Hardest nasheed of all time: It's aimed at Shias who like to dishonor Ahlul Bayt and the sahaba with insults and lies

Ali used to say that he is the righteous guy and the only worthy man to be Khalif instead of these lots
Are you purposely misinterpreting him?

''Ali did not show any disagreement towards Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) or express any disapproval of the caliphate of Abu Bakr, and never expressed any dissent. Rather he delayed giving his allegiance to Abu Bakr. The reason for that was that he objected to Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and others among the Sahaabah (may Allah be pleased with them) deciding the matter of the caliphate without him, despite his virtue, honour and high status, for he had the right to be present and be consulted about the matter, and that no decision should be taken without him.''

''Another reason for the delay [in ‘Ali swearing allegiance to Abu Bakr] was the fact that Faatimah (may Allah be pleased with her) got angry with Abu Bakr’s response to her when she asked him about her inheritance (from the Prophet(blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)], and ‘Ali thought that he should show sympathy to her by staying away from Abu Bakr, especially since she was going through sorrow, distress and grief at the passing of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).''

''Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) did not refuse to swear allegiance to Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him); rather he delayed doing so for the reasons mentioned above. Then he came and swore allegiance to him without being forced to do so.''

''Imam Ahmad also said, after it was said to him: What do you say about what happened between ‘Ali and Mu‘aawiyah? He said: I do not say anything about them except what is best.''

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
Jews and Christians are dominating the global power meanwhile muzzies are having Nasheed beef just like black American rap beef at the end they just hunt down each other.

Omar del Sur



Forza Somalia!
Are you purposely misinterpreting him?

''Ali did not show any disagreement towards Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) or express any disapproval of the caliphate of Abu Bakr, and never expressed any dissent. Rather he delayed giving his allegiance to Abu Bakr. The reason for that was that he objected to Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and others among the Sahaabah (may Allah be pleased with them) deciding the matter of the caliphate without him, despite his virtue, honour and high status, for he had the right to be present and be consulted about the matter, and that no decision should be taken without him.''

''Another reason for the delay [in ‘Ali swearing allegiance to Abu Bakr] was the fact that Faatimah (may Allah be pleased with her) got angry with Abu Bakr’s response to her when she asked him about her inheritance (from the Prophet(blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)], and ‘Ali thought that he should show sympathy to her by staying away from Abu Bakr, especially since she was going through sorrow, distress and grief at the passing of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).''

''Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) did not refuse to swear allegiance to Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him); rather he delayed doing so for the reasons mentioned above. Then he came and swore allegiance to him without being forced to do so.''

''Imam Ahmad also said, after it was said to him: What do you say about what happened between ‘Ali and Mu‘aawiyah? He said: I do not say anything about them except what is best.''
Not at all. Ali didn't give his allegiance for months despite rebels overwhelming Abu Bakr's state, he only gave it after the war was tilted toward Abu Bakr.


seemingly a supporter of basically anything except orthodox sunni Islam.
He is repeating Orientalist garbage. Imagine learning your religion from Cadaan professors who study Islam because of hobby not because they are Muslims.

Look carefully at the way he addresses the senior sahaba ridwaanulahu alayhim and even the prophet scw. Have you ever seen him sending salawaat to the Prophet? This is the way of the orientalist and their so-called historical-critical method.

One time he is painting Ali Ra as a power-hungry maniac then he posts a hadith that according to him says Ali is the right full Khalifa.

Even the way he disrespects/undermines the sunnah is not the way of the Quranists but the way of the Orientalists who can't fathom Isnad and these concepts, their arguments are usually weaker and more silly than that of the Quranists. "Shia's added ahadith in support of ahlul bayt to sahih bukhari", there are many forged hadiths, so the hadith field is not reliable" as if our scholars did not dedicate their whole lives to clarifying ahadith and advancing this science.
@Omar del Sur look at the way he uses "Arabs" instead of "Muslims".

Isnt this how the west view Islam? Do Islamic historians call the sahaba and those Mujahideen who conquered Roma and Persia Muslims or Arabs.

Not sending salawaat to the Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم as usual too

After the death of the prophet, all the wars the Arabs have waged either to protect their state from disintegrating or conquering Byzantium and Persian all the way to the first and second Fitna and Nahrawan wars, Ali only participated in the last three, which were Fitna Muslim civil wars

Omar del Sur

He is repeating Orientalist garbage. Imagine learning your religion from Cadaan professors who study Islam because of hobby not because they are Muslims.

Look carefully at the way he addresses the senior sahaba ridwaanulahu alayhim and even the prophet scw. Have you ever seen him sending salawaat to the Prophet? This is the way of the orientalist and their so-called historical-critical method.

One time he is painting Ali Ra as a power-hungry maniac then he posts a hadith that according to him says Ali is the right full Khalifa.

Even the way he disrespects/undermines the sunnah is not the way of the Quranists but the way of the Orientalists who can't fathom Isnad and these concepts, their arguments are usually weaker and more silly than that of the Quranists. "Shia's added ahadith in support of ahlul bayt to sahih bukhari", there are many forged hadiths, so the hadith field is not reliable" as if our scholars did not dedicate their whole lives to clarifying ahadith and advancing this science.
@Omar del Sur look at the way he uses "Arabs" instead of "Muslims".

Isnt this how the west view Islam? Do Islamic historians call the sahaba and those Mujahideen who conquered Roma and Persia Muslims or Arabs.

Not sending salawaat to the Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم as usual too

whatever weird strange ideas he introduces, it's always stuff that undermines orthodox Sunni Islam. out of nowhere he starts pushing for people to have doubt about Sahih Bukhari. out of nowhere he starts pushing for people to not believe in Imam Mahdi. out of nowhere he starts pushing for people to doubt the hadith in general. it's almost exactly like having an atheist poster except the atheist poster will hopefully at least be honest about what they really believe. I'd very curious as to what exactly @Aurelian believes in terms of religion and I don't think he's exactly forthcoming about what his religious views are. he doesn't believe in Sahih al-Bukhari? he thinks it's ok to talk about Ali? it is very reasonable to wonder what religion this person really is.


Forza Somalia!
@Omar del Sur look at the way he uses "Arabs" instead of "Muslims".

Isnt this how the west view Islam? Do Islamic historians call the sahaba and those Mujahideen who conquered Roma and Persia Muslims or Arabs.

Not sending salawaat to the Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم as usual too
Only on that post I referred to them as Arabs, since they were all arabs in terms of state and army, but referred to them as Muslims in the other replies while talking about them, even Muslim arabs refer to them Al-Arab Almuslimun. you are trying to find holes


Forza Somalia!
I can’t understand what point you’re making

One minute you are against ali, next you’re saying he should have succeeded the prophet.
Ali, and his sons saw themselves as the righteous successors to the Prophet. They used these Hadiths to justify that claim, and from there Shiaism started


Ali, and his sons saw themselves as the righteous successors to the Prophet. They used these Hadiths to justify that claim, and from there Shiaism started
Hadith didn't exist back then in the way you are thinking. Ali was the one who pledged allegiance to every caliph before him, whereas Muawiya did not pledge allegiance to him. And after Ali was assassinated and his son Hassan became caliph, he abdicated the throne and ceded power to Muawiyah out of desire for peace and unity among Muslims. Do you think that attacking the honour of the grandchildren of the Prophet saw who were murdered is somehow praiseworthy?

It's as if you are taking the Shia perspective of the story, but using it to slander Ahl al Bayt. How does that even occur ?
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Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
What Shias dishonour ahul bayt? Every Shia I know damn near worships then :mjlol:


Forza Somalia!
Hadith didn't exist back then in the way you are thinking. Ali was the one who pledged allegiance to every caliph before him, whereas Muawiya did not pledge allegiance to him. And after Ali was assassinated and his son Hassan became caliph, he abdicated the throne and ceded power to Muawiyah out of desire for peace and unity among Muslims. Do you think that attacking the honour of the grandchildren of the Prophet saw who were murdered is somehow praiseworthy?

It's as if you are taking the Shia perspective of the story, but using it to slander Ahl al Bayt. How does that even occur ?
In time of Abu Bakr, Ali took his time while the Caliph and state were under threat and rebels armies overrunning most of the state, only Mekka, Medina and surrounding areas were under control. Ali didn't give his allegiance at the time nor participated in protecting the state. He only gave allegiance after the war tilted toward Abu Bakr.

After Omar was assassinated, the Muslims had three days to think and choose between Ali and Othman, three days and after that Othamn was chosen.

After he was killed by group of Militant, they rallied behind Ali, who didn't even try to distance himself from them, he had his supporter but also the killers of Othman, which in the sensible mind he could distance himself from them, but he choose not to, that is why Aisha and many Sahaba went to Ali to demand justice for Othman, but he failed to do anything against them.


Forza Somalia!
According to sheikhs ibn Taimmiya said in his work "Manhaj al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah,
Translation with help of Ai
" Ibn Taymiyyah asserts that the consensus and allegiance of the people to Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman was far greater than their consensus and allegiance to Ali, may God be pleased with him and all of them. Everyone knows that their consensus on the allegiance of Uthman was greater than their consensus on the allegiance of Ali. Those who pledged allegiance to Uthman at the outset were better than those who pledged allegiance to Ali. Ali, Abdur Rahman ibn Awf, Talhah, Zubayr, Abdullah ibn Masud, Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, Ubayy ibn Ka'b, and others like them pledged allegiance to him with tranquility and reassurance after consulting with the Muslims for three days.

As for Ali, may God be pleased with him, he was pledged allegiance to after the assassination of Uthman, may God be pleased with him, at a time when hearts were troubled and divided, the great Companions were divided, and Talhah was brought in under duress, so much so that some said that he was brought in by force and that he said, "I pledge allegiance and the sword (i.e., threat) is on my neck."

The mob in Medina had gained strength after they killed Uthman, and the people surged in a great wave to kill him. Many of the Companions did not pledge allegiance to Ali, such as Abdullah ibn Umar and others like him. The people were with him in three groups: a group who fought with him, a group who fought against him, and a group who neither fought with him nor against him. How can it be said about Ali, "with the allegiance of the people to him," and not the same about the allegiance of the three, and no one disputed them? Rather, all the people pledged allegiance to them, especially Uthman.

