Hamas launches new operation against Israel.


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Israelis brag about the luxury Arabs have under its colonial-settler-based dominion (not Gaza or the West Bank). I've looked at the numbers. The average Israeli citizen of Arab descent got half the GDP of Jews, highlighting extreme socioeconomic disparity. Further, they don't enjoy any of the legal statuses as Jews from a rights perspective in its practice. I say in practicality because, generally, Palestinians (the Jews in Israel avoid calling the Arabs Israelis this ethnonym to deny their identity) do have a lot of legal technical commonalities (there are clear-cut rules and regulations that favor Jewish supremacy on paper) with the Jewish citizens, but the judicial system is extremely biased, akin to an African American man under Jim Crow Era, taking a White man to court over a dispute, an unlikely platform for one side.

Direct and indirect discrimination on the laws is apparent, moreover, a noteworthy observation is how equality was never enshrined in the basic common law. The characterization of "a Jewish state" from the get-go sets the tone of inequities notwithstanding the propaganda fabrication about a democratic open society, a haven for "all" (only for Jews). It's exclusive to Jews, and there is a heterogenous alignment among the various Jewish demographics, i.e., Jews of European origin, cover a socioeconomic status above the rest, with Ethiopian Jews at the bottom. Still, not to digress.

To symbolize the effects of how Palestinians "Israelis" are viewed; Benjamin Netanyahu was threatened once by Arabs partaking in their legal right to vote in a supposed fair democratic system, and what he did was go on air and urge Jews to come and vote in droves since the Arab vote represented an existential threat to them. I don't know if there was any truth to that. After all, Netanyahu is a vicious cut-throat character who lies about anything to get what he wants. But the main point was, regardless if it was true or not, imagine a leader of a country in the West goes on live television and is so disgustingly biased about a certain demographic, to play on fear-mongering and racist populist sentiments. That moment exposed how shameless the Israelis are without hiding it.

The living conditions are based on racialized severe structural segregation. For example, Jews refuse Arabs to live in the same building as them. These are not the Palestinian regions mind you; we're talking "citizens" of Israel.

Every time I hear a Jew talk about how Israel covers the good life of Arabs there, I reflect on how low they view Palestinians. These people could feed them dog food, causing severe long-term health problems, yet smilingly tell the rest of the world they feed them world-class food with the best nutrition.

These people value nothing but themselves, genocide on one hand, and maliciously targeted unjust treatment on the other. Israel is the paragon example of 'oppressive,' and eventually, there is a just reckoning for causing such an arrogant display of human suffering.

I wrote this to highlight the lie the Western Jews bring forth using Israel's silent 20% Palestinian population outside the West Bank and Gaza as a case for state-based moral superiority, when that very same reality, reveals a dark truth contradicting such preposterous lies.

And let me not get into how Ethiopian Jews often call themselves "Ethiopian" first because of the discrimination. The shame is, that they went from discrimination in Ethiopia to discrimination in Israel. Revealingly, the fact that they identify strongly with Ethiopia as a primal identity, a place that gave them much pain (not only pain, I would think), really tells you what type of conditions they live in the "Jewish state." This is for their Jewish brothers and sisters who have more melanin.

Any non-Jewish African refugee will be humiliated and dehumanized. The foolish Ethiopian Christians who go to Israel thinking they will get milk and honey will regret it. I even saw extremely hostile videos of Jews towards South Sudanese refugees. It was so bizarre. It was as if they were angry at them for being desperate and seriously in need of aid. Something about that makes me angry, actually. Imagine someone hating you at your lowest point because you were at your lowest point... Poor Africans disgust them. Like the feeling when you see a cockroach in the house. Such a level of disgust is a dangerous impulse to apply to humans because it goes hand in hand with sanitation and of course, the transition to killing is easy at that point.

You would think people who have lived in every corner of the world would have some compassion for people who needed some basic human hospitality. Persecution is the main theme of the Jewish identity (although they misrepresent their historical relations with Muslims and frame us as the main antagonist when their height was under Muslim rule) -- very strange how they somehow never learned anything from it.

Internet Nomad

Justice for Palestine 🇵🇸 freedom for Palestine 🇵🇸

Have you guys ever noticed that Ireland is one of the few European countries that cares about the Palestinian people and always stands against the Israeli occupation that they are imposing on the innocent Palestinians in Gaza and outside of Palestine's territory? Like, damn, real respect to this country, wallahi.
They share similar history
Guys, when they say Zionism is supporting Israel's existence, they're actually speaking the truth. Because without state oppression and apartheid, Israel cannot exist as it does. Basically, its own code of existence is, "We have to be the asshole, otherwise we cannot exist." Of course, that is true. Think about it. If Zionists suddenly had a change of heart, then Israel would need to go through extreme levels of reform and reconstruction, more like, deconstruct the hostile and destructive apparatus and make moral amends. So they are right, without Zionism, Israel cannot exist as it does. Because just like a British colonial territory cannot exist without imperialist ideology and material support for it.

It's daunting how Zionism took the book from colonialism, page by page. For example, you often hear from Zionists that Israel is the miracle country in a sea of barbarism, a democratic open society nested in a savage jungle and that its function in the region is a force for good and enlightenment. This is not said in a vacuum but to appeal to the Western world to invoke sentimental support. However one contextualizes the father of modern Zionism, Theodore Hertzl's ideas to his own timeline, one has to acknowledge the effect his writings affected the Zionist thinking.

For example, he was a big fan of the colonial liberalistic imperial influence the West had on Africa and the "Orient." And he wanted to elevate his people toward a similar hierarchy, expressing support for, writing this about what a Jewish state could do: "wall of defence for Europe in Asia, an outpost of civilization against barbarism.” He displaced similar colonial thinking to colonized people and in an opportunistic setting found a way for Jews to elevate themselves among the "civilized" hierarchy.

Israel is nothing but a propped-up, constantly needing the Western lifeline on speed dial because it was an artificially made project deriving from the offshoot of colonialism. It is not "like" colonialism, it was the most advanced colonial transition where Jews became the so-called bridge between MENA and the West, where the Western peoples did not need to directly consult Arabs but talk to a Jew for the Arabs. This is the reason we ended up in this situation since whatever the Israelis mediated was for their self-interests and not an honest representation of the people of the region. And racist Westerners found that indirectly mediated distance to be convenient as well since they supported Zionism from their colonialist impulse.

Omar del Sur

Guys, when they say Zionism is supporting Israel's existence, they're actually speaking the truth. Because without state oppression and apartheid, Israel cannot exist as it does. Basically, its own code of existence is, "We have to be the asshole, otherwise we cannot exist." Of course, that is true. Think about it. If Zionists suddenly had a change of heart, then Israel would need to go through extreme levels of reform and reconstruction, more like, deconstruct the hostile and destructive apparatus and make moral amends. So they are right, without Zionism, Israel cannot exist as it does. Because just like a British colonial territory cannot exist without imperialist ideology and material support for it.

It's daunting how Zionism took the book from colonialism, page by page. For example, you often hear from Zionists that Israel is the miracle country in a sea of barbarism, a democratic open society nested in a savage jungle and that its function in the region is a force for good and enlightenment. This is not said in a vacuum but to appeal to the Western world to invoke sentimental support. However one contextualizes the father of modern Zionism, Theodore Hertzl's ideas to his own timeline, one has to acknowledge the effect his writings affected the Zionist thinking.

For example, he was a big fan of the colonial liberalistic imperial influence the West had on Africa and the "Orient." And he wanted to elevate his people toward a similar hierarchy, expressing support for, writing this about what a Jewish state could do: "wall of defence for Europe in Asia, an outpost of civilization against barbarism.” He displaced similar colonial thinking to colonized people and in an opportunistic setting found a way for Jews to elevate themselves among the "civilized" hierarchy.

Israel is nothing but a propped-up, constantly needing the Western lifeline on speed dial because it was an artificially made project deriving from the offshoot of colonialism. It is not "like" colonialism, it was the most advanced colonial transition where Jews became the so-called bridge between MENA and the West, where the Western peoples did not need to directly consult Arabs but talk to a Jew for the Arabs. This is the reason we ended up in this situation since whatever the Israelis mediated was for their self-interests and not an honest representation of the people of the region. And racist Westerners found that indirectly mediated distance to be convenient as well since they supported Zionism from their colonialist impulse.

yes, we have to dismantle this idea that there is good Zionism and bad Zionism. there is no good Zionism. Zionism is inherently evil and inherently a limb of colonialism.


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