Let me educate those who are in a state of contention and denial as to where the Gadabursi inhabit. Forget tit for tat claims, lets use only sources which are legitimate.
Everyone knows that the Gadabursi are the dominant clan in Awdal and it is considered a Gadabursi region:
Battera, Federico (2005). "Chapter 9: The Collapse of the State and the Resurgence of Customary Law in Northern Somalia". Shattering Tradition: Custom, Law and the Individual in the Muslim Mediterranean. Walter Dostal, Wolfgang Kraus (ed.). London: I.B. Taurus. p. 296.
Also Awdal, Salal and parts of Gabiley:
https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=YY94tCLBqp4C&pg=PA22&lpg=PA22&dq=gadabuursi+awdal+salal+zeila&source=bl&ots=vMyiuaLW_D&sig=ACfU3U3l-jAzXUa49aK5GUOeKpf5qCPoGw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj-0oTg8fLmAhU0QUEAHW9OAwQQ6AEwDXoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=gadabuursi awdal salal zeila&f=false
Awdal = Gadabursi clan
Some people started talking about Lughaya lol. Lughaya district is Gadabursi. Lets see:
An Ecological Assessment of the Coastal Plains of North Western Somalia (Somaliland) - May 2000.
Everyone knows that the Gadabursi are the dominant clan in Awdal and it is considered a Gadabursi region:
Battera, Federico (2005). "Chapter 9: The Collapse of the State and the Resurgence of Customary Law in Northern Somalia". Shattering Tradition: Custom, Law and the Individual in the Muslim Mediterranean. Walter Dostal, Wolfgang Kraus (ed.). London: I.B. Taurus. p. 296.
Also Awdal, Salal and parts of Gabiley:
https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=YY94tCLBqp4C&pg=PA22&lpg=PA22&dq=gadabuursi+awdal+salal+zeila&source=bl&ots=vMyiuaLW_D&sig=ACfU3U3l-jAzXUa49aK5GUOeKpf5qCPoGw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj-0oTg8fLmAhU0QUEAHW9OAwQQ6AEwDXoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=gadabuursi awdal salal zeila&f=false
Awdal = Gadabursi clan
Some people started talking about Lughaya lol. Lughaya district is Gadabursi. Lets see:
An Ecological Assessment of the Coastal Plains of North Western Somalia (Somaliland) - May 2000.