Half of world's refugees come from 3 countries

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Between 1988-1995 was the best time to be a Somali refugee. Practically every Western country would automatically accept you.

But nowadays they get tough screening and half or more of them are denied refugee status.


Cultural revolution
Oh damn almost 5 million Syrian refugees. Crazy to think just 5 years ago they weren't on the list
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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Somalia was probably at one point number one on that list.

In the nineties former Yoguslavia was leading the list, end 1990s/early 2000s ethiopians and eritreans produced the most refugees. But I think Somalia is the longest in the list
Between 1988-1995 was the best time to be a Somali refugee. Practically every Western country would automatically accept you.

But nowadays they get tough screening and half or more of them are denied refugee status.

Yh but dont forget since they cant be returned to somalia, they stay as asymlum seekers like 5 to 10 years then they get accepted.
If you receive refugee-status you will likely receive a residency-licens, and after some years in my country 5, you get permanent residency and can then apply for citizenship shortly after.

Most of the Somalis who are seeking refugee-status are not persecuted and are not seeking refugee from chaos to the extent that were the case in the 90's, and are more commonly migrants seeking a better life especially the youth. I have argued a few of those cases, but now they have changed practice so that Somali's won't get automatic refugee-status and unless they can prove persecution their case will be rejected.

Somalia might not be well functioning, but it is now a chaotic war to the extent Syria is, and hopefully in the future Somali will be country, where refugee's flee to rather than flee from.
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