Hayaay! Muse Bixi’s trip is staged

his so called leader failmarjo has used Ethiopian tanks against eley, what does that say

he has sold ports to ethiopia, saying they do not deserve to be landlocked?

war this carcass died in 1991, lets kill it and bury it for real, war there is no govement its fake, tribalisitc mofos,

horta did anyone ask in 1925 if Jubaland should be given to Italy then Somalia? no, so where is the democracy, i want my nation Jubaland out of this carcass so called country,

i want my country back, i could not care less if somaliland goes her own way, let her people decide that, the sooner the better

are we gona spend another 30 plus years waiting for xamar and so called governments?

somalis are like children waiting at home looking out the window fort heir dead parents thinking they are on their way back, lets get real, this shyt hole nation died for a reason,

They want you to stay so they can collect cheque on your peoples behalf. You know how many billions of money went to the Somalia is 1 government for past 30 years:gucciwhat:
They want you to stay so they can collect cheque on your peoples behalf. You know how many billions of money went to the Somalia is 1 government for past 30 years:gucciwhat:

5 billion $ so far, at interest, siad barre left with one billion, we must pay for the riba and will never see a penny, it has been looted by so called government, to hell with this


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Muse Bihi left a review on booking.com

'they waz gut to us, they recognised uz. Guinea not like f.aqash'


True Puntlander
good for 1door, who can blame them? who wants to be part of shyt hole somalia

every major power today and ancient world started with propaganda to gain power

like Sun Tzu said: when you are weak appear strong to your enemies to give the illusion, when weak are strong appear weak to tease the egos of yuor enemies

go for it 1doors, deception is the art of politics, convinced the world you are a country, next time, sponsor a major Hollywood movie/actor to mention somaliland, get out of this hell hole

once somailand gets out there is no reason why Jubaland kingdom of my Ogaden forefathers the British gave to italy should not leave somalia, i want my kingdom back and become our country, sick and tired of so called somalia state, its fake, corrupt, useless, and will never ever go back to pre 1991 never and do not want to lose another 30 years waiting for it,

when the Americans beat the british the British refused to be in the painting with the French and american delgates negotiating surrender in paris in 1791, the Americans relish, painted and made copies to go all around the planet to show they are a nation of free people, the french made peace between them and use that to gain massive clout around european powers, making peace between two cousins,

deception is the art of war, lie, cheat do whatever it takes to get out of somalia, its a dead carcass

@Bohol @Crow @SomaliWadaniSoldier What visiting head of state doesn’t not get even an article to his name? :mjlol:

Where is Musa Jeegan we demand to see him .

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
your an emotional retard langab ,

1door joined somalia after 5 days as a free nation out of somalinimo, now tell me why they must be part of somalia, its their choice and there is nothing you can do about them leaving,

all you do is insult people, horta who invited you to comment and reply to peoples response when they were not chatting to you? your an unwanted guests,

get a life naya/dude what ever you are

Waryaa not to bash you but sland was kinda forced. However they where the wadani backbone of the republic. And a tribe cannot pull the secession card because africa is full of tribes that want to be independent shit just aint happening. And the powerhouses of the west and east have this matter under control no african state can give you independence. Just be autonomous and call it a day.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
good for 1door, who can blame them? who wants to be part of shyt hole somalia

every major power today and ancient world started with propaganda to gain power

like Sun Tzu said: when you are weak appear strong to your enemies to give the illusion, when you are strong appear weak to tease the egos of your enemies so they screw up and underestimate you

go for it 1doors, deception is the art of politics, convinced the world you are a country, next time, sponsor a major Hollywood movie/actor to mention somaliland, get out of this hell hole

once somailand gets out there is no reason why Jubaland kingdom of my Ogaden forefathers the British gave to italy should not leave somalia, i want my kingdom back and become our country, sick and tired of so called somalia state, its fake, corrupt, useless, and will never ever go back to pre 1991 never and do not want to lose another 30 years waiting for it,

when the Americans beat the british the British refused to be in the painting with the French and american delgates negotiating surrender in paris in 1791, the Americans relish, painted and made copies to go all around the planet to show they are a nation of free people, the french made peace between them and use that to gain massive clout around european powers, making peace between two cousins,

deception is the art of war, lie, cheat do whatever it takes to get out of somalia, its a dead carcass

somalis have a mahmah, even if you must wear dog skin to further your Interest, do it,

insha Allah wait till i become Jubaland president, i intend to do just that, by God we will not wait another 30 odd years for somalia and xamar to get her act together hell would freeze before that happens,
Doqonki Caghdeerow, first secure the outskirts of Kismaayo before declaring independence. :ftw9nwa:
Doqonki Caghdeerow, first secure the outskirts of Kismaayo before declaring independence. :ftw9nwa:

Adooon Baboonki Osman Muxamuud/ Majerteen, stop 1door and habaar gidir gang banging you daily taking your land day after day :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:

Majerteen Gorilla

