Hamas launches new operation against Israel.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
The Palestinians are receiving firdous for their struggles.

Our very own muslimeen are being tested.

They have choosen to leave their ummah to the western authorities, to do as their please.

Don't forget ya'll what is our response when Allah asks us why we didn't do a thing.

All of our might as muslims and no one is doing a thing, they love life to much!!

They bow down to the whimps of washington.

Internet Nomad

The ones who are receiving the biggest test is the muslim leaders. The Palestinians are going to be rewarded handsomely by Allah(SWT) for their courage. The Muslim leaders who do not send aid, The Muslim leaders who recognise and normalise relations with Israeli and brush under the rug the atrocities done to the Palestinian people are going have to answer for their silence on yamul qiyamah.

If the muslim nations just gave a unionised front of support and boycotted and isreal. Isreal would second guess their persecution on Gazans. However we are cowards who are scared to show any backbone.


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