Happy 26 January

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just first month of the new year mogadishu suffered from 2 deadly attacks!!
Canuck, I already explained to you in another thread, terrorist attacks can occur anywhere in the world. AUN to all innocents who died in those coward attacks.

That being said, Mogadishu today is the second fastest growing city in the world, something never witnessed in the 50+ years Somalia has been independent.


The golden times are ahead.
The Marxist murdering tyrant had to be removed but it's unfortunate what happened after.

You are wrong. MSB changed to the capitalism regime after 1977, and he kicked out the Russians from Somalia, plus he opened the American military base in Berbera.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
I'm talking about the ongoing civil war. It should have ended the day he fled the capital.
I just wished they had meeting to talk about how the power sharing would happen after barre fleas. It seems like it wasn't even planned out or anything?

Or i guess certain clans got greedy?
I just wished they had meeting to talk about how the power sharing would happen after barre fleas. It seems like it wasn't even planned out or anything?

Or i guess certain clans got greedy?

If the power sharing was to have occurred, it shouldn't have lasted for more than 90 days. There should have been free and fair elections immediately, something that was only entertained by the rebel groups when Barre was still in power.

Aidid was just as power hungry as Barre. He didn't want democracy. He and the SNM wanted Hawiye-Isaaq dictatorship.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Canuck, I already explained to you in another thread, terrorist attacks can occur anywhere in the world. AUN to all innocents who died in those coward attacks.

That being said, Mogadishu today is the second fastest growing city in the world, something never witnessed in the 50+ years Somalia has been independent.


The golden times are ahead.

Terror attacks are more likely to occur in fragile/failed states. USC made Somalia into a failed state.
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