High-Forehead is a sign of intelligence & Beauty

I never got forehead jokes in kaftaning, only “muh Somali” and I’d get “Ethiopian” alongside “muh coolie Indian brap brap”

teachers never took action against them and would actively listen in but once I started dishing it back, I’d get warnings, “I’m like why you only intervening when I start dishing it back”, a lot of teachers are secret cunsuris mayn, they hated me with a passion and my parents never believed me, but it’s in the past and I’ve grown out of it.
But of all the races of Africa there cannot be one better to
live among than the most difficult, the proudest, the bravest, the
vainest, the most merciless, the friendliest; the Somalis."

"I knew an Italian priest who had spent over thirty years among the
Somalis and he made two converts, and it amazed me that he got even those
two. The Prophet has no more fervent, and ignorant, followers, but that
is not their fault that they are ignorant.
Their natural intelligence is
second to none and when the education factories start work among them
they should surprise Africa, and themselves."

"I never saw a Somali who showed any fear of death, which, impressive
though it sounds, carries within it the chill of pitilessness and
ferocity as well. If you have no fear of death you have none for anybody
else's either, but that fearlessness has always been essential to the
Somalis who have had to try and survive hunger, disease and thirst while
prepared to fight and die against their enemies, their fellow Somalis for
pleasure in the blood feud, or the Ethiopians who would like to rule
, or the white men who got in the way for a while."

"Everytime a Somali got whipped, an Italian soldier was killed"

Warriors: Life and death among the Somalis by Gerald Hanley

short foreheads remind me of neanderthals and ape heads no idea why people think it's better + long foreheads bring more balance to your face.View attachment 345975
Reminds me of Tariq Nasheed lol:


Reer guri
The crazy thing is most Somali males you see under age of 30 don’t really have insanely huge foreheads. It’s just these young farax’s making it a big deal when their hairline doesn’t connect with their eyebrows lol.
short foreheads remind me of neanderthals and ape heads no idea why people think it's better + long foreheads bring more balance to your face.View attachment 345975

It would be so easy for Somalis to roast these people, but dadkeena qaar maskaxda laga dilay and actually dislike their high foreheads. Not that I recommend calling people neanderthals, but you see what I mean.


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