Looks like I touched a never there didn’t I little fella? I apologize, reer dayniile will be the next president…long as habarta and reer kaaraan don’t have a vote, right?Worry Do you even have power to stop Murusade when it comes to politics and money?
Murusade are stronger than you, have more money than you, have more political influence than you. Even right now under HSM the Central bank chairman is Murusade. Minister of justice and constitution is Murusade. The current national security advisor is Murusade. Ask @Pastoralist how powerful these positions are
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This guy only runs 2 ministries, runs daljir party, hes murusade abakar long time mp, he is high profile figure that acts as key broker and former minister since sharif, farmaajo, hsm to now. Here he is with hsm and farah topaz, both key brokers from upd and daljir who were formely rivals but reconciliated since farmaajo. If hasan macalin plays his cards right, he can build his cv and try compete in the next elections easily alongside Kheyre.
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