Have you guys seen this video?


They even surrounded him, listening attentively instead of throwing pebbles at him and ruining his stay.

reacting in that way would give bad optics making you look like you cant refute his claims. Also this is in eastleigh in nairobi where they do khutbahs all the time there was a video posted a while back where some somali guy countered everything he said

New World

the people's champ
They even surrounded him, listening attentively instead of throwing pebbles at him and ruining his stay.

Why attack someone for debating? We should engage in debate with them and aim to win; otherwise, it makes Islam appear weak and unable to refute claims, or worse, afraid. I observe Christians engaging with other faiths without resorting to violence.

Should Muslims face similar treatment if they debate a Christian in the West?

One concern I had was that he spoke our language, and for some reason, it made me feel uneasy.