Hiiraan State runs Baladweyne, Maxaas, Buuloburde, Halgan, Afcad, Tardho

Hirshabelle is just a nominal adminstration we can arrest Dabaged and Sufurow but we dont want early clashes

Jalalaqsi and Nuurdheere are different situation Nuur dheere is a hero more than Jeyte and he hates Abgaal the most as he used to be Taliyaha ciidamada madaxtooyada Hirshabelle in Jowhar under Waare also led Badbaado Hiiraan Army along side with Col Abdullahi barre the current commander of Macawisley

So Nuurdheere being part of Hirshabelle is nothing when he annexes Abgaal land the macawisley in Jalalaqsi are with Hiiraan State. Afcad is Yabar madaxweyne and supportee Hiiraan State

Today we have ended Hirshabelle Isbaaro in Jiracle North of Baladweyne

Hassan Sheikh is in big trouble after Macawisley supported Hiiraan State muxuu u malaynaayey inaan Al Shabaab bas u socono 🤣🤣


Baladweyne hospital under Hiiraan State

Afcad of beesha Nuurdheere




Jiracke trucks arriving Baladweyne after being freed

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Wallahi Qosol. Calanka hiiraan State kaliya aa Xabad ku noqdey tuugadii Maxaas laga soo buriyay 🤣🤣

Hirshabelle banned from Buuloburde, Halgan, Maxaas and cirka qol mugdi ah aa u soo harey 🤣🤣
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Waa u dhamaatay Jeyte, Mahad is preparing to capture him. Mahad has good relations with guudlawe mashallah. This prank is gebo gebo after ur isbaaro was ended today but we all want to see another Xuud

That laangaab isxambaar deegaanless munaafaq murusade oo ilaa hada tuuladiisa gali la chearleading for Hiraab after i ignored him and his small clan who are looking for daarood President to free them from hiraab aa aduunka iigu daran laangaab waa ahlu naar 🤣🤣

His clan invited us saying after the liberation of Ceelbuur we wanna join hiiraan state nala dhisa madaxeeyne Daarood. Sanbaloolshe told them "hoos u hadla yeey hiraab idin maqlin inta ceelbuur laga xoreeynayo" 🤣🤣

Hada mashruucii Cayr iyo duduble aa loo wareejiyay markeey hiraab maqleen inay ka bixi la haayeen Galmudug gudoomiyaha ceelbuurna waa duduble hadeey aga ka hor galaan 🤣🤣

kulahaa mareexaan nala soo celiya we told them f*ck off you and mareexaan our worst enemy 🤣🤣

Galhiiraan kulahaa maxee heestaan laangaabtaan Galgaduud ka ah 1% 🤣🤣
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Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
That laangaab isxambaar deegaanless munaafaq murusade oo ilaa hada tuuladiisa gali la chearleading for Hiraab after i ignored him and his small clan who are looking for daarood President to free them from hiraab aa aduunka iigu daran laangaab waa ahlu naar 🤣🤣

His clan invited us saying after the liberation of Ceelbuur we wanna join hiiraan state nala dhisa madaxeeyne Daarood. Sanbaloolshe told them "hoos u hadla yeey hiraab idin maqlin inta ceelbuur laga xoreeynayo" 🤣🤣

Hada mashruucii Cayr iyo duduble aa loo wareejiyay markeey hiraab maqleen inay ka bixi la haayeen Galmudug gudoomiyaha ceelbuurna waa duduble hadeey aga ka hor galaan 🤣🤣

kulahaa mareexaan nala soo celiya we told them f*ck off you and mareexaan our worst enemy 🤣🤣

Galhiiraan kulahaa maxee heestaan laangaabtaan Galgaduud ka ah 1% 🤣🤣
Subhanallah all this because @Step a side reacted to a post

Hawiye are driving you crazy it’s hilarious:drakelaugh:


Subhanallah all this because @Step a side reacted to a post

Hawiye are driving you crazy it’s hilarious:drakelaugh:
Hes an emotional wreck lol all that because of a smiley emoji. Anything to go at somebody else

Reer 48 Sac still talking?
Listen Laangaab theres a whole thread relating to that where people were posting in thoughout today which you ducked

We not doing endless bank n forths. You specifically garbaash waxan kuga wadaa since 2020 throughout your name changes and support of HS etc. You're a bigger flip flop then Khadija Diriiye :drakelaugh:
Listen Laangaab theres a whole thread relating to that where people were posting in thoughout today which you ducked
Just because I am in a different time zone compared to your depressing island of UK doesn’t mean I ducked.

The only one who is a flop is whose whole clan declared war in 48 hours and didn’t left a finger and instead turned on each other. Typical Apegaal.
@convincation Bro kkkkk nigga is one sensitive guy, emotional over a laugh emoji? And what's worse he's posting ina kabayare who is ex CBB and just anti HSM willing to support anyone and everyone against HSM he even sides with Laftagareen, Deni and SSC like Islow Socdaal.

XL is not that deep to us, but Midlands claims he's against Hiraab but regularly mentions Hawiye. Goodluck with Hiiraan state and trying to convince GJ to hate "Hawiye" when you aren't closer to us than they are kkkkk
@convincation Bro kkkkk nigga is one sensitive guy, emotional over a laugh emoji? And what's worse he's posting ina kabayare who is ex CBB and just anti HSM willing to support anyone and everyone against HSM he even sides with Laftagareen, Deni and SSC like Islow Socdaal.

XL is not that deep to us, but Midlands claims he's against Hiraab but regularly mentions Hawiye. Goodluck with Hiiraan state and trying to convince GJ to hate "Hawiye" when you aren't closer to us than they are kkkkk
We agreed to be in peace with each other but you have been making too much provocations the other day you repeated your BS "Qanyare gave more seats to Hawadle" kkk
Carte and Djibouti conference 1991 that elected Ali Mahdi was Omar Hashi show Abgaals were signing for us every thing bc of Omar hashi as 90s we had Hiiraan. What have you got? Hawadle deegaan starts from East qalaafe to Jowhar and they live in Godey. Isbaarada dayniile maa moodeen in la mid tahay hiiraan

These are carte mps moved to Hawadle Hotel Lafwayn by Omar Hashi where is your qanyare and murusade hotels? Omar Hashi was Banaadir Governor 1992-1994 bc of electing Ali Mahdi in Djibouti against Caydiid.

It was Abgaal&Hawadle vs HG wax qaybsi you got leftovers 🤣🤣
1991 Djibouti conference Omar Hashi USC

Carte "Hawiye" mps in Lafeayn

War niyahow iska dhaaf cuqdadaan "booska sadexaad" hawiye maba nin hawiye qaado adoon nagu dareeyn Xamarna HG aa kaa xoogtey booskii labaad FMSkana dulsaar aa ka tahay hal tuulo ma heesatid markaasaa Xawaadle isla dhararinee 🤣🤣


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We agreed to be in peace with each other but have been making too much provocations the other day you repeated your BS "Qanyare gave more seats to Hawadle" kkk
Carte and Djibouti conference 1991 that elected Ali Mahdi was Omar Hashi show Abgaals were signing for us every thing bc of Omar hashi as 90s we had Hiiraan. What have you got? Hawadle deegaan starts from East qalaafe to Jowhar and they live in Godey. Isbaarada dayniile maa moodeen in la mid tahay hiiraan

These are carte mps moved to Hawadle Hotel Lafwayn by Omar Hashi

It was Abgaal&Hawadle vs HG wax qaybsi you got leftovers 🤣🤣
1991 Djibouti conference Omar Hashi USC
View attachment 284275

Carte "Hawiye" mps in Lafeayn

War niyahow iska dhaaf cuqdadaan "booska sadexaad" hawiye maba nin hawiye qaado adoon nagu dareey Xamarna HG aa kaa xoogtey booskii labaad FMSkana dulsaar aa ka tahay hal tuulo ma heesatid markaasaa Xawaadle isla dhararinee 🤣🤣
View attachment 284280
View attachment 284280

View attachment 284282


‎Cumar Hashi was just a signitatory on behalf of USC in Djibouti, he was meant to be neutral but voted Mahdi after all the othe jabhads did the same. The deputy of Mahdi was Samatar Balaag the Murusade Abakar Colonel from my juffo who defended Ceelbuur successfully at the height of the Civil War while Aydeed was flanked by his deputy Abdi Osman Duuliye your XL Abdi Yusuf adeer 😅. Even though USC started off with a Murusade chairman we kept our portion of the pie and when Hawiyes all went off to make their own breakaway splinter groups it was Qanyare who stuck to the original USC name as its chairman well into the 2000s. Check the signatories of Arta and Mbagathi. I am more than willing to be at peace but on 1 condition, Hawiye dambe afkaaga kama soo bixi karo. No more "لعنة على هوية" kkkk ⁦‪
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View attachment 284301

‎Cumar Hashi was just a signitatory on behalf of USC in Djibouti, he was meant to be neutral but voted Mahdi after all the othe jabhads did the same. The deputy of Mahdi was Samatar Balaag the Murusade Abakar Colonel from my juffo who defended Ceelbuur successfully at the height of the Civil War while Aydeed was flanked by his deputy Abdi Osman Duuliye your XL Abdi Yusuf adeer 😅. Even though USC started off with a Murusade chairman we kept our portion of the pie and when Hawiyes all went off to make their own breakaway splinter groups it was Qanyare who stuck to the original USC name as its chairman well into the 2000s. Check the signatories of Arta and Mbagathi. I am more than willing to be at peace but on 1 condition, Hawiye dambe afkaaga kama soo bixi karo. No more "لعنة على هوية" kkkk ⁦‪
Murusade had no military role under SNM(Mustahil) and USC Farjano(hawade village that hosted the USC after its formation in Italy)

Wardgiiley worked under SNM as dulsaar deputy and then passed away a year later when he co-founded the USC. USC was the initiative of "Hawiye" intelectuals" in Italy and among them was Hawadle i have met one of them anyways they elected wardhiigley as its chairman

Now let us get to the point. The US C has splitted into HG vs Abgaal. Hawadle were independent(Cali gar leh caydiidna Jid leh) they were allied with HG agaist Daarood not Abgaal. When Omar hashi elected Ali Mahdi in Djibouti, Abgaals did every thing for Hawadle too many posts including Banaadir Governor but Hawadle were still independent and afer the clash with Caydiid in 1994 they became allied fully with Abgaal.

We gone to carte 2000 as one camp led by Omar Hashi vs HG camp

Murusade had no leading role except being closer to HG so im telling you to stop your "curad" BS it was based on USC power sharing not Hawiye and you were not the third in USC 🤣🤣

You had no military role in gobolada dhexe and Kimnaayo war even in Xamar we wer more important than you as we had the airport, afisyoone, buula xuubey(hassan hilaac) wadada jaale siyaad and saldhiga galbeed.

Listen i dont hate hawiye unless someone uses it against me. Im Samaale and hawiye have only 45 seats not equal to Dir and Daarood if that makes you upset ilaahaa laangaab idinka dhigay dont blame me 🤣🤣

Tixdan gabayga ah oo aan ugu baroordiiqaayo halyeygii weynaa mujaahid Marxuum Cabdiqaadir Koosaar Cabdi Geele oo lagu dilay 12 07 1987,Magaalada Mustaxiil ee kutaala kilalka shanaad ee soomaalidu degto ee katirsan dalka Itoobiya Ilaahay naxariistiisa haka waraabiyee marxuumku waxa uu halkaa u tegay hawl shaqo,(xalin khilaaf )asaga oo kamid ahaa gudi xubno badan ka kooban oo isugu jirta saraakiil ,siyaasiyiin iyo aqoon yahan katirsan maamulkii xaq u dirirka ahaa ee SNM.Markii halkaa lategay ee la arkay inaan khilaafku dhamaanayn oo ay go’aan sadeen in la soo noqdo laakiin aanay soo noqon Abdiqaadir iyo gaariye,iyaga oo gaariye lagaga yimi mustaxiil Abdiqaadirna Qabritahare markii uu waayey warqada dhaq-dhaqaaqa ee uu ku soo noqon lahaa,xubnihii kale se ay iyagu heleen halka gaariye isagu ugu hadhay degmada Mustaxiil hawlo shaqo oo ku saabnsaa khilaafka lootegay meesha,masuuliintii kale se ay Diridhaba ku soo noqday balse Cabdiqaadir uu uga hadhay warqad la’aanta uu Qabritahare mudada sadexda bilood ah uu joogay,sida ay maamulkii SNM noo sheegay,tiraba laba warqadoodna uu u soo diray gudoomiyihii SNM Axmed Maxamed Maxamoud Siilaanyo nasiibdaro se aanu wax jawaab ah ka helin Marxuumku.

Hadii aan khilaafka meesha loo tegay wax ka yara taabto wax jiray ciidan Hawiye ah oo SNM katirsanaa oo degenaa tuuladaa Mustaxiil madaxna uu ka ahaa ninkii la odhan jiray Gorgor ee Habar Gidir iyo saraakiil kale oo ubadan Habar Gidir waxa markaa dhacday in la isu qabto laba qaybood ama laba reer sida Xawaadle oo askarta u badnaa doonayeyna in ay SNM ka mid ahaadaan iyo qaybta Habar Gidir oo uu hogaaminayo Gorgor oo doonaysay in ay ku biiraan SSDF,markaa xawaadlaha ayaa qaylo u soo dirtay maamulkii SNM ee joogay Diridhaba iyaga oo doonaayay in ay ku hadhaan SNM hubkana kala hadhaan qolada ku wareegaysa SSDF.

Waxa Gaariye ii sheegay laba sedex jeer in ay saraakiil Habar Gidir ah ku wada hadleen Cabdiqaadir magaalada Qabritahare,laakiin aanay waxba isku afgaran balse markan ladili doono ay ugu yimaadeen kuna yidhaahdeen waxaanu diyaar u nahay in aanu khilaaf-kii soo af jarno ee ina keen Mustaxiil baynu kuwada hadlaynaaye oo aanu gogosha wada hadalka dhigaynaaye,isla maalintiina uu dhacay wixii ay shirka ku sheegayeen oo isu bedelay mu’aamarad iyo khiyaamo,fiidkii markii gabalku dhacay ee shirkii guul daraystayna ay halkaa Cabdiqaadir ,Gaariye iyo xubno kamid ah qoladii Xawaadle ay iska raaceen oo ay tageen meel ay deganayd Faisa Cabdillaahi doob ilkoole oo meesha deganayd daarad-deediine ay gogol u dhigtay marxuumka iyo ragii lasocday,gaariye se uu gogoshii u doontay meeshii hore ee uu seexan jiray si ay daaradan u wada seexdaan balse uu rasaasta maqlay asaga oo soosocda meeshiina uu soo gaadhay Cabdiqaadir oo mayd ah iyo inantii oo ka dul baroora-naysa.Ilaa maalinimadii dambena ay sugayeen in cidi uga timaado xaruntii SNM ee Diridhaba halkaana ay ugu yimaadeen Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaayo iyo Axmed Warsame Baalcade abaaro duhurkiina halkaa lagu xabaalay.

Hawadle Hiiraan october 1990 uu xoreeyay markaasuu hadana Xamar in kaa badan adiga ka xoreeyay1991 26 January adiga maxaa xoreeysay? 🤣🤣

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Murusade had no military role under SNM(Mustahil) and USC Farjano(hawade village that hosted the USC after its formation in Italy)

Wardgiiley worked under SNM as dulsaar deputy and then passed away a year later when he co-founded the USC. USC was the initiative of "Hawiye" intelectuals" in Italy and among them was Hawadle i have met one of them anyways they elected wardhiigley as its chairman

Now let us get to the point. The US C has splitted into HG vs Abgaal. Hawadle were independent(Cali gar leh caydiidna Jid leh) they were allied with HG agaist Daarood not Abgaal. When Omar hashi elected Ali Mahdi in Djibouti, Abgaals did every thing for Hawadle too many posts including Banaadir Governor but Hawadle were still independent and afer the clash with Caydiid in 1994 they became allied fully with Abgaal.

We gone to carte 2000 as one camp led by Omar Hashi vs HG camp

Murusade had no leading role except being closer to HG so im telling you to stop your "curad" BS it was based on USC power sharing not Hawiye and you were not the third in USC 🤣🤣

You had no military role in gobolada dhexe and Kimnaayo war even in Xamar we wer more important than you as we had the airport, afisyoone, buula xuubey(hassan hilaac) wadada jaale siyaad and saldhiga galbeed.

Listen i dont hate hawiye unless someone uses it against me. Im Samaale and hawiye have only 45 seats not equal to Dir and Daarood if that makes you upset ilaahaa laangaab idinka dhigay dont blame me 🤣🤣

Tixdan gabayga ah oo aan ugu baroordiiqaayo halyeygii weynaa mujaahid Marxuum Cabdiqaadir Koosaar Cabdi Geele oo lagu dilay 12 07 1987,Magaalada Mustaxiil ee kutaala kilalka shanaad ee soomaalidu degto ee katirsan dalka Itoobiya Ilaahay naxariistiisa haka waraabiyee marxuumku waxa uu halkaa u tegay hawl shaqo,(xalin khilaaf )asaga oo kamid ahaa gudi xubno badan ka kooban oo isugu jirta saraakiil ,siyaasiyiin iyo aqoon yahan katirsan maamulkii xaq u dirirka ahaa ee SNM.Markii halkaa lategay ee la arkay inaan khilaafku dhamaanayn oo ay go’aan sadeen in la soo noqdo laakiin aanay soo noqon Abdiqaadir iyo gaariye,iyaga oo gaariye lagaga yimi mustaxiil Abdiqaadirna Qabritahare markii uu waayey warqada dhaq-dhaqaaqa ee uu ku soo noqon lahaa,xubnihii kale se ay iyagu heleen halka gaariye isagu ugu hadhay degmada Mustaxiil hawlo shaqo oo ku saabnsaa khilaafka lootegay meesha,masuuliintii kale se ay Diridhaba ku soo noqday balse Cabdiqaadir uu uga hadhay warqad la’aanta uu Qabritahare mudada sadexda bilood ah uu joogay,sida ay maamulkii SNM noo sheegay,tiraba laba warqadoodna uu u soo diray gudoomiyihii SNM Axmed Maxamed Maxamoud Siilaanyo nasiibdaro se aanu wax jawaab ah ka helin Marxuumku.

Hadii aan khilaafka meesha loo tegay wax ka yara taabto wax jiray ciidan Hawiye ah oo SNM katirsanaa oo degenaa tuuladaa Mustaxiil madaxna uu ka ahaa ninkii la odhan jiray Gorgor ee Habar Gidir iyo saraakiil kale oo ubadan Habar Gidir waxa markaa dhacday in la isu qabto laba qaybood ama laba reer sida Xawaadle oo askarta u badnaa doonayeyna in ay SNM ka mid ahaadaan iyo qaybta Habar Gidir oo uu hogaaminayo Gorgor oo doonaysay in ay ku biiraan SSDF,markaa xawaadlaha ayaa qaylo u soo dirtay maamulkii SNM ee joogay Diridhaba iyaga oo doonaayay in ay ku hadhaan SNM hubkana kala hadhaan qolada ku wareegaysa SSDF.

Waxa Gaariye ii sheegay laba sedex jeer in ay saraakiil Habar Gidir ah ku wada hadleen Cabdiqaadir magaalada Qabritahare,laakiin aanay waxba isku afgaran balse markan ladili doono ay ugu yimaadeen kuna yidhaahdeen waxaanu diyaar u nahay in aanu khilaaf-kii soo af jarno ee ina keen Mustaxiil baynu kuwada hadlaynaaye oo aanu gogosha wada hadalka dhigaynaaye,isla maalintiina uu dhacay wixii ay shirka ku sheegayeen oo isu bedelay mu’aamarad iyo khiyaamo,fiidkii markii gabalku dhacay ee shirkii guul daraystayna ay halkaa Cabdiqaadir ,Gaariye iyo xubno kamid ah qoladii Xawaadle ay iska raaceen oo ay tageen meel ay deganayd Faisa Cabdillaahi doob ilkoole oo meesha deganayd daarad-deediine ay gogol u dhigtay marxuumka iyo ragii lasocday,gaariye se uu gogoshii u doontay meeshii hore ee uu seexan jiray si ay daaradan u wada seexdaan balse uu rasaasta maqlay asaga oo soosocda meeshiina uu soo gaadhay Cabdiqaadir oo mayd ah iyo inantii oo ka dul baroora-naysa.Ilaa maalinimadii dambena ay sugayeen in cidi uga timaado xaruntii SNM ee Diridhaba halkaana ay ugu yimaadeen Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaayo iyo Axmed Warsame Baalcade abaaro duhurkiina halkaa lagu xabaalay.

Hawadle Hiiraan october 1990 uu xoreeyay markaasuu hadana Xamar in kaa badan adiga ka xoreeyay1991 26 January adiga maxaa xoreeysay? 🤣🤣

1. No military role yet the USC's first base 'inside' Somalia was Ceelbuur? 🤣 forget USC, there are old videos of SNM receiving supplies in Ceelbuur from Afwayne's abandoned jets in the late 80s while USC was still based in Italy, some of the rarest stuff out there. It's no suprise as Wardhiigley was SNM since 1984 while you did not join any SNM or USC group before 1987.

2. What the hell is a Governor when we are talking about chairmanship? Only 3 subclans have held that title, infact its' realistically 2 clans, Mahdi was only elected Somali President, Caydiid led USC chairmanship once, every other chairman before and after was Murusade. You do know Caydiid appointed Hirey Qasim (Qanyare's financier) as the Governor of Kismayo when USC first conquered it right? Check the book of Clan Cleansing in 1991 by Ledwein Kapteijns to confirm. You mean to tell me your hard work led to a Murusade running the city you chased Barre's supporters from 😂

3. Muqdisho was taken over by nearly 8 subclans, even Udejeen had a base in Shingani, what's your point? The most important section of the city was the seaport area that was run by Ashaamud militia again it's Murusade.

4. Who is using Hawiye against you when you make it clear everyday that you are cursing the tribe? If someone calls you a Hawiye it's up to you to address them politely you have absolutely no reason to insult Hawiye. I'm offering you a peacedeal once last time sxb. Hawiye ka fuq you got beef with a subclan or two bahasha ha wayneen.
1. No military role yet the USC's first base 'inside' Somalia was Ceelbuur? 🤣 forget USC, there are old videos of SNM receiving supplies in Ceelbuur from Afwayne's abandoned jets in the late 80s while USC was still based in Italy, some of the rarest stuff out there. It's no suprise as Wardhiigley was SNM since 1984 while you did not join any SNM or USC group before 1987.

2. What the hell is a Governor when we are talking about chairmanship? Only 3 subclans have held that title, infact its' realistically 2 clans, Mahdi was only elected Somali President, Caydiid led USC chairmanship once, every other chairman before and after was Murusade. You do know Caydiid appointed Hirey Qasim (Qanyare's financier) as the Governor of Kismayo when USC first conquered it right? Check the book of Clan Cleansing in 1991 by Ledwein Kapteijns to confirm. You mean to tell me your hard work led to a Murusade running the city you chased Barre's supporters from 😂

3. Muqdisho was taken over by nearly 8 subclans, even Udejeen had a base in Shingani, what's your point? The most important section of the city was the seaport area that was run by Ashaamud militia again it's Murusade.

4. Who is using Hawiye against you when you make it clear everyday that you are cursing the tribe? If someone calls you a Hawiye it's up to you to address them politely you have absolutely no reason to insult Hawiye. I'm offering you a peacedeal once last time sxb. Hawiye ka fuq you got beef with a subclan or two bahasha ha wayneen.
That is BS who read to you these khuraafaad? 🤣🤣
Hawadle and HG agreed in Farjano(Ethiopia) to move into their regions and start ku dhufoo ka dhaqaaq

At that time Siyaad barre was fully controlling cellbuur and xarardheere and south mudug. We hawadle used to attack the military bases and go back to the mountains with our captured weapons. No murusade was even thinking of this by that time. Farah Gubadley was leading our ku dhufo ka dhaqaq jabhad then we moved to the mountains near buuloburde then we started capturing the bases between buuloburde and Baladweyne and holding it thus splitting siyaad barre army into two. Mx officer in qurbaha who was in charge of hiiraan told us after Hawadle captured Buuloburde i fled to Balanbale before HG capture Guriceel!

So buuloburde was the first somali degmo Siyaad barre lost it.

After HG liberated Cayr and Saleebaan they moved to Murusade and Siyaad barre troops started fleeing to Xamar 🤣🤣

You were the last before Abgaal if hiiraan was not free Siyaad barre would have stayed in Ceelbuur 🤣🤣

You were like your current situation under Al Shabaab of today you r the last clan of gobalada dhexe remained under them🤣🤣


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The Mx officer told us that the govt asked him to wait the attack from Jowhar on buuloburde led by Moorgan but i was afraid the Galgaduud door will be closed so i fled to Balanbale

The SNA commander in Hiiraan was OG the grandson of Sayidka(ina Sayid) he was taliyaha Daraawiishta JL these guys stayed waiting for Moorgan but the mxs left 🤣🤣

Last battle took in Baladweyne

I forgot the mx officers name but i can ask someone


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