Half a Million of Somalis are displaced by flooding!!

Internet Nomad

The Somali government has handeled the recent floods that were started by Storm El Nino poorly. Here sone ways Somalia can make sure this doesn’t happen the next time.

1. Early Warning Systems: Implement and enhance early warning systems to provide timely alerts about potential floods.

2. Infrastructure Development: Invest in resilient infrastructure, such as better drainage systems and flood barriers, to minimise the impact of floods.

3. Community Education: Conduct awareness campaigns to educate communities on flood risks and preparedness measures.

4. Land-Use Planning: Develop and enforce land-use plans that consider flood-prone areas, preventing inappropriate construction in vulnerable zones.

5. Climate-Resilient Agriculture: Promote agricultural practices that are resilient to floods, reducing the impact on livelihoods.

6. Water Management: Implement effective water management strategies, including reservoirs and proper irrigation, to regulate water flow during heavy rainfall also prevent water reservoirs from contaminating.

7. Emergency Response Preparedness: Enhance the capacity for swift and effective emergency response, including evacuation plans and relief distribution.

8. International Cooperation: Collaborate with international organizations and neighboring countries for shared resources, expertise, and support in managing and mitigating flood impacts.

These measures collectively contribute to a more comprehensive approach in addressing and preventing the consequences of floods in Somalia.

Internet Nomad

The money put into all these preventative measures will pay them back in the future by saving somalis from all the property damage and work being halted.

Internet Nomad

Imo i think this topic should at the top of every somali persons minds. I understand that the Palestine situation is unfortunate but we got to fix our own home first.

Internet Nomad

I think it would be cool if everyone on the forum could do a group project and create an ultimate document for Somalia to get out of the current situation it is in.

From ways to increase the Food output to which sectors Somalia should invest in.

For example one topic we discussed was a Somali school curriculum.
Thread 'My Somali school curriculum'


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Was this written by ChatGPT?
nah he is safe for now...
Imo i think this topic should at the top of every somali persons minds. I understand that the Palestine situation is unfortunate but we got to fix our own home first.
Some somali people in Twitter would rather talk about Palestine 24/7 then mention the floods in somalia even though Palestine definitely has the world attention. some somalis just don't give a shit about their people if they don't share the same Qabil

Internet Nomad

Some somali people in Twitter would talk about Palestine 24/7 then mention the floods in somalia. some somalis just don't give a shit about their people if they don't share the same Qabil
Which is horrible but sadly somalis are desensitised to their own suffering. We think its the standard way of life.

We can only bring this level of self love with education.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Why is Somalia still a desert if they are receiving flooding rain>?
Which is horrible but sadly somalis are desensitised to their own suffering. We think its the standard way of life.

We can only bring this level of self love with education.
Exactly some people have given up on hope and have accepted the shitty things that happens in somalia it's sad
Why is Somalia still a desert if they are receiving flooding rain>?
They don't have dams that's the issue. When it rains big the water flows into the Indian ocean. After that the drought season begins again it is a cycle of suffering. People either die from the floods or famine


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Which is horrible but sadly somalis are desensitised to their own suffering. We think its the standard way of life.

We can only bring this level of self love with education.
It's some real cuckold behavior man the Somalis always booty clapping when other nations are suffering but when there are calamities going on or happening in Somalia they turn a blind eye all these "free Palestine Farah's and Halimo's" did they say free Ethiopian occupied Galbeed? did they say free NFD? did they say out with the African Union soldiers? did they say help those suffering from the droughts or flooding? not ONE this is a serious issue and it's just so humiliating like I understand yeah sure free Palestine but keep an eye on your people don't turn a blind eye and advocate for them on the internet too. It's just so embarrassing.

Internet Nomad

They don't have dams that's the issue. When it rains big the water flows into the Indian ocean. After that the drought season begins again it is a cycle of suffering. People either die from the floods or famine
By planting grass and shrubs we coukd prevent run off rain. Also it would be so easy to plant grass as its so cheap.

The 8:00 mark of the video showed previous practice of this
It's some real cuckold behavior man the Somalis always booty clapping when other nations are suffering but when there are calamities going on or happening in Somalia they turn a blind eye all these "free Palestine Farah's and Halimo's" did they say free Ethiopian occupied Galbeed? did they say free NFD? did they say out with the African Union soldiers? did they say help those suffering from the droughts or flooding? not ONE this is a serious issue and it's just so humiliating like I understand yeah sure free Palestine but keep an eye on your people don't turn a blind eye and advocate for them on the internet too. It's just so embarrassing.
I saw a man comment once that an inch of Palestine being liberated is more important than the whole of somaliweyn being liberated the guy was dead serious about it 💀

Internet Nomad

I saw a man comment once that an inch of Palestine being liberated is more important than the whole of somaliweyn being liberated the guy was dead serious about it 💀
I have seen a guy on twitter saying the somali language should be eradicated and we should fully adopt arabic.

Then you got guys like this

“I would rather live 50,000 lifetimes in Mecca and Medina…”

Lives in the UK.
I have seen a guy on twitter saying the somali language should be eradicated and we should fully adopt arabic.

Then you got guys like this

“I would rather live 50,000 lifetimes in Mecca and Medina…”

Lives in the UK.
Inferiority complex these type of guys are like pajeets I don't see a difference between them
We don’t have smart visionary leaders unfortunately. El Niño will be harming the people again and again, year after year. HSM is out here travelling around.
I saw a man comment once that an inch of Palestine being liberated is more important than the whole of somaliweyn being liberated the guy was dead serious about it 💀
He’s actually right. Our Third Holiest Site [Al-Aqsa/Temple Mount Area] is located in Palestine. Its need for liberation takes precedence over all the other struggles.