Hate against Rwandans from Kikiyus


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Ndahindurwa looks normal at least.
Lol. He was actually not awful looking but still oddly tall and gangly. Generally, the royal men weren't particularly handsome. But it doesn't matter because Tutsi culture values things other than beauty, like self-control, dignity, and resilience -- which they had in plenty.
Central sudanics are identical to modern day Dinkas who are one of the tallest ethnicities in the world
Source? It's interesting, and close enough to our history, but the timelines, and some details, are different (inverted) from the history that we know. According to our history, the Bantu arrived before, not after.
In addition to the proto-Nilotic (AEA) ancestry they derive from the Cushitic component of their ancestry; the Tutsi are likely tall due to this Nilotic ancestry -- and this is why they pull so closely with the Maasai
Why aren't the Maasai as tall? I've always wondered. They have more Nilotic admixture than we do.
In addition to the proto-Nilotic (AEA) ancestry they derive from the Cushitic component of their ancestry; the Tutsi are likely tall due to this Nilotic ancestry -- and this is why they pull so closely with the Maasai
They are 55-60% Proto-Nilotic, I think they are taller than the Masai, average height is like 6ft2 for Tutsis


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Source? It's interesting, and close enough to our history, but the timelines, and some details, are different (inverted) from the history that we know. According to our history, the Bantu arrived before, not after.

Why aren't the Maasai as tall? I've always wondered. They have more Nilotic admixture than we do.

Yeah, I never understood how this happened with them; my theory is that they descend from comparatively shorter Nilotic tribes in Eastern Equatoria -- their point of origin in South Sudan.

They are 55-60% Proto-Nilotic, I think they are taller than the Masai, average height is like 6ft2 for Tutsis

True children of Greater Sudan; Somalis are also children of Greater Sudan. Y'all are just lost Sudanese as far as I'm concerned


I don't think the average is 6'2, but they are incredibly tall; they give us Dinka and Nuer people a run for our money
Source? It's interesting, and close enough to our history, but the timelines, and some details, are different (inverted) from the history that we know. According to our history, the Bantu arrived before, not after.

Why aren't the Maasai as tall? I've always wondered. They have more Nilotic admixture than we do.
Masai are still tall but not as tall as Tutsis, maybe it’s due to a genetic bottleneck or natural selection
Bantu arrived before, not after.
The first people were the central sudanics who found pygmies(Twa/mbuti) followed by Bantus, Tutsis/hima expanded later on from modern day Western Tanzania(kigera region) hence you guys lost your South Cushitic language by assimilating into the Bantus(Hutus) by taking their language and culture.
Yeah, I never understood how this happened with them; my theory is that they descend from comparatively shorter Nilotic tribes in Eastern Equatoria -- their point of origin in South Sudan.
The Masai are basically the Nilotic Kenya Iron Age pastoralists (~35-65 Nilotic/S. Cushitic) but have elevated Nilotic ancestry, whereas Tutsis and Great Lakes pastoralist ethnic groups can be modelled as Kenya Iron Age pastoralists + around a quarter Bantu/West African, which Great Lakes pastoralist ydna/mtdna reflects. The Pastoral Iron Age samples are around 35% Nilotic, and Masais are at the 50% area, so the Masai have a 15% increase in Nilotic ancestry, this could probably be explained by Maa Nilotes migrating from eastern Equatoria much later than the ancestors of the Kalenjin and Datooga (who represented some of the Iron Age groups) and concurrently with some Luo groups. Tutsis are somewhere from 10-20% Bantu/West African admixed.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Lol. He was actually not awful looking but still oddly tall and gangly. Generally, the royal men weren't particularly handsome. But it doesn't matter because Tutsi culture values things other than beauty, like self-control, dignity, and resilience -- which they had in plenty.
beauty is overrated. It’s all about keeping families close, holding power, dynasty and legacy.

Every nation with a royal family kept the family close. It’s to protect family assets legacy and trust.

They probably had attractive concubines for fun and leisure but married family for legacy reasons.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Somalis could care less about Rwandans but their haters mention Somalis unprovoked, and force us to defend Rwandans.
Shaking Head No GIF by GIPHY News
Congolese people always have something to say about somalis despite us having no proximity in the diaspora or africa (expect camden and woolwich). Could care less about congo tbh
Yeah, I never understood how this happened with them; my theory is that they descend from comparatively shorter Nilotic tribes in Eastern Equatoria -- their point of origin in South Sudan.

True children of Greater Sudan; Somalis are also children of Greater Sudan. Y'all are just lost Sudanese as far as I'm concerned


I don't think the average is 6'2, but they are incredibly tall; they give us Dinka and Nuer people a run for our money
We have a saying in Rwanda, "amaraso aranuuka" which translates loosely to: you can smell a blood relative from a mile away.

I feel a kinship with South Sudanese, Maa peoples, other Nilotes, and Cushites. Not so much Ethiopians, as Hima (even though I generally can't stand these because they're badly behaved), Somalis, Datoog, etc.

Mostly though, I think Tutsi culture was originally more Nilotic. I'll find videos.