Having many kids

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
What do you guys think about families having 8+ kids and would you consider having that many kids yourself?
I personally wouldn't because I don't think it's psychically possible to take care of that many kids completely, somehow some of the kids are going to be neglected and big families are usually just dysfunctional. In my opinion, it's better to have fewer kids that you can put 100% effort into taking care of.
8+ kids is/was easy due to a large support us somalis have . Even then, most successfull somalis come from big families due to amazing parents.

Parents are the factor not the amount of children. Matter of fact I recommend all of you guys to atleast have 4 kids for your future. Having multiple successfull kids will help you while being old and they will help each other. The more the merrier. Children are your safety net and raising good kids is the biggest joy in the world.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Have 8 if you can financially afford them, raising 8 kids with no one working in the family is disgraceful.

