Has any Harari Taken a ydna

I need to reread the Futuh and do a very long post on it sometime. Just gotta get my laptop fixed. There's a lot of secondary source bullshit about what's in it. When you actually read the book you realize, for example, that "Hararis" as an ethnicity are never even mentioned and Harar is just an important settlement not tied to any particular ethnic or tribal group. The only clearly recognizable Muslim ethnicities I remember seeing that exist today were Somalis and Sidamics like Hadiyas and Gedeos.

In fact, I'll have to really pore over it again but I got an impression from the book that the non-Somali Muslim citizens of the eastern Horn back then may have mostly been Sidamics, and possibly some Southern Ethiosemites who intermingled with them and have substrates from them the way Hararis and the Gurage do. The eastern Horn interior was mostly Somali and Sidamic before the Oromo expansions from the impression I got.

One other fun fact is that the Somali tribes outlined to live in the general area around Harar back then are more or less the same tribes Richard F. Burton describes in his 1800s book 3 centuries later and the same tribes this Somali map shows in the 1900s a century after that:

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Bartire, Geri Kombe, Karanle ("Hawiya" in the Futuh), Gurgura, Barsuk, Mareexaan, Habar Awal ("Habar Magadli" in the Futuh), Samaroon ("Habar Maqdi" in the Futuh), Yabbare and some others I'm missing including some tribes the book claims are Somali but can't be matched to modern ones today. Only the Harti standout but the author makes a point of telling you they are outsiders from Maydh in Sanaag.

But anyway, it's really cool to realize the same tribes have lived in that general area for the last 500 years. Puts a bit of a good bookmark on Somali migrations if the tribal makeup of areas like that was already mostly established half a millennia ago.
that is interesting cuz, i heard the bordering gallas called their side of webe shabelle (sidamic river) and of course harari is title even the exploring brits knew that


Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep
Somalis have many different genetics. Our individual history and oral history further proofs there wasnt an ethnicity called Somali.
Most somalis with E-v32 have a shared paternal ancestor that lived 3600 years ago. If that's not prove that Somalis have "the same genetics" then i dont know what you were expecting sxb.
Take the Yfull at Nabula Genome sequencing. It's 1.99 dollars. It wil tell you your maternal and paternal subclades. My Murursade friend who is Israfiil has also taken the Nabula and is awaiting his results. He is Israfiil sabti from Galmudug. I have a feeling that your father and murursade reer Galmudug won't be related Psternally. Some Karanle are haplogroup T.

I'm from London, how can I get that test done here? And do you mean $199 not $1.99
this is very interesting. i myself am harari, i am a woman so i can't give you a paternal haplogroup but i did take a dna test previously and got the harari region listed. for those who say hararis are amhara, silte, and so on. No. simple as that. the only region i got listed was the harari region. yes, we are the indigenous people of harar. and yes we are the original descendants of the original people of all of hararghe. (harla) we as hararis have close relations to somalis, afars, and silte and zay claim that they descend from us. as for argobba. only the argobba who live in hararghe are the ones we share a culture and mixture with because of intermarriages. the ones in the mhara region are no diffrent to us than amaharas. hope this clears everything up. as for clans and lineage. some hararis are decended from omar al rida- the arab sheikh who founded harar. most are not. we still hold the 7 orignaal harla tribes in our people. we believe the sheikhaal somalis are very close to us. they also come from abadir so we think of them as close cousins. as for oromos, we dont share ancient histpey with them since we dont have any empires and such with them since they moved in the mid 15th century but some hararis have now intermingeld with them. most hararis are still not accepting of marrying outside our people.
this is very interesting. i myself am harari, i am a woman so i can't give you a paternal haplogroup but i did take a dna test previously and got the harari region listed. for those who say hararis are amhara, silte, and so on. No. simple as that. the only region i got listed was the harari region. yes, we are the indigenous people of harar. and yes we are the original descendants of the original people of all of hararghe. (harla) we as hararis have close relations to somalis, afars, and silte and zay claim that they descend from us. as for argobba. only the argobba who live in hararghe are the ones we share a culture and mixture with because of intermarriages. the ones in the mhara region are no diffrent to us than amaharas. hope this clears everything up. as for clans and lineage. some hararis are decended from omar al rida- the arab sheikh who founded harar. most are not. we still hold the 7 orignaal harla tribes in our people. we believe the sheikhaal somalis are very close to us. they also come from abadir so we think of them as close cousins. as for oromos, we dont share ancient histpey with them since we dont have any empires and such with them since they moved in the mid 15th century but some hararis have now intermingeld with them. most hararis are still not accepting of marrying outside our people.
Thanks for sharing this information. I believe what the Hararis are doing on inclusiveness is the way of our beloved prophet. With bravery and unity among the areas Islam flourished. Harar is the 4th holiest site in Islam and we as Muslims especially East African Muslims have not given the area and the people enough credit. This was actually the capital in the medieval times such as the adal empire etc. Harla was mentioned in the Futuh al Habesa and I would love for more Hararis to take ydna testing to see how they connect within themselves and those around them. Within Somalis now we have diverse male hablogroups from T, J, A, R etc but mainly Ev32 etc. We also have diverse mitochondrial dna mainly L, M, and N. Other regions in the area have similar results with different frequencies. Arab and foreign Muslims came to the area for jihad, spreading islam, trade etc. Migrations and human mixing and interaction is part of life. I believe as long as you are strong enough to prevent imperialism as the original inhabitants there shouldn’t be a problem. The only issue that is preventing coexistence in our regions is tribalism, division, and not following the way of Islam. If you have male family members it’s a good idea to have them take ydna testing at family tree dna, or nebula.
Take the Yfull at Nabula Genome sequencing. It's 1.99 dollars. It wil tell you your maternal and paternal subclades. My Murursade friend who is Israfiil has also taken the Nabula and is awaiting his results. He is Israfiil sabti from Galmudug. I have a feeling that your father and murursade reer Galmudug won't be related Psternally. Some Karanle are haplogroup T.
@Mujahid Nur Marehan
Did your israfiil friend receive his y full dna results? I'm curious. My maternal grandma is from a very prominent israfiil clan. She is the eedo of Farmajo's wife Zaynab - shes my second habaryar.

