Hiiraan State runs Baladweyne, Maxaas, Buuloburde, Halgan, Afcad, Tardho

That is BS who read to you these khuraafaad? 🤣🤣
Hawadle and HG agreed in Farjano(Ethiopia) to move into their regions and start ku dhufoo ka dhaqaaq

At that time Siyaad barre was fully controlling cellbuur and xarardheere and south mudug. We hawadle used to attack the military bases and go back to the mountains with our captured weapons. No murusade was even thinking of this by that time. Farah Gubadley was leading our ku dhufo ka dhaqaq jabhad then we moved to the mountains near buuloburde then we started capturing the bases between buuloburde and Baladweyne and holding it thus splitting siyaad barre army into two. Mx officer in qurbaha who was in charge of hiiraan told us after Hawadle captured Buuloburde i fled to Balanbale before HG capture Guriceel!

So buuloburde was the first somali degmo Siyaad barre lost it.

After HG liberated Cayr and Saleebaan they moved to Murusade and Siyaad barre troops started fleeing to Xamar 🤣🤣

You were the last before Abgaal if hiiraan was not free Siyaad barre would have stayed in Ceelbuur 🤣🤣

You were like your current situation under Al Shabaab of today you r the last clan of gobalada dhexe remained under them🤣🤣

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Your geography is really lacking, Beledweyne is a border town that housed alot of refugees and even faced a mini massacre before the gruelling mission by USC to clear the road began. How could Siyad hold Ceelbuur when it's the Helmand province of Somalia, no one can hold it as it has no clear roads, only local folks who know the area could send directions. Ceelbuur was so important to USC it was mentioned in Caydiid's memoirs where USC kept its heavy weapons the same weapons they shelled Barre's forces.

Somalia's Army bases are known and they were 6 or so divisions, the central divisions was in Garoowe and Beledweyne. I don't deny that XL played a crucial role but you are a toxic man who wants the world for himself and gives mud to everyone else. USC political leadership was mainly Abgaal and Murusade as we are the most urban based and wealthiest of the lot. Your role was mainly fighting, so stop the xaasidnimo boy and appreciate the collective effort to win the war.
Somalia's Army bases are known and they were 6 or so divisions, the central divisions was in Garoowe and Beledweyne. I don't deny that XL played a crucial role but you are a toxic man who wants the world for himself and gives mud to everyone else. USC political leadership was mainly Abgaal and Murusade as we are the most urban based and wealthiest of the lot. Your role was mainly fighting, so stop the xaasidnimo boy and appreciate the collective effort to win the war.
im done with your khuraafaat. Stop claiming USC military wing that was HG and Hawadle and stick with your manafeesto political wing. Posting some ceelbuur google shit without contex wont help you. You need the link and book as i did. Yesterday we freed your ass like youare waiting to be freed now from shabaab 🤣🤣

Tuulo Xawaadle aa lagaa soo diray adoon xataa ciidan heesan sida xildhibaan jacfar aa na daawanaysay ilaa dhulkii xoroobay 🤣🤣


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Murusade wax ka khuraafaad badan waligeey ma arkin

Sidee base u bixinee adigoo lagu heesto?

Bal beentaan fiiri 🤣🤣

Cali Maxamed Cosoble [Cali Wardhiigleey]) wuxuu ahaa siyaasi caan ah Soomaali iyo xubin baarlamaan in xukuumadda rayidka ah. Waxa uu ku dhashay Coosweyne galgaduud ee 1930. Waxa uu qabtay xilal badan wasiirnimo (oo ay ku jiraan 1967 waxaa loo magacaabay Wasiirka Wasaaradda Caafimaadka iyo Arrimaha Bulshada iyo 1969-69 Wasiirka Warfaafinta ee xukuumadii Cigaal.) Waxa uu sameeyay radio muqdisho wakalada wararka SONA waxa uu isu soo sharaxay madaxweyne waxaa ka guuleeystay C/rashiid cali sharmake dhimashadii c/rashiid waxa uu ahaa ninka kaliya ee xilkaas qaban karay cid la tartami karta aysan jirin xukuumadii kacaanka waxa uu kala shaqeeyay dhibacyo badan waxa uu soo xiray xiriurka ruushka iyo USA. Waxa uu dhibsaday habdhaqanka kacaankii siyaad bare ee la dulmaatay dadka qaar waxa uu runta usheegay maxamed siyaad uu ku yiri adeer cadaalad darada ka daay dalka. .kadib mucaarad ayuu noqday waxa uu wax ka dhisay S.N.M uu ka ahaa kuxigeenka jabhada SNM 1984- 1987 ka tegey ka dib markii arkay siday ay ugu nugul yihiin isaaqa Itoobiyaanka oo diidanaa Midnimada Soomaaliya .waxa uu sameeyay United somali Congress USC January 1989 ayaa loo doortay guddoomiyaha koowaad ee U.S.C. ee Rome. Waxa uu ku xigeen u magacaabay dr ismaaciil jimcaale cosoble waxa uu xarun ka helay beesha xawaadle farjano. Waxaa xarumaha gudaha bixiyay murusade. Ceelbuur iyo doondheere jabhada usc waxaa maal galiyay. Xaashi wehliye maalin waxa uu u yeeray caydiid oo safiir ka ahaa India waxa uu u magacaabay taliyaha ciidanka USC cali wardhigleey Wuxuu ku geeriyooday Rome 1990. Allaha u naxariisto."

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Caydii Ethiopia aa u yeertey safaarada itoobiya India casho diblomaasiyadeed baa lagu casumay .dharcastii siyaad barre ayaa jaajuustey waa loo yeeray wuxuu u baxsadey talyaaniga

Markuu farjano yimid ayaa Xawaadlihii iyo HGtii ku meelgaar ahaan ugu dhiibeen ururka ilaa hotel guuleed lagu doortey. Murusade had nothing role in this🤣🤣
Farjano waxaa joogay Ciidan Xawaadle iyo Cayr HG u badan inta kale saraakiil baa ka joogtey

Waxaa goaan lagu gaarey in qolo walbe dhulkeeda ka jabhadeyso oo hubka ka furato ciidamada

HG waxay mareen baarmagoog ceelhabreed oodale guriceeel
Xawaadle ooxaale beergadiid qabno

Labadaan ciiidan bas aa howlgalay oo hub qabsadey

Murusade HG ay raaceen ilaa ceelbuur hadana waxay ku leeyihiin base aan bixinay 🤣🤣

Farah gubadley iyo ilko boqol waa adeeradey Cabdi yuusuf marka i know closely their halgan.

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Farjano waxaa joogay Ciidan Xawaadle iyo Cayr HG u badan inta kale saraakiil baa ka joogtey

Waxaa goaan lagu gaarey in qolo walbe dhulkeeda ka jabhadeyso oo hubka ka furato ciidamada

HG waxay mareen baarmagoog ceelhabreed oodale guriceeel
Xawaadle ooxaale beergadiid qabno

Labadaan ciiidan bas aa howlgalay oo hub qabsadey

Murusade HG ay raaceen ilaa ceelbuur hadana waxay ku leeyihiin base aan bixinay 🤣🤣

Farah gubadley iyo ilko boqol waa adeeradey Cabdi yuusuf marka i know closely their halgan.

View attachment 284323
You got a real obsession with Farjano. Your low IQ don't even realise the first USC operation was in the Gaalkacyo area in November 1989 which came at an initial success before Barre's reinforcements and a Darod resurgence. USC back then was based in Dhuumoodle and Xanaan Waylood in K5 those are Habargidir Sacad and Cayr areas. Both subclans were SNM until 1988. Who do you think helped setup aaga SNMta koonfureed in Baareey and Dire Dawa where those militias use to train and get weapons from? Ali Wardhigley and Ali Maxamed Hiraabe, those are Murusade and Abgaal figures in SNM politics when you were unknown to the SNM. You admit from your own mouth that you later conspired to kill Koosaar the SNM celebrated hero and a XL in law smh you lowkey faqash 🤣

For the record the first Hawiye clan militias who joined resistance forces to fight Barre were Saleban and Sacad, one supported SSDF the other supported SNM. Nobody remembers the Saleban despite their conflict going as far back as 1979 since unfortunately they supported the SSDF dhafoorqiiq who later pulled the Darod card and left them to dry.

Farjano was later chosen at the start of 1990 because it was the entry zone to Hiiraan the heart of Hawiye territorial borders with Ethiopia and has a shorter route to Xamar. Contrary to your opinion, XL were overly keen at this point because they wanted to be left alone to claim Hiiraan, the region they felt they were unjustly denied by Barre who put thousands of Ogadeen refugees in their midst to stifle them. There are sources of Caydiid granting them final say in Hiiraan during the early civil war years for their efforts in helping him fight Barre. It's no wonder the other clans of the region never forgot that and refused to assist you in 1994 when Caato militia attacked Beledweyne.


You got a real obsession with Farjano. Your low IQ don't even realise the first USC operation was in the Gaalkacyo area in November 1989 which came at an initial success before Barre's reinforcements and a Darod resurgence. USC back then was based in Dhuumoodle and Xanaan Waylood in K5 those are Habargidir Sacad and Cayr areas. Both subclans were SNM until 1988. Who do you think helped setup aaga SNMta koonfureed in Baareey and Dire Dawa where those militias use to train and get weapons from? Ali Wardhigley and Ali Maxamed Hiraabe, those are Murusade and Abgaal figures in SNM politics when you were unknown to the SNM. You admit from your own mouth that you later conspired to kill Koosaar the SNM celebrated hero and a XL in law smh you lowkey faqash 🤣

For the record the first Hawiye clan militias who joined resistance forces to fight Barre were Saleban and Sacad, one supported SSDF the other supported SNM. Nobody remembers the Saleban despite their conflict going as far back as 1979 since unfortunately they supported the SSDF dhafoorqiiq who later pulled the Darod card and left them to dry.

Farjano was later chosen at the start of 1990 because it was the entry zone to Hiiraan the heart of Hawiye territorial borders with Ethiopia and has a shorter route to Xamar. Contrary to your opinion, XL were overly keen at this point because they wanted to be left alone to claim Hiiraan, the region they felt they were unjustly denied by Barre who put thousands of Ogadeen refugees in their midst to stifle them. There are sources of Caydiid granting them final say in Hiiraan during the early civil war years for their efforts in helping him fight Barre. It's no wonder the other clans of the region never forgot that and refused to assist you in 1994 when Caato militia attacked Beledweyne.

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From Ceepbuur to GLK 🤣🤣
Miskiinow waligaa isxambaar ayaan kugu qaadi jirnay ilaa maanta from maxaas to wabxo sheekada ha badalin stick to your ceelbuur baseless base🤣🤣

"Kuwii ugu horeeyay oo dhaqdhaqaaqa bilaabay in Ceelbuur came from farjano" from your mouths 🤣🤣

Miskiinow Farjano started 1989 we have been training you siyaad barre took our livestock bc we dared to host Hawiye and free them. Stop your khuraafaad BS i know you guys are obsessed with fake history from ahmed gurey to claiming every thing cudur waxaa idinku jira is balaarin maadama sizekiina 7 yahay 🤣🤣



Mr isxambaar these USC fighters were from Farjano in the fall of 1989 were fighting inside gobolada dhexe.


What do you caydiid granting us final say in Hiiraan when HG and him was not allowed to use hiiraan highway?.he came from Mustaxiil to Jowhar through bakool and gaaljecel baadiyo. We refused to give him safe passage in bariga Hiiraan bc we were careful of HG replacing OG like they replaced you in western Xamar after they free you from Daarood in hodan and howlwadaag you fucking Laangaab isxambaar 🤣🤣

Only Hawadle liberated Hiiraan and came to free you in Xamar.

Caydiid was just the USC interim chairman not recognized outside of Hawadle and HG that why we were the deputy chairman.
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From Ceepbuur to GLK 🤣🤣
Miskiinow waligaa isxambaar ayaan kugu qaadi jirnay ilaa maanta from maxaas to wabxo sheekada ha badalin stick to your ceelbuur baseless base🤣🤣

"Kuwii ugu horeeyay oo dhaqdhaqaaqa bilaabay in Ceelbuur came from farjano" from your mouths 🤣🤣

Miskiinow Farjano started 1989 we have been training you siyaad barre took our livestock bc we dared to host Hawiye and free them. Stop your khuraafaad BS i know you guys are obsessed with fake history from ahmed gurey to claiming every thing cudur waxaa idinku jira is balaarin maadama sizekiina 7 yahay 🤣🤣

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Mr isxambaar these USC fighters were from Farjano in the fall of 1989 were fighting inside gobolada dhexe.

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What do you caydiid granting us final say in Hiiraan when HG and him was not allowed to use hiiraan highway?.he came from Mustaxiil to Jowhar through bakool and gaaljecel baadiyo. We refused to give him safe passage in Hiiraan bc we were careful of HG replacing OG like they replaced you in western Xamar after they free you from Daarood in hodan and howlwadaag you fucking Laangaab isxambaar 🤣🤣

Only Hawadle liberated Hiiraan and came to free you in Xamar.

Caydiid was just the USC interim chairman not recognized outside of Hawadle and HG that why we were the deputy chairman.
You were the one challenging me about USC power structure and i already told you when it came to leadership no one was asking XL for copper change. One time chairman Hashi Weheliye even paid blood money to resolve your wars with HG Ayr because we needed cannon fodder for the big war. We can't do all the work providing leadership, money and foot soldiers at the same time kkkk. When USC chased out Barre your lack of income streams came to light you were robbing highway travellers and minorities in the Shabele and Juba farming valleys and still didn't survive atleast HG kept most of their loot.

Galgaduud doesn't even have Amisom do you think this is Hiiraan where Djiboutians and Ethiopians are flanking you to protect their own interests? The last time our people went head to head your governor Dabageed recalled stories of growing up to hear of us storming your villages. Walahi Murusade aa wax ka sheegtid ku dhismi maysid we are in Xamar dealing with the Hiraab and the Somali central government directly , we don't have 11 other local clans being used as pawns to outvote us in future elections. Focus on your self we've gone round circles on this and i hate to repeat myself but i will repeat myself a thousand times to expose your vicious campaign i don't tire dealing with people like you.
You were the one challenging me about USC power structure and i already told you when it came to leadership no one was asking XL for copper change. One time chairman Hashi Weheliye even paid blood money to resolve your wars with HG Ayr because we needed cannon fodder for the big war. We can't do all the work providing leadership, money and foot soldiers at the same time kkkk. When USC chased out Barre your lack of income streams came to light you were robbing highway travellers and minorities in the Shabele and Juba farming valleys and still didn't survive atleast HG kept most of their loot.

Galgaduud doesn't even have Amisom do you think this is Hiiraan where Djiboutians and Ethiopians are flanking you to protect their own interests? The last time our people went head to head your governor Dabageed recalled stories of growing up to hear of us storming your villages. Walahi Murusade aa wax ka sheegtid ku dhismi maysid we are in Xamar dealing with the Hiraab and the Somali central government directly , we don't have 11 other local clans being used as pawns to outvote us in future elections. Focus on your self we've gone round circles on this and i hate to repeat myself but i will repeat myself a thousand times to expose your vicious campaign i don't tire dealing with people like you.
You are a fucking small laangaab deegaanless clan. Hawadle can easly cleansing you from cellbuur but its dhagax and dudumo the gareen flat land starts with Waceysle. Edeb yeelo last time we killed you in may 2022 and no retaliation before macawisley. Hawadle threatened to attack wabxo until you held shir begging us not to do bc shabaab are not murusade 🤣🤣

Adiga just one hawadle subclan aa kaa badan 🤣🤣
Murusade kama jawaabi karaan dilkaan cabsi awgeed 🤣🤣
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You are a fucking small laangaab deegaanless clan. Hawadle can easly cleansing you from cellbuur but its dhagax and dudumo the gareen flat land starts with Waceysle. Edeb yeelo last time we killed you in may 2022 and no retaliation before macawisley. Hawadle threatened to attack wabxo until you held shir begging us not to do bc shabaab are not murusade 🤣🤣

Adiga just one hawadle subclan aa kaa badan 🤣🤣
Murusade kama jawaabi karaan dilkaan cabsi awgeed 🤣🤣
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You're just repeating yourself, no xikmad. Farjano was your Phase 2 moment, Caydiid was already intending for El Bur as a base when he was still in Addis Ababa, you were just a mere gateway and assisted Hawiye clans. Clans don't fight wars without some kind of gain and your gain was to claim Hiiraan which had the 2nd largest refugee base in the country. Xawaadloow my ancestors massacred you and it comes up in poetry that everyone from Abgaal to @DR OSMAN even know about and if that weren't enough don't make me bring up what your Abdi Yusuf Suldaan was saying about the mighty Karanle 200 years ago.

Hurting travellers, women and kids, you showing us your cawaan behaviour this is not how to show your honour. All you have is cheap insults if you think you can fight, come to the ballot boxes. I'm not taking your light skin drama serious, wax aa iskula wadid ma haysataa


Beesha Agoon Jilaafo, a whole clan became known as Orphans after messing with Murusade


You're just repeating yourself, no xikmad. Farjano was your Phase 2 moment, Caydiid was already intending for El Bur as a base when he was still in Addis Ababa, you were just a mere gateway and assisted Hawiye clans. Clans don't fight wars without some kind of gain and your gain was to claim Hiiraan which had the 2nd largest refugee base in the country. Xawaadloow my ancestors massacred you and it comes up in poetry that everyone from Abgaal to @DR OSMAN even know about and if that weren't enough don't make me bring up what your Abdi Yusuf Suldaan was saying about the mighty Karanle 200 years ago.

This is why i avoid inaan la goosgoosto with a laangaab like you 🤣🤣

Awoowgey Uleex Faarax has passed away in Jawiil in 1893 after Hawadle moved to East Hiiraan so there was no Hawiye BS back then. Bc of his war with OGaadeen/Daarood around Shilaabo they fabricated too much fake stories about him and hawiye like this one so why are you picking the useless litlle Karanle when he mentions "fara badnida dige samatalis" and HG

I see you are seeking validation from Hawadle for your worthless laangaabself maca salama keep chearleading for hiraab hater to get my attention i was wrong on falling into your trap 🤣🤣

This is why i avoid inaan la goosgoosto with a laangaab like you 🤣🤣

Awoowgey Uleex Faarax has passed away in Jawiil in 1893 after Hawadle moved to East Hiiraan so there was no Hawiye BS back then. Bc of his war with OGaadeen/Daarood around Shilaabo they fabricated too much fake stories about him and hawiye like this one so why are you picking the useless litlle Karanle when he mentions "fara badnida dige samatalis" and HG

I see you are seeking validation from Hawadle for your worthless laangaabself maca salama keep chearleading for hiraab hater to get my attention i was wrong on falling into your trap 🤣🤣

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Your Abdi Yusuf Suldaan calaacaling about a horse and a drinking well stolen from him and then complains he's been targeted for being too distant from Karanle to defend him. You can clearly tell the suldaan was upset and blaming Hawiye clans for not helping him


@Step a side Kheyre was the best leader hawiye produced post 91 also, noone wanted him in power cuz it wud be hard to remove him becuz he was very competent. If u can't lead, they resort to backing niin liito in power so when election comes he is easily deposed.
@Step a side Kheyre was the best leader hawiye produced post 91 also, noone wanted him in power cuz it wud be hard to remove him becuz he was very competent. If u can't lead, they resort to backing niin liito in power so when election comes he is easily deposed.
He was the best modern Somali leader “overall” not just Hawiye. Karanle are natural born leaders. They love other Somalis more than they love their own selves. It’s a trait Allah has gifted them with and their achievements are echoed throughout many of the world’s libraries. They ruled over larger swaths of land and people for centuries with justice!