Have your parents invested in you academically/actively amasa sida digaag/doorada ayeey nii dhaleen?

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We are not discrediting the Somali parents, one of the great parents any nation can produce. Somali parents are wonderful in the majority.

The odds were stack against them and a lot of them have produced valuable adults.

However, our parents had no time to plan and plot as they had us on the go due to civil war and refugees in alien land.

Our generation (I'm gonna lump myself with you guys for a second ) have been afforded a good education and tremendous information. We are filled with information as never before. Our parents generation had to go to a library in order to learn something. As opposed to us who just google or YouTube it now.

We also see the mental mistke some parents have made (AJ's for comparison..they buried him in dugsi Quran and controlled what he could watch and stuff and we can see the result).

So I think what we can differently is to explain things to the child and to expose him to the fun side of knowledge. Take a trip to the science place. Take him to the space shuttle museum. Take him to an NBA game. Introduce him to a surgeon. Make a black scientist or Doctor his aspiration and always remind him that the real hero is not a man dunking a ball into a basket but someone like George Washingnton Carver. Even ancient Islamic scientist should be introduced to him, like the ones from Andalusia. Teach him about the great Sayyid Abdalla Xasan and Ahmed Gurey. Every 2 years fly him to Somalia and let him see poverty and let him see his relatives and let him know he has roots and belonging.

Always make him aware that we are against qoomu-luudh and how disgusting it is and how unnatural it is.

I agree with everything you posted.
Regarding homosexuality dont shy away from talking to your son about sex (sex-education) when he reaches the appropriate age.
For example
When he reaches 15 tell him about how to go about women in the halal form & ask him if he wants to get married etc.... Encourage him that getting married is the right away rather tham having a girl friend & him falling into adultery


Cultural revolution
My parents only cared about Maths and grades. "War Xisabta imisaad heshey awowga lagubye" Never dared to fail because they whooped my ass when I did. :mjcry:
No. They were too busy providing us and when they got a car they dropped us off to school. When the progress report came we a had a discussion if our grades were bad. I don't blame them one bit tho.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
No. They were too busy providing us and when they got a car they dropped us off to school. When the progress report came we a had a discussion if our grades were bad. I don't blame them one bit tho.

How have you turned out ?



A neef

A nerd

A Tuug

How have you turned out ?



A neef

A nerd

A Tuug

Nerd through out high school . I worked made good money or three years and then went to university to study. I was a need for a little while tho but alhamdulilah I didn't turn out be an atheist or gangsta wannabe
What kind of criteria is this to judge parents on? So, your parents must do the things you've listed to be considered as "parents who have invested in their child". What a fucking rubbish!

What's next? Did your parents give you the freedom to do whatever you want, like f*ck, drink and do drugs as you please in their presence? Because that's what free-thinking is all about it. right.


What kind of criteria is this to judge parents on? So, your parents must do the things you've listed to be considered as "parents who have invested in their child". What a fucking rubbish!

What's next? Did your parents give you the freedom to do whatever you want, like f*ck, drink and do drugs as you please in their presence? Because that's what free-thinking is all about it. right
:cosbyhmm:How r ur runaway examples in any way related to the ones provided in the original post?
We are not discrediting the Somali parents, one of the great parents any nation can produce. Somali parents are wonderful in the majority.

The odds were stack against them and a lot of them have produced valuable adults.

However, our parents had no time to plan and plot as they had us on the go due to civil war and refugees in alien land.

Our generation (I'm gonna lump myself with you guys for a second ) have been afforded a good education and tremendous information. We are filled with information as never before. Our parents generation had to go to a library in order to learn something. As opposed to us who just google or YouTube it now.

We also see the mental mistke some parents have made (AJ's for comparison..they buried him in dugsi Quran and controlled what he could watch and stuff and we can see the result).

So I think what we can differently is to explain things to the child and to expose him to the fun side of knowledge. Take a trip to the science place. Take him to the space shuttle museum. Take him to an NBA game. Introduce him to a surgeon. Make a black scientist or Doctor his aspiration and always remind him that the real hero is not a man dunking a ball into a basket but someone like George Washingnton Carver. Even ancient Islamic scientist should be introduced to him, like the ones from Andalusia. Teach him about the great Sayyid Abdalla Xasan and Ahmed Gurey. Every 2 years fly him to Somalia and let him see poverty and let him see his relatives and let him know he has roots and belonging.

Always make him aware that we are against qoomu-luudh and how disgusting it is and how unnatural it is.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Just pointing out how ridiculous his subjective viewpoint was.

Who are you talking about ?

Why aren't you dismissing this little girl @VixR's nonchalant laize faires attitude about all deviant styles and her opposition to the almighty Allah.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
This is scientific study, please give me info on your childhood
Remove critical thinking skills and access to intenet in your house if you don't want your kids to end up gaal. As for khaniisnimo there is still no known cure. Perhaps it is the strict rules against gender mixing that turns niggas gay. At least thats my theory

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Remove critical thinking skills and access to intenet in your house if you don't want your kids to end up gaal. As for khaniisnimo there is still no known cure. Perhaps it is the strict rules against gender mixing that turns niggas gay. At least thats my theory

Alla ha ku soo hadeeyo
Look at the resilience of our parents, mashaAllah. They watched everything they ever knew burn to the ground and left it all behind. Started fresh somewhere unfamiliar and (often) unwelcoming - and they still got through it. They didn't go mental, some couples managed to tough it out, fathers found new jobs - they did their best.

Stick any of these Westerners - including ourselves - in the same situation and they would buckle, cry 'why me?' and run for the Xanax and razor blades.

May Allah protect our parents and give us the strength they had so we can rebuild our country, Ameen.
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