Health emergency [help]


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So I went to my yearly check up the other day, and I was getting my blood tests, weight and overall health checked out. When I got the results, I was in shock. It turned out I was really overweight, I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high LDL (another form of cholesterol), high triglycerides (another form of cholesterol). I also had low vitamin D, low iron, high stress (due to me barely sleeping at night), and low vitamins in general in my body. I was also super dehydrated and had very low protein. It’s caused my hair to start thinning near my crown, it’s caused my skin to start breaking out and I my heart starts pounding at night. Any tips? I’m starting to eat healthy, workout more and get more sleep, plus i’m taking vitamins.
What are you eating?

Read my post I made in this thread:

I'd also like to add, when you're working out, try not go too hard or that will only lead to you increasing your high stress(high cortisol) which in turn leads to you gaining even more weight.

I would recommend cortisol-conscious HIIT workouts and low-intensity workouts like walking, swimming etc.