Has anone received backhanded compliment when you say your somali?

Somalis broadly speaking were a group that was mocked relentlessly for our looks in the UK, there were Habeshas in my school that were called Somali or “Malis” as if it was a cuss, it’s gotten better in the past few years but it started to get worse again with the trolls
What could be the reason since we don’t have large population and most of us came as refugees.


Somalis broadly speaking were a group that was mocked relentlessly for our looks in the UK, there were Habeshas in my school that were called Somali or “Malis” as if it was a cuss, it’s gotten better in the past few years but it started to get worse again with the trolls
100 percent facts. I experienced and lived through the years we were hated. It was hard times for all of us. Yet there's people who will deny my experiences, because they don't want to be reminded with the truth. And yeah btw they still do the whole "you look somalian" to random girls on tiktok live to get reaction. The hate has definately intensified this year even somali girls in real.life are experiencing anti somali sentiments.
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What could be the reason since we don’t have large population and most of us came as refugees.
there's a lot of us in London and we have always experienced hate here. Being easy targets, not assimilating hence why the alienation from outsiders. I could go on and on.
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Do the South Asians and Arabs get the same hate since they don’t assimilate as well.
Not as much as us. Arabs don't get any hate here because they aren't a large population. South Asian do but their racism is more to do with them taking over jobs, while our racism is more to do with being an easy target and "not contributing to society"
Thats Bullshit you are from London and so am i
Somalis there are super light skinned except fobs
Maybe you were not wearing a hijab is why they thought you were Eritrean
Yup! Girls have to remember this (although not being a hijabi isn't that rare these days)

Dont wear headscarf but i absolutely look Somali, whenever i get mistaken for other ethnicities which happens occasionally i know this is why. I literally have the typical brown skin-tone and features so yeah.


Who are the enemies that do that, ik holllywood and even if it was true, and somalis were "ugly' y would ppl care?
Hollywood did us injustice by portraying Somalis as ugly deformed pirate. Also social.media has done a number on the way people perceived our looks. So many times me and my sisters and even friends seen viral.videos of unpleasent somalis/men and women go beyond viral.
I remember me and my older bro were watching an ad on tv and he suddenly went: "oh no..."
I asked what was wrong until he said: "they're making a movie about Somali pirates"

The ad was the trailer for Captain Phillips lol.

Maybe the experience for men and women differ. We weren't victims imo; Nigerians would get fufu jokes thrown their way and Asians with curry. Keep your chin up lads, the victim talk is lowkey embarrassing


I remember me and my older bro were watching an ad on tv and he suddenly went: "oh no..."
I asked what was wrong until he said: "they're making a movie about Somali pirates"

The ad was the trailer for Captain Phillips lol.

Maybe the experience for men and women differ. We weren't victims imo; Nigerians would get fufu jokes thrown their way and Asians with curry. Keep your chin up lads, the victim talk is lowkey embarrassing
It's a completely different experience when it comes to Somali girls. It's more easier to neg us to make us feel worthless.


Farxiyo fiska’s body guard
I was talking to my co workers who are African American and when I said I was Somali they said damn you should be happy you look good and not like those other Somalis I just said bruh what


I was talking to my co workers who are African American and when I said I was Somali they said damn you should be happy you look good and not like those other Somalis I just said bruh what
What state? when was this? if its post tiktok era than we know they clearly saw that mugshot video that went viral. If its before tiktolk than its because of Barkhad.
I've been told by people I look ethiopian now a days. I just assume its because I look more handsome has i've gotten older. I had reer xamar cad cad girl and her friend mistake me for ethiopian recenty. I just assume the see Somali guys as unattractive and hoped I was ethiopian or eritrean.


I've been told by people I look ethiopian now a days. I just assume its because I look more handsome has i've gotten older. I had reer xamar cad cad girl and her friend mistake me for ethiopian recenty. I just assume the see Somali guys as unattractive and hoped I was ethiopian or eritrean.
Yeah Somali guys don't have the best reputation on the net and sadly it reflects in real life. Most people think Somali guys are unattractive and look like Barkhad when that's far from the truth. People always get suprised I'm Somali. It's like they never seen a lightskin somali before.
Yeah Somali guys don't have the best reputation on the net and sadly it reflects in real life. Most people think Somali guys are unattractive and look like Barkhad when that's far from the truth. People always get suprised I'm Somali. It's like they never seen a lightskin somali before.
Yes Somali guys have no sex symbols, and they have a horrible reputation with women. At least Ethiopians have 'the weekend' we have barkhad abdi and chunks lol. In reality we're much more handsome then other Africans on average. If you go to a city where there's no Somali's and the locals have no preconceived prejudice you will notice your true degree of attractiveness. I was just in New York last week and these black american girls from brooklyn told me straight up how handsome they thought I was. That rarely happens to me in my city Toronto.
Do you have a nappy hair and bulging eyes ? Why do they mistake you for Ethiopian
Eritreans and Somalis are the least light skinned horners.
Amxaaros are mostly light skinned .


Yes Somali guys have no sex symbols, and they have a horrible reputation with women. At least Ethiopians have 'the weekend' we have barkhad abdi and chunks lol. In reality we're much more handsome then other Africans on average. If you go to a city where there's no Somali's and the locals have no preconceived prejudice you will notice your true degree of attractiveness. I was just in New York last week and these black american girls from brooklyn told me straight up how handsome they thought I was. That rarely happens to me in my city Toronto.
Its sad because so many somali men are handsome but social media is not doing them any justice other than suicidal. Now girls are being out off because of our trolls and unpleasent videos of somali men going viral constantly. Do you think you dint get complimented is because your somali or at least look it? I heard somalis aren't rated like that in toronto. Did you say you were somali when you went to nyc
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