Heavily armed troops storm and raid Abdi Qeybdiids house in Mogadishu

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My brother @Inquisitive_ was right. This guy should have been murdered in his home!

Abdishakur is a well known British spy that worked for GCHQ and was approached by them while he was an "imam" at a mosque, he had no citizenship back then, they promised him citizenship and fortunes if he worked for them otherwise they threatened to dump him back to Somalia after a stint in Belmarsh

He began his work spying against his own clan ceyr during the ICU days, this resulted in many of his own sub-clan members and even relatives being locked up in their phoney war on terror, as a result he was promoted.

When ICU fell the British sent him to Asmara to spy on the opposition to C/Yusuf Ethiopian occupation of Somalia, Eritrean officials got wind of this at some point as rumours have it and he promptly left.

He was then given a job at the UN were he served a decade working under both Nicholas Key and Keating (while still working as a intelligent officer for the British) spending most of his time in Xalane building his contact portfolio with extensive help from the British

He received so much money that he has his own private security team that are with him 24/7, he has the best apartment complex in the whole city and even a bomb shelter in which he cowardly hid in when his gated mansion was stormed.

He is the most important intelligent asset the British had for a decade because of his ties to pretty much everyone in government from the commanders, elders, politician's, federal state leaders and even Presidents/Prime ministers, his capacity is greater then any other stooge on their books.

But the people have now caught up with him, hence why he has completely gone out of character with his qabyaalad, clan violence BS exposing himself, he is in a death spiral right now and those of his sub-clan that were cursing him since the ICU days for having decimated their sons, are celebrating today. (Habar Aji)

This story about UAE involvement is manufactured by the government, the head of NISA (HG) who qeybdiid claims has told him this, is the one that planned this whole thing out to intimidate him and he is yet to speak out against what qeybdiid said, because the government and the NISA guy he cited are all in on this, they knew he wasn't home.

These types of intimidation techniques happen all the time, and they only did this because of his staunch support for that traitor above and trying to file all sorts of constitutional lawsuits claims against the government, his activities were provoking qabyaald revolts which is what Absdishakur and his British masters/UAE want (civil war), hence this warning sent to him (now he is not only paranoid of shabab but also the government)

The reason the British are pissed besides the danger of loosing their asset is how all the IMF funding they had been usurping through the fictitious gangsters that go by the name of "contact group for Somalia" based in the UAE and the new deal which the British were spearheading was taken away because of the deal the government made directly with the IMF/World Bank bypassing all these crooks that were cannibalising all the funding Somalia received from all countries since the 90's.

That's what this whole beef is essentially about and that's why that conference in Kismaayo happened, it had absolutely nothing to do with saving Xaaf, no one cares about that buffoon, he just happened to be a useful pawn at a useful time to use to exert pressure because the federal states were given false hopes by the British/UAE that the new deal funding would go directly to them instead of the government if they did A, B, C etc which they all did like stooges but ended up on the loosing side anyway.

Why? because Farmaajo/Kheyre opened up an account for Somalia at the IMF/World bank, giving both institutions full control over everything (audits etc) while passing laws that all funding that comes in will drop into that account for transparency, this basically put a dagger in all the crooks plan's because the British crooks had been looting those funds for two decades now, their Somali stooges only receive less then 1% of that, that's what the whole conflict in Somalia is about, I wrote a topic on this before.

That conference in Kismaayo was nothing more then begging the government to come to the table by applying collective pressure through the media and public, this plan was laid out by Keating who also attended the conference, the government had no choice because of this visible public/international pressure to sit with them after routing them all in humiliating fashion after they broke the initial agreement through back stabbing.

Turkey/Qatar were guiding this entire process, this is why the British/UAE are pushing for civil war or the fall of the government in order to continue their loot.


As i live and breathe
Supposedly it was the UAE trained forces who performed the raid. If true this would suggest that the government has no control over them. Best course of action now would be to disband the UAE trained forces, immediately, since we have no idea were their loyalties lie. Once disbanded they can be re-integrated into different regiments of the SNA.
Supposedly it was the UAE trained forces who performed the raid. If true this would suggest that the government has no control over them. Best course of action now would be to disband the UAE trained forces, immediately, since we have no idea were their loyalties lie. Once disbanded they can be re-integrated into different regiments of the SNA.

That's nothing more then a charade, all these reports about 40 arrested is all hogwash. I can't belief that people still fall for these things.


As i live and breathe
That's nothing more then a charade, all these reports about 40 arrested is all hogwash. I can't belief that people still fall for these things.

Well i did say supposedly. My suggestion was only for if it turns out to be true. Either way the truth will come out eventually.


I hope mr qeybdiid is ok, it’s clear the forces of evil are behind these attacks trying to undermine all progress that were made. It’s so sad, when individuals chose dollar over country. I have no doubt it was nothing but a desperate act, it won’t stop us, we will keep marching forward :)


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Somalis lack logical thinking

What exactly would farmaajo gain from pulling something like this?

Whats really destroying the country time and time again is greed


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
Its obvious the UAE are trying everything they can to forge tensions between the gov and hg. They are desperately trying to hold on to what little clout they have left in the region.
Can you explain to me whats happening ? is this a government op or a foreigner set up ? who is who in this situation ?


Self imposed exile
Why do people got to bring in clans into the discussion?:mahubowtf:

99.999% clan members aren't involved in any of this shit.

Just a couple opportunistic fraudsters acting as self imposed clan leaders working with crooks in the warlord or "selling out your country" business.

If we arrest these parasites you won't start a clan war as some of you are over exaggerating.

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
Abdiqeybdid said that it was UAE trained troops and Farmaajo ordered an immediate investigation.

It is a simple tactic this folks increasingly want to wreck our country.

Abdiqeybdiid did not say it was the UAE trained troops. Stop lying. He said it's not them but blames government troops. I know you have a trouble with truth and honesty but no need to speak for someone else. Here from the horse's mouth

@Saahid Qamaan it seems you were caught lying again and this time by no other than the warlord himself Mudane Qeybdiid.
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