if it's satan trying to set up a trap for you to follow. Don't fall into his trap and always seek refuge in Allah.