I heard when the father of cali saleeban and maxamud saleeban wanted to pass on the leadership to one of his sons, he tests them by taking both of his soms to a tree in the morning and said one of you sit on each side of this tree and i will return later on in the evening.
So cali saleeban sat in the shade while maxamud saleeban sat on the otherside facing the sun. When their father returned in the evening cali saleeban was facing the sun while maxamud saleeban was sitting under the shade so their father along with his guests sat down with maxamud saleeban since he was seated under the shade
I heard about the tree story also but I heard it was ismacil saleban that tricked ali saleban not to sit in the tree, I don't remember the full story my father told me. But they lost the kingdom fair and square, cilmi iyo caqli ayaa looga badiyay, their alright only a few of their reer badiye can't take a loss. They are beeldaje and will remain beeldaje which is still 100 times higher and consequestive chain of succession then anything in the frickin south or north(isaaq n hawiye aborigines).