Happy October 21st!

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Your superior
The USC wasn't, however the SSDF and the SNM were. The SSDF were real nationalists however, Cabdullahi Yusuf spent many years in jail for not raising an Ethiopian Flag in Galdogob when he captured it. It is also obvious since Cabdullahi Yusuf spent the rest of his life trying to reconstruct the Somalia. They should name Aden Adde airport after a true somali satesman, not the first Hawiye President. Perhaps Cabdullahi Yusuf? Maybe Siad Barre or Sayid Maxamed Cabdille Xasan? Just some ideas.

So Mogadishu airport should be renamed after a tribalist dictator who killed thousands of Somalis because of qabiil or a 19th century darod terrorist who killed his own clans men for not following him?


How could some of the most glorious years in our history be forgotten? Although his government was not without serioius problems in the final years Siad Barre sits still on the right side of history. He was truly a great somali statesman.

He was a killer. Allah SWT will judge him.


Your superior
We thank can USC for single handedly destroying a nation. A movement that chose to murder their neighbours instead of simply facilitating a change of government. They done a better than Ethiopia ever could. :meleshame::meleshame::meleshame::meleshame:

USC were heroes who saved the nation from a blood hungry tribal dictator (who destroyed the second largest Somali city due to qabiil), the reason why the nation is like this is because the dictator was protected by his tribe who waged a war on the rest of their Somali brothers instead of handing him over.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
USC were heroes who saved the nation from a blood hungry tribal dictator (who destroyed the second largest Somali city due to qabiil), the reason why the nation is like this is because the dictator was protected by his tribe who waged a war on the rest of their Somali brothers instead of handing him over.

The USC were the ones that were truly blood hungry. Never in Somali history has there such a detestable group. Somali's are known for their tribal fueding however these fueds never involved the murder of women and children. The USC began murdering their neighbours like savages. Not only that, the USC fought amongst themselves for power, Ali Mahdi Vs Aideed. Their stupidity saw the destruction of the capital city, and the nation. All they had to do was facilitate a change of government however they began slaughtering each other. But no, today he we are, 25 years later and no real progress.

Siad Barre was known for the repression of the Majerteen after their attempted coup, especially the Cumar Mahmuud, and also for the bombings of "Somaliand". Yes Siad Barre did attack the Majerteen civilians for dissent, and yes he did bomb Hargeisa, Burco and Berbera. The bombings of Somaliland however are something different entirely and completely justified. Siad Barre was fighting the SNM guerrilla that invaded Somalia after they were chased out of their bases in Ethiopia. Siad Barre's decision of bombing the mentioned cities was typical as he fighting a guerrilla that had attacked Somalia. He did so at a civilian cost which is much less the what Somaliland claims, after all Bashar al-Assad cannot even kill 50k Syrians a year under a sustained bombing campaign.

Siad Barre created a strong Somalia with free education and free healthcare for all, not only that he undertook impressive programs, social programs and industrialization etc. Siad Barre is a hero.


We thank can USC for single handedly destroying a nation. A movement that chose to murder their neighbours instead of simply facilitating a change of government. They done a better than Ethiopia ever could. :meleshame::meleshame::meleshame::meleshame:
.Siyad barre focked Somalia single-handedly. He turned us from a democratic state to a dictatorship that was based on nepotism and corruption. He divided the Somali people and bombed his own people. He poisoned the wells in what is now puntland and had organised militia terrorise the people.
And that's why he passed a way in a toilet in Nigeria.
Siyad barre was responsible for the deaths over 200000 people in what is now Somali. the single biggest massacre in Somali history.

You raped Somali mothers and sisters. Then looted their property. Then killed their men, young and old. They evacuated your city, Mogadishu and every inch of your regions. Two years later, you ran after them as refugees. Today, you're probably in America or Europe because back in the early 90s' you claimed to be "Daarood".


You raped Somali mothers and sisters. Then looted their property. Then killed their men, young and old. They evacuated your city, Mogadishu and every inch of your regions. Two years later, you ran after them as refugees. Today, you're probably in America or Europe because back in the early 90s' you claimed to be "Daarood".

What the fock you on about you :westbrookwtf:


Citizen of Southwest State
Hutus love the classic "blame everything on Siad Barre" cop-out.:mjpls:

They always fail to mention how they continued to slaughter men, women, children and the elderly en masse simply for being from the wrong clan even after MSB left Somalia. They fail to mention how they raped, looted and killed Darood civilians at isbaaro and even in their homes. If you were simply looted, you would be fortunate.

Not to mention how Aideed starved Raxanweyn and other clans. That was the only reason the UN and US got involved in Operation Restore Hope and the UNOSOM missions. That nigga had no soul, he starved women and children like the coward he was simply to cut off escape routes for civilians fleeing the conflict.

Not to mention the targeting of minority clans. Looting, raping and killing Cadcad citizens for absolutely no reason.

B-b-but....Siad Barre. Foh nigga.:ohlord:
AceofSom actually does not know why he hates Siyaad Barre. He just heard Daarood and Isaaq battle it out and decided to hop on the bandwagon, forgetting Jaalle Siyaad's second hand man was his uncle, a Hawiye guy named Xuseen Kulmiye Afrax.


AceofSom actually does not know why he hates Siyaad Barre. He just heard Daarood and Isaaq battle it out and decided to hop on the bandwagon, forgetting Jaalle Siyaad's second hand man was his uncle, a Hawiye guy named Xuseen Kulmiye Afrax.

I don't blindly hate Siyad Barre. I do recognised he did some good, especially early on. But he literally retarded the nation, by turning it into a dictatorship.
Our constitution was abolished, our institutions were demolished. At least before siyad barre we had a bit of democracy, the people had a voice. When he fall, everything went with him. Oh yeah and the fact he bombed his own people.:fantasia2:
I don't blindly hate Siyad Barre. I do recognised he did some good, especially early on. But he literally retarded the nation, by turning it into a dictatorship.
Our constitution was abolished, our institutions were demolished. At least before siyad barre we had a bit of democracy, the people had a voice. When he fall, everything went with him. Oh yeah and the fact he bombed his own people.:fantasia2:
Everything went with him? Do you include "the ability to rule Somalia with cadaalad, midnimo iyo sinaan" along with the things that went with him when Aabe Siyaad left?

This so-called "democracy" you speak of was literally non-existent. From 1960 to 1968, there was actually no fucking voting. People, especially clan elders were selecting their parliamentarian representative, just like today. Look at Somalia, democracy is not helping. Corruption is at it's highest. With military rule, corruption was curbed. All the top boys were afraid to be court marshall. The Kacaan made sure Somalia's territorial integrity was secured. Businessmen and elites were not free to come in and out of the country as they will, like how most of them are today.

The capital was under Aidiid's hands. USC took control of Mogadishu in 1991. Aabe Siyaad handed over and walked away. Why couldn't you create a government? Peace? Stability? It's obvious. :lol:


Everything went with him? Do you include "the ability to rule Somalia with cadaalad, midnimo iyo sinaan" along with the things that went with him when Aabe Siyaad left?

This so-called "democracy" you speak of was literally non-existent. From 1960 to 1968, there was actually no fucking voting. People, especially clan elders were selecting their parliamentarian representative, just like today. Look at Somalia, democracy is not helping. Corruption is at it's highest. With military rule, corruption was curbed. All the top boys were afraid to be court marshall. The Kacaan made sure Somalia's territorial integrity was secured. Businessmen and elites were not free to come in and out of the country as they will, like how most of them are today.

The capital was under Aidiid's hands. USC took control of Mogadishu in 1991. Aabe Siyaad handed over and walked away. Why couldn't you create a government? Peace? Stability? It's obvious. :lol:

Anything was better then a brutal dictator at least we had a say on who governed us.

But anyone whats the point of arguing, Siyad barre died in a toilet in Nigeria, disgraced, his legacy obliterated and wjilst he became hated by most of the Somali people.:mjlol:
Anything was better then a brutal dictator at least we had a say on who governed us.

But anyone whats the point of arguing, Siyad barre died in a toilet in Nigeria, disgraced, his legacy obliterated and wjilst he became hated by most of the Somali people.:mjlol:
Hated? I barely see anyone talking shit about him. Even the Isaaq admit his rule was the greatest era of the Somali people. Speaking of legacy, whatever happened to Aidiid and Cali Naafto? :lol: Where are the "mighty USC"? Dead and gone they are. Bunch of terrorist rapists they were.

Funny how you didn't answer my question regarding WHY your uncles the USC couldn't maintain peace, stability and governance in Mogadishu when they captured Mogadishu in 1991. :lol:


Hated? I barely see anyone talking shit about him. Even the Isaaq admit his rule was the greatest era of the Somali people. Speaking of legacy, whatever happened to Aidiid and Cali Naafto? :lol: Where are the "mighty USC"? Dead and gone they are. Bunch of terrorist rapists they were.

Funny how you did answer my question regarding WHY your uncles the USC couldn't maintain peace, stability and governance in Mogadishu when they captured Mogadishu in 1991. :lol:

Buildings and material mean nothing, things can be built any time. As you can with your eyes Mogadishu is growing and developing,today its a thriving city, open and free with, and guess how that happened, because of the work of the USC. :drakelaugh:

The fruits of their labour will be seen in the next decade.


Citizen of Southwest State
This idiot keeps parroting that MSB died on a toilet in Nigeria after seeing a few Isaaqs post it.

Nigga, Siad Barre died with dignity in a palace in Nigeria after he was given a diplomatic welcome by the Nigerian leader at the time. Siad Barre was loved all over Africa and you can find streets and public squares named after him in several countries on the continent.

At least he wasn't smoked in an alley by a 12 year old kid from the same sub-sub clan as him. Aideed was killed by a Habargidir kid in an alley in Xamar and died several days later while suffering in pain. He wasn't any better when he was alive as he was always looking over his shoulder because of attempts on his life and the US wanting to capture him.

That Aideed pack is loud as hell.:westbrookswag:
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