Haqiqatjou Vs Suhaib Webb

Omar del Sur

if you watch when Suhaib Webb and Haqiqatjou meet.... a lot of times Suhaib Webb talks with this "street" accent or however you want to put it.... but then when he runs into Haqiqatjou he completely loses the accent...

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
if you watch when Suhaib Webb and Haqiqatjou meet.... a lot of times Suhaib Webb talks with this "street" accent or however you want to put it.... but then when he runs into Haqiqatjou he completely loses the accent...
it’s very corny. i hate when they do that to appear more relatable or cool. just be yourself man
As revealed by RAND policy papers and other documents, the US government seeks to reform and liberalize Islam across the world as follows:

FIrst, the government will create a model of reformed liberal Islam in the US (i.e., one that is secular, pro-feminism/LGBT, etc.).

Second, the US government will use their power and influence to spread this model across the world. This process has been going on for the past two decades, and is a fundamental component of post-9/11 global CVE initiatives.

How should Muslims respond?

First, we must destroy the model of reformed liberal Islam in the US.

To do this it is necessary to produce an effective toolkit of ideas, audio-visual materials, and organizational methods. When we destroy liberal Islam in the US, we must expose all the corrupt shaykhs and political activists who are associated with it. This will serve as an example to others who would follow them.

Second, once we have eradicated liberal Islam in the US, we must export abroad the toolkit of ideas, audio-visual materials, and organizational methods. These can then be used to destroy emerging forms of liberal Islam across the Muslim world and to humiliate all of the corrupt shaykhs and political activists associated with them.

Unfortunately, many in the older generation which grew up after 9/11 is largely corrupted and set in their deviant ways. The hope is youth from the next generation, especially the young men and boys across the Muslim world. They have been unjustly deprived of the things enjoyed by previous generations, including trustworthy religious scholars, the prospect of marriage and family, and a life that does not center on severe government repression and surveillance. The young generation can see the liberal future, and liberal Islam, for what it is: kufr, apostasy, and dystopia.

But there is always hope.

For our part at MuslimSkeptic, we are working tirelessly to develop an effective toolkit of ideas, audio-visual materials, and organizational methods for destroying reformed liberal Islam.

Help us develop these tools. Practice using them yourselves, especially on social media. Work with us to dismantle reformed Islam to the ground in the US. Then we can begin the process of dismantling its offshoots abroad.


Some Muslims are fundamentally confused about adab.

When simps demand "adab" for pointing out the "mistakes" of their "shaykh," this is what they want:

"Sh XXX is such an amazing scholar who has done sooo much good and is soooo knowledgeable and soo wise and soo wonderful and may Allah preserve him and bless him. BTW he made a small mistake, BUT he is so wonderful and amazing and this small, miniscule mistake is negligible in light of the overwhelming good he has done for years..."

I agree, this is good adab for a shaykh who has made a small, negligible mistake and rectifies it.

But that's not the case with these Compassionate Imams. They deliberately distort deen and they double down on MASSIVE, unimaginable mistakes, proving that these are not "mistakes," but active attempts to liberalize Islam.

So what is good adab for such agents?

Blasting them, mocking them, insulting them, discrediting them. They must be discredited in order to cut out the tumor. THAT is good adab.

Bad adab is to praise Sh XXX in order to preserve his good standing as a "shaykh" or person of knowledge in the community, when that person has proven again and again to be a deviant.

When it comes to open, obvious, unprecedented deviation of deen - not legit matters of long-time ikhtilaf - are we allowed to be harsh with those who spread/promote deviant views, e.g. reforming Islam, posing in ography, support for qawm lut rights, salvation outside Islam, gender mixing, etc.?

Not only are we allowed to be harsh and belittle such people, we are encouraged to do so.

Imam Ghazali rahimahullah in the Ihya says:

"The second [category] is the innovator that propagates his innovation. If the innovation is such that he disbelieves on account of it, his matter is worse than a dhimmī (non-Muslim resident of Dārul Islām), as he does not agree to the Jizya and nor does he accept the contract of Dhimma.

"But if it is of that which he does not disbelieve on account of, his matter between himself and Allāh is undoubtedly lighter than the matter of a disbeliever, but the matter in condemning him is more severe than it is for a disbeliever, because the evil of a disbeliever does not extend [beyond himself] as Muslims believe he is a disbeliever so will pay no attention to his speech as he makes no claim for himself of being a Muslim and believing the truth.

"As for the innovator who propagates his innovation, and claims what he calls to is true, he is a cause for the misguidance of people, and thus his evil does extend [beyond himself], so the desirability of expressing hatred of him and hostility towards him, disassociation from him and belittling him, and disparaging him for his innovation, and driving people away from him, is greater."



Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Suhaib got totally annihilated. I never knew he was that astray. Referring to the lights at a concert as ‘Noor’. Subhanallah

The worst is the South Asian cheerleader of Suhaib Webb. Even Suhaib knew he was caught red handed. I’m not a big fan of Daniel, I’m not a fan of anyone in the dawah content scene on YouTube, but Daniel came prepared.

I am more disappointed at Yasir Qadhi, whom I made a lot of, a lot of excuses for.


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