Highest Ranking Sanaag Commanders sacked by Somaliland

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Reformation of Somaliland
Well done PL you have your only professionally trained military personnel hahaha we'll see what happens in a few weeks
Well done PL you have your only professionally trained military personnel hahaha we'll see what happens in a few weeks
Tonight the people of Somaliland are discussing the failure that is Somaliland led Muuse Biixi administration.

Everything has crumbled in the Sanaag saga. They are blaming bitter Muuse Biixi's drive and quest for revenge against the Darood instead of working for an inclusive Somaliland.
@Saahid Qamaan you know Deni promised to fix the military, a united army was promised do we know the progress so far? should be the goal for this year along with local one man one vote he promised.
GBT Puntland will fair much better under President Deni inshallah and we can all see already unless one is deceiving oneself.

We are rebuilding slowly and the work is in progress in regards to democratisation etc.

Fortunately President Deni is the real deal and there's plenty of time.


Somaliland region: Eastern Sanaag Governor Resigns And Officers Defect

Qaran News | 8:05 am 31st May, 2019

The regional governor of Badhan in Eastern Sanaag, Ali Hussein (Ali Somali) has resigned and two Somaliland Defence Forces officers, Hussein Dhere and Xayle Da’ir defected to the Puntland administration.

The former governor resigned, after in his words, “refusing an order from a senior member of the administration of President Muse Bihi Abdi, to mount an offensive against Puntland officials lurking in the region”.

Senior officials from the Puntland administration of Somalia, including the speaker of the assembly arrived in Badhan. These officials have begun to set up and ad-hoc administration in the city which is surrounded by a large group of Somaliland Defence Forces.

All the officials and military officers who had either resigned or defected are from the majority community in the area.

However, they have all stated the the reason behind their resignation or defection was based purely on political grounds, i.e, the refusal to mount an offensive against their kin folk from Puntland. A recent confrontation between Somaliland forces and the Puntland militia left six dead and countless other wounded.

The Somaliland Ministry of Justice, Abdirisak Ali Abdi is the senior political figure from the administration in the region, and has been unsuccessful in thwarting the political maneuvers by the Puntland officials.

There has been no comment from the Somaliland government, including the Defence Minister, Abdiqani Mohamud Ateeye, nor the Home Minister, Mohamed Kahin Ahmed or the Somaliland Defence Forces chief, Major-General Nuh Tani.

According to reliable sources, both sides appear to be reenforcing their troops in the area and possibility of a military conflict is very high.

The Puntland administration has made its move at time when the political situation in Sanaag is very intense and the administration of President Muse Bihi has enforced a three month emergency rule in the region.

Say's it all. They are shell shocked

There has been no comment from the Somaliland government, including the Defence Minister, Abdiqani Mohamud Ateeye, nor the Home Minister, Mohamed Kahin Ahmed or the Somaliland Defence Forces chief, Major-General Nuh Tani.


The number that defected with the officers is 780 troops.

Saraakiil Iyo 780 Askari oo Ka Gostey Cidanka Somaliland Kana Hadley Sababta ay Puntland Ugu Biren.



******land is finish they have no leg to stand on without Harti support.
Hope Dulbante follows suit.

Hell no, Somaliland are more than welcome to keep them. I'll be happy if Las Anod became a Issaq city.
Time to pray

'Oh kumbaya our lord though closeth to death maketh thou the suffering less for Somaliland and remembereth its short existence'


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If I was PL President, I'd immediately make a deal with SL. They can keep the whole of Sool + Cayn, and PL keeps the Warsan deegans of Sanaag. We all know this is how the whole SSC saga is going to end, might as well do a deal now. Warsans will never joing SL, and Dhulos will never join PL. Enough is enough.

As an MJ, I have no beef or hate for Issaq. We have nothing to do with each other. Apart from that Issaq General, and General Morgan, making sure we are even-steven, we're cool.
@Armadillo there was a time Adeer Ali's were perceived to be very anti Puntland some even hold out today with ISIS's presence in Adeer Ali's territory that they still are but that has died down.

Look at Minister Gallan Adeer Ali are the staunchest of Puntlanders now and Gallan is a hero, you should look at that and celebrate it.

I know you care little about your own subclan but it is important to remind that people matter and clans to as without them we could not function as a State.

President Deni has provided and set up a special budget for Sool, Sanaag and Ayn regions and we are seeing the first fruits of that labour.

Don't despair, unite don't disunite.
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