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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Back in the days when we all used to worship WAQ we didnt have a land issue we shared the land and married each other we are cousins through ancient practice now we have resultes to killing each other when we we're once ruling the entire continent ...shame
Somalis and oromo are not cousins when somalis refer to ethiopians we call you xabesh regardless of your tribes whether you are tigre, oromo, amhara..

We dont intermarry thats a bold face lie and we most certainly dont share land.
Back in the days when we all used to worship WAQ we didnt have a land issue we shared the land and married each other we are cousins through ancient practice now we have resultes to killing each other when we we're once ruling the entire continent ...shame

Oh there will be intermarriage between Somalis and Oromos soon, but this time its gonna be one way.

I wonder how y'all Oromo Females feel about having Somali children :mybusiness::mjlaugh:


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Lets give credit where credit is due despite all president abdi mohamud omar shot comings he showed courage the sheer testicular fortitude when he rejected the ethiopian prime ministers orders the somalis should only get 5% share in the natural resources from their land.

I agree for once he showed Somalinimo and geesinimo when he refused to take that ripoff of a deal of Somalis in DDSI would get 5% of their oil.


Make Hobyo Great Again
OMG! A real bloody war is expected to happen between the regional Liyuu police forces and the Federal forces in 4-5 hours.. Abdi iley ordered tens of thousands of his Liyuu police forces to come pouring to the city from all sides.
Ethiopian defense ministry said the situation escalated and it's beyond control. Let's pray for the people of Jigjiga and our beloved leader Abdi Mohamud Omar iley to rebel the Oromo expansionist prime minister and his Ethnic Oromo forces from Jigjiga. Fucking savages.
I wish I could do something to help them but I'm just a lowly student with no money.
At the very least, Puntland can help by arming Harti clan militias and sending them to the frontlines.

I know all Somali leaders are bought out by Ethiopia but this is a once in a lifetime chance. We can't waste this.
This wouldn’t have been possible without your collaboration :friendhug::friendhug: you’ve purged that lunatic that tried to make a parallel thread this morning. If I didn’t wake up to pee this wouldn’t have been possible cause I looked at my fb and my Australian fb members were full awake and reporting the invasion and then I looked if anyone posted and I was like :gladbron:
I made a thread last night and was posting live updates for a while you dyslexic fake fob.
That's the truth. Abdi iley is a smart mofo who was a politician long before this 30 year old Oromo dude came to the political landscape. DDSI, Tigray and the Gambella regions are all working together to trigger article 39 of the Ethiopian constitution and officially secede from the union. Some reports are saying that The Tigray regional Parliament already announced their secession but they couldn't announce it publicly after Addis Ababa cut off electricity and other essential government services from Somali and The Tigray region.

Oh there will be intermarriage between Somalis and Oromos soon, but this time its gonna be one way.

I wonder how y'all Oromo Females feel about having Somali children :mybusiness::mjlaugh:
I am normally against miscegenation but for Oromo women #lovewins.


Make Hobyo Great Again
I agree for once he showed Somalinimo and geesinimo when he refused to take that ripoff of a deal of Somalis in DDSI would get 5% of their oil.
The truth is Abdi Iley is a known traitor and he was going to accept that deal. But Abiy is going after his kursi so he never had the opportunity to. Instead he's using that blatant oil scam as a pretext to secede and to gain the support of the people.

I know what he is doing but he has my full support. We can worry about leadership issues after the Somali people are safe and free.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Regional state of Tigray issued a statement to support the Somali region. Somali Tigray Alliance is strong :gunsmiley:


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
The truth is Abdi Iley is a known traitor and he was going to accept that deal. But Abiy is going after his kursi so he never had the opportunity to. Instead he's using that blatant oil scam as a pretext to secede and to gain the support of the people.

I know what he is doing but he has my full support. We can worry about leadership issues after the Somali people are safe and free.

Yeah no doubt about that Abdi Iley is a snake but that pesky Oromo PM is on a sacking spree of sacking any Tigray allied government workers such as Abdi Iley.

So your right he had no choice but to decline that offer.

Yep we can worry about the leadership issues after DDSI is restored functionally.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
The situation is calm but anything can happen in the next hours.


The damage has already been done.

The people of DDSI just needed that spark so they can start a revolution.

Things will never be the same again.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Is this true?

Isn’t there an Ethiopian air base there?

At Dira Dhaba they do!

I remember landing in Dire Dhaba like several years ago and as we were approaching landing we flew over a base were they had massive old soviet/Russian made helicopters.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
The riot police are patrolling the streets of Jigjiga. They want to suppress any violence from the locals like what happened yesterday!
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