Comparing the Somali community to Ethiopians and Sudanis in Turkey shows your ignorance.
Somalis in Turkey are probably 10 times the combined amount of Ethiopians and Sudanis in Turkey.
Somalis are well known by anyone in Turkey as we live, work, invest, train and study there in massive numbers.
Somalis are in every city in Turkey whereas the other communities you mentioned simply blend in with the Somalis in Aksaray.
Its like asking why the Jamaican community didn’t make a video warning their community businesses during BLM riots in Minnesota.
Clearly Somalis arent known well enough if the accused terr0rist who looks nothing like a Somali is being called Somali.
Regardless of our numbers there, any warnings to the community should come from officals at the embassy and not some habo.There is a dangerous game being played and its extremely irresponsible to come online speaking a language that no one understands to quesion the situation while in Turkey. You seem to be glossing over the fact that she was not just offering advice but also questioning the validity of the arrest. How is this any of her business as a guest in Turkey?
I must say that its intresting to see you defending the shenanigans of a fellow Somali. Guess its only when it doesn't involve madows that your inner Somalinimo comes out. Had this involved Kenyans rather than Arabs and Turks, my feeling is that you would have been busy lambasting this habo for poking her nose into it.