How long will you continue claiming that you’re from Puntland when you really are from baraxley @Saahid Qamaan kkk
Saahid Qaamaan waa nin jira!
I particularly enjoy his posts
Abdalla since you are the smart one of this 'collective' could you contribute something meaningful? Or are they dragging you down. Intellectual simulation is not your style.
Abdalla I am still awaiting a meaningful reply of yours. You are smartband analytical don't hide behind this accusations.
I am Mahmud Saleebaan iska dhal that should be sufficient.
How many do u count to MS pls dm meDaljecel If I said both of my parents are Mahmud Saleebaan what do you want?
I am a Puntlander. Everyone who cares for Puntland is my kin. Puntland has gone dowmhill under Abdiwali Gaas and has fallen into a dark deep pit.
This guys don't want to hear that hence the attacks and accusations.