Haylaan region




The road that will be connecting Dhahar to Sheerbi the journey will in sha Allah take about 15 minutes when it's completed.

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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The road that will be connecting Dhahar to Sheerbi the journey will in sha Allah take about 15 minutes when it's completed.

This road will be a good test for Puntland since it is on fairly flat land and the distance is short.
I hope the next administration completes this, it would be something Puntland can be proud of.

I like that they avoided the big doox between a Dahar and Sheerbi when building the road although it was the easiest route.
The road that will be connecting Samaysa dheer (Sheerbi) on the main highway to Dhahar , Baraagaha Qol, Xingalool. Currently the journey between Dhahar to Baraagaha Qol to Xingalool is about 2hrs but when road is complete it will be about 45 minutes in sha Allah.
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Ximan iyo Xadeed

The road that will be connecting Samaysa dheer (Sheerbi) on the main highway to Dhahar , Baraagaha Qol, Xingalool. Currently the journey between Dhahar to Baraagaha Qol to Xingalool is about 2hrs but when road is complete it will be about 45 minutes in sha Allah.
MashAllah with the new golaha projects will resume faster