head shape


Plotting world domination
Yuppp now we’re public enemy number 2 after the Indians
I'll be honest I havent seen that much hate in awhile. I only saw this tweet because you linked it.

On my personal social media accounts where I only interact with some somalis I don't really see Somali hate unless it was related to yusuf7n.

Besides that I don't see us catching random strays that often unless it's on tiktok. That's only because I interact with a lot of Somali content on there.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Large nostril holes piss me off
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You're the typical self-hating Somali man who enjoys degrading other Africans while sucking up to yts/ Menas. Calling you freaks self-hatred doesn’t mean I hate myself 🫵🏽🤡. Im aware other Africans are xenophobic towards Somalis, and I challenge that. But you and your kind are like desperate Pajeets, willing to accept crumbs from those in power (Yt &-Arab supremacists) just to avoid being at the bottom. Too bad for you, the only ones lower than you are Bantus and maybe Indigenous Australians. Enjoy bootlicking for scraps while clinging to your delusional "Muh Caucasian brothers” dream. Yuck 🤮
I heard you blackstanis don't believe in the health benefits of having great oral health. for instance a lot blackstanis don't believe in brushing their teeth. This notch of not brushing there teeth is rooted in the hate of anything that is visible white or resembles whiteness. just post image of your smile so we can rate how down you being a blackstani :drakelaugh:

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I'll be honest I havent seen that much hate in awhile. I only saw this tweet because you linked it.

On my personal social media accounts where I only interact with some somalis I don't really see Somali hate unless it was related to yusuf7n.

Besides that I don't see us catching random strays that often unless it's on tiktok. That's only because I interact with a lot of Somali content on there.
i was on that somali guys model qasimm insta everytime he posts smth somali relate you see a bunch of haters in the comments

