They live in fear that the Muslims they're oppressing might get ideas. Hindu nationalist are just as bad as ZionistOfcourse a pajeet posted this
They live in fear that the Muslims they're oppressing might get ideas. Hindu nationalist are just as bad as ZionistOfcourse a pajeet posted this
Good to see that are some somalis with a brain, this is all planned, israel is known to be strict and sharp with who comes in and who comes out...Why do i have a feeling that Hamas is walking into the trap? Israel got caught lacking when it shouldn't be.
Seems like someone planned this to allow Hamas to plan this miliatry operation without preventing it.
If it comes true, oh man...
Well no shit, stop being hypocrite if the jews did all this shit to somalia back in the days. we would have tried to genocide them all until this daythere is no bias presumptions. you said don't generalize all palestinians and i showed you that most palestinians hate and will kill the jews .
War is always bloody and collateral damage is common.i am muslim but not a terrorist sympathizer like you
Retake your shahadayes why do you ask?
With all these people they captured i hope they don’t execute them but use them as bargaining chips.Killing women, children and elderly is against Islam. I hope the Muslims preserve the sunnah as to not portray our religion as barbaric.
What happens now. They infiltrated them but what will they do? Who will support them when Israel has the whole west sucking their toes?
Israel has nukes though no Muslim country from abroad would intervene. Only Jordan and Egypt can really help but I highly doubt Sissi would step in. Hes pro Israel.The west will stand on the sidelines. No boots on the ground just moral support from a distance