I bet you wish ilhan's mouth would be shut for once as much as i would want a kiss from her blown my way fetty style looolUnless u r a United States congress woman, u should watch your mouth.
I bet you wish ilhan's mouth would be shut for once as much as i would want a kiss from her blown my way fetty style looolUnless u r a United States congress woman, u should watch your mouth.
Wow. They really painted a benign picture in the video.
Yeah he should have snitched faster than the rest as it is the only time to be snitching for snitches loool@VixR
What else would they say? You will see a gang member killed in a club and his parents saying on Somali tv, he was murdered on his way to the mosque and he was an engineering student bla bla. They’re all innocents. Once he knew the feds wiretapped him, he should’ve gone with a plea deal and got a shorter sentence.
Good point.@VixR
What else would they say? You will see a gang member killed in a club and his parents saying on Somali tv, he was murdered on his way to the mosque and he was an engineering student bla bla. They’re all innocents. Once he knew the feds wiretapped him, he should’ve gone with a plea deal and got a shorter sentence.
Yes as sadly it looks like his sister has aged severely due to his arrest and the stress it has cost herGood point.
Thank god my brothers are upstanding, decent people. According to the video, he’s doing as well as one could hope in prison, but he’ll be in his 50’s when he gets out. That’s going to leave a mark.
That is why one should not speak freely in america or else they may catch a case of 25 to lifeGood point.
Thank god my brothers are upstanding, decent people. According to the video, he’s doing as well as one could hope in prison, but he’ll be in his 50’s when he gets out. That’s going to leave a mark.
That is why one should not speak freely in america or else they may catch a case of 25 to life
Warya i am talking about women trying to pull an rkelly on me as i am a quiet non violent guy with clean record@Mehmet
Do you in your right mind (I know it already left your head) think that talking about going and arranging to join ISIS is Freedom of Speech?