HG have now xooged garoonka Aden Cadde!

It seems I touched a nerve. I don't have to look for pictures, the whole city of Mogadishu is Bantu.

You are an ungrateful little degenerate. Those are the people that protect your own family from being blown up.

Nah, lets post pics of his Congolese uncles.




Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
It seems I touched a nerve. I don't have to look for pictures, the whole city of Mogadishu is Bantu.

You are an ungrateful little degenerate. Those are the people that protect your own family from being blown up.

Ooga booga


Horta I just realised.
@repo was forced to accept parallel mayor and administration in Gaalkacyo by one sub clan of HG the Dons of Mudug beesha Sacad. @cow was completely pushed from Cadaado, Dhusomareeb, Guriceel etc and their only safe haven is inside Ethiopia. @The Midlands jusr hates us deeply, he is boiling with cqdad kkkkk.

I see a pattern here, :mjlol: only exception is the Doqonkii cagtadheer @ogadeniaa beesha cagdheer are not known for their brihgtness, so unlike the others suffering from ciil he might actually be eating the shuban @The Midlands posts. So I support your kindness of explaining it to him.
Cagdheer pushed Yamyam iyo qadaadweyn from the Shabelles. Cant have ciil about land if im the one who has it all :win:


Who cares about east Dhusomareb, even the clan that spawns there Iljeex don't care about that desolate hell on earth. Iljeex are more interested in the rich Shabelle river banks from Hiiraan to Lower Shabelle, they are more interested in Xamar. They are literally the only clan in 2023 expanding territory and control, and its affecting the all southerners, at least Eelay wake up and said fok off. Abgaal will sooner or later realise the fitna, brothers are not always good for each other, sometimes a brother is jealous and wants what you have.


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