The alchemist
That is likely the case. First, they will cluster them into small scattered pockets and suffocate them out into fragments. Violent issues will arise frequently when Israel will probably push for a military antagonization, trying to justify pushing them into Jordan as a "temporary" solution.I am sure that after several years the same thing will happen in the West Bank and they will be pushed to Jordan
But since fragmentation is not a long-term solution to their genocidal plan and Palestinians will not sit idly by, they need to transition into moving people. Perhaps we will see Israel proposing to Palestinians that they move eastward to a coherent land on the West Bank after a peace solution after heavy violence. If the Palestinians choose to do that, then they will eventually get pushed out.
One can surmise from the occupational mapping of the West Bank that it is going to become a terrible situation in the future that might dwarf the atrocious acts taking place in Gaza now. I speculate that Israel is pushing for illegal settlers to provoke violence in the future, which will spark another situation. Israel is experimenting with the notion of mass migration coordination. Gaza has become a "proof of concept" to the West Bank that requires something far more elaborate.