Hargeisa looks soo pretty

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nothing beats miami when am rich ill move there:lawd::mjcry:
dumb somalis shouldve made this there second home instead of ohio,minneapolis,seattle etc:angryman:

Miami? The place where Kingpin Pablo Escobar started his Cocaine Empire in the 80's.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL

nothing beats miami when am rich ill move there:lawd::mjcry:
dumb somalis shouldve made this there second home instead of ohio,minneapolis,seattle etc:angryman:
Man miami is my dream spot or atleast somewhere in south florida.:banderas:

I wonder if theres any somalis living in mia coolio



I've a relative who there. And she said they have a Somali community in Miami. Just because you're a house kept nigga who never left MN doesn't mean others are like you!
I love your passive aggressiveness:dead:
There isn't much somalis in miami fact second I heard somalis living in north Carolina, Boston, Nebraska, texas, Colorado, Tennessee, Missouri, etc it doesn't mean is place where there known to live take your five families and shove it:kanyecute:
As For me not leaving MN don't project I visited north Carolina and ohio before:mjswag:


Your superior
I love your passive aggressiveness:dead:
There isn't much somalis in miami fact second I heard somalis living in north Carolina, Boston, Nebraska, texas, Colorado, Tennessee, Missouri, etc it doesn't mean is place where there known to live take your five families and shove it:kanyecute:
As For me not leaving MN don't project I visited north Carolina and ohio before:mjswag:

Have you been outside the US


Jet life till my next life
I lived in New Hargeisa and we had water shortage but it'll be all over soon. They've upgraded the Geed Deeble water canals and in 2007 it'll pumb 9mill litres per day!
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