HAYAAY!! Somaliland's young military personnel in the next 5 years...

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Reformation of Somaliland
Who's training them? Some of these troops don't look Somali.

You'll be surprised, the Minister of Water is Dhullo and doesn't look traditional Northern somali but what is.

The all train at the we Ethiopian Military
Academy, this agreement been made some Riyaale days and still ongoing as the navy of by the UK & EU but the UK does train them in intelligence and capacity building

:russ:The map says: somaliland and puntland (NORTH), Puntland lives in their heads rent free.
soem of the pictures look lie they are in a green land, very green it cannot be somalia, example third picture or fourth from the top, also paved areas, too well paved, are they 1doors from foreing militaries? like Uk, ?


๐’– ๐’š๐’’๐’˜๐’‚๐’—๐’† ๐’–๐’’๐’† ๐’ˆ๐’‚๐’‡๐’™๐’’๐’Œ ๐’๐’š๐’’๐’‚. PIM.
Most of them look like Oromoโ€™s. I guess what people say about somaliland military must be true.
soem of the pictures look lie they are in a green land, very green it cannot be somalia, example third picture or fourth from the top, also paved areas, too well paved, are they 1doors from foreing militaries? like Uk, ?

All this pictures are in Somaliland. Somaliland is very diverse in scenery alhamdulilah waa dhul barakaysan. & the paved area is Somaliland as well. Once we get access to world funds we will live the niggardly crabs in their bucket :dabcasar:

Most of them look like Oromoโ€™s. I guess what people say about somaliland military must be true.

No one is more somali than a somalilander. The further you somalis are geographically from Somaliland the more washed the culture and language becomes:samwelcome:
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