I didn't know Persian chicks were loose. The ones I met were educated fobs. My primary care is actually a Persian fob. I'll try to see if she's dtf.I know this iraninan girl whom as soon as she moved to my town aleredey made moves on every other guy wallahi she turned **** sucking into some olympic tier shit
Superiority complex is an important part of what drives the most successful ethnic groups. Similar to the Chinese, Nigerian Igbo, Jews, Lebanese, and Indians. They all have superiority complex.I met one in university but she was Shia.
They hate muslims and have a weird superiority/inferiority complex. Very shady and xaasid people.
Those from Kosovo are more religious. I know those that are agnostic and those that I see at the mosque all the timeAlbanians tend to be non-religious, I don't know if its as bad as the Iranians.
I heard it's because most western Iranians were the elites of Iran before the "Islamic" revolution of 1979 took place. The Shah and the ruling elites were secularists who suppressed Islamic values in favour of non religious western values. That's why many of them are not that religious or are Atheists.Western Iranians are nothing like any other Muslims I've seen. From my experience, the ones who still claim to be Muslim don't give a shit about Islam and there are others who converted to Christianity. I've also met some who claim to be atheist like my sister's friend. My hooyo used to be stunned by their athiest-like behavior. Also Western persians try hard to fit into white culture lol.
Is it only the non-religious iranians that come to the west or most of the Iran population are undercover atheists who are forced by the regime to practice Islam.
do religious Persians like the ones in this video exist outside of Iran?