Hamas launches new operation against Israel.

Internet Nomad

The don’t care about kids being killed, they care about Israeli kids being killed. The audacity and arrogance the western world has to come up with human rights for the entire world yet this is what they endorse.

Damn they seriously don’t consider them humans.

Gaalo surprise me with their depravity

Omar del Sur

>14. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

>Here we should mention the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, World Jewry’s conspiratorial plan, which can be seen as Jewry’s general staff plan for world domination. It shows Jews how to infiltrate the bloodstream and organs of Gentile peoples. It reveals how Gentile states are to be undermined to make them completely subject to the Jewish parasite.

>Through control of finance and the press, by inciting the workers, by promoting class conflict, by destroying the rights of property owners, by inciting war and conflict between peoples, by fighting against religion, by eliminating Gentile intelligentsia, Gentile governments and the Gentile world will be replaced by Jewish world domination, by a reign of terror.

>Here are several examples from this Jewish plan:

>“Therefore we must not stop at bribery, deceit, and treachery when they should serve toward the attainment of our end.”

>“It [the Jewish empire] must institute a reign of terror....”

>“Thanks to the press, we have got gold in our hands, notwithstanding that we have had to gather it out of the oceans of blood and tears.”

>“We will turn countries into battlegrounds of insurrections.”

>“These mobs will rush delightedly to shed the blood of those whom, in the simplicity of their ignorance, they have envied from their cradles, and whose property they will then be able to loot.”

>“To control public opinion, we must sow doubt and discord.”

>“In the place of the rulers of today we shall set up a bogey which will be called the super-government administration.”

>“We shall destroy the importance of the family and its educational value.”

>“We will know how to prevent highly gifted persons from rising from among the Gentiles.”

>“God has granted to us, His Chosen People, the gift of dispersion, and in this which appears in all eyes to be our weakness, has come forth our strength, which has now brought us to the threshold of sovereignty over all the world. There now remains not much more for us to build upon the foundation we have laid.”

>These protocols are obviously to be seen as a secret Jewish document. It was a major political catastrophe for World Jewry when the Protocols became known to Gentiles peoples. The Jews used every possible means of deception and falsehood to argue that they were not genuine. That was a useless attempt; anyone viewing world events could see that the Jews were strictly following the guidelines of the Protocols. The whole body of Jewish literature provides the countless mosaic stones from which the Protocols came and which provide abundant proof for the genuineness of this Jewish world conspiracy.

Der Jude als Weltparasit

Omar del Sur




Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Australia ladies and gentlemen. If you support hamas you might end up in jail, meanwhile coward Israelis can indiscriminately kill and loot civilians without any backlash.

