Hiraan Native In Puntland PMPF


Puntitequeen any comments on this? should PL and Hiraan former closer ties?
You are lucky hg do not control any farmland near you or else they'd sell you a banana for $10. Puntlands population is dependant on Hiraans farmland. What do you have to offer them?

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023
You are lucky hg do not control any farmland near you or else they'd sell you a banana for $10. Puntlands population is dependant on Hiraans farmland. What do you have to offer them?
They get Market to sell their produce plus they use our ports. You think it's charity? This is business. We can always buy from Ethiopia and also have started growing ourselves.
Puntitequeen any comments on this? should PL and Hiraan former closer ties?

There is a Abgaal guy in Deni's presidential guard Personally, I can't trust a Hawiye with my life.

Yusuf M

All Puntland security forces personnel should come from the local clans. We shouldn't recruit people from the cursed land of kunfuuria into our security force.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
Majerteen are only anti-Hawiye for appearances when in front of other Darod when required. The reality from my experience is very, very different. They are one of the least qabiilists and actually prefer other clans than other MJs.

Yusuf M

Majerteen are only anti-Hawiye for appearances when in front of other Darod. The reality from my experience is very, very different. They are one of the least qabiilists and actually prefer other clans than other MJs.
Then you haven't met me and my crew and many like us in real life. Or you might have changed your opinion.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
Then you haven't met me and my crew in real life. Or you might have changed your opinion.

You're a iyaal so you dont count. The reality is MJs are very divided amongst themselves but do a good job hiding it. The only time I have seen a really anti-Hawiye MJ these days was Faroole when he refused to have his daughter marry a Murusade and even then other MJs had to tell him to stop. There's also people from clans not from Puntland that steal public funds from that state. I know examples of this happening.
You're a iyaal so you dont count. The reality is MJs are very divided amongst themselves but do a good job hiding it.

LOL, we're not 'very divided', if you're referring to politicians, they are not representative of regular people. In real life, MJs love each other, we know, we are actually MJs. And 'good at hiding', you are confusing that for loving and respecting our culture of internal harmony.

The only time I have seen a really anti-Hawiye MJ these days was Faroole when he refused to have his daughter marry a Murusade and even then other MJs had to tell him to stop.

There's also people from clans not from Puntland that steal public funds from that state. I know examples of this happening.
Give us the tea and give names if possible
The only time I have seen a really anti-Hawiye MJ these days was Faroole when he refused to have his daughter marry a Murusade and even then other MJs had to tell him to stop.
This the same guy who did Hijra to Hargeisa to get married btw. Twice


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
LOL, we're not 'very divided', if you're referring to politicians, they are not representative of regular people. In real life, MJs love each other, we know, we are actually MJs. And 'good at hiding', you are confusing that for loving and respecting our culture of internal harmony.

Give us the tea and give names if possible

There was a former President who gave his Abgal best friend Puntland government money in plastic bags for him while telling other MJs "no" as he had a deep hatred for the other Mohamuuds. There is a Somalia ambassador to a country who is MJ who has a brother working in the Puntland government who stole money and started a business in my country with his childhood non-Darod friend. His friend didn't contribute to anything financial but gets a share. Also, MJs are also very upset with Minister Ahmed Hussen for not helping Puntland or local non-profit organizations here with funding and have made accusations of him only supporting non-MJs.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
Wallahi a politically connected MJ told me that there are gatekeepers in Puntland who have not approved of the most qualified MJs (from Canada at least) to provide expertise in governance and institutional building or other skills. People would only hire from their subclan or good friends. They didnt give a job to one guy who was a qualified geologist. This happens all over Somalia and probably worse in the south but it would have been easiest to transform Puntland compared to other parts of Somalia.
Wallahi a politically connected MJ told me that there are gatekeepers in Puntland who have not approved of the most qualified MJs (from Canada at least) to provide expertise in governance and institutional building or other skills. People would only hire from their reer or subclan or friends. They didnt give a job to one guy who was a qualified geologist. This happens all over Somalia and probably worse in the south but it would have been easiest to transform Puntland compared to other parts of Somalia.

There are political mafia in Puntland, just like other parts of Somalia. Such as AaranJaan, and they need to be rooted out. We know about them, and we discuss them openly.
A politically connected MJ told me that there are gatekeepers in Puntland who have not approved of the most qualified MJs (from Canada at least) to provide expertise in governance and institutional building or other skills. People would only hire from their subclan or good friends. They didnt give a job to one guy who was a qualified geologist. This happens all over Somalia and probably worse in the south but it would have been easiest to transform Puntland compared to other parts of Somalia.

Somali politicians and crooks, are all connected and they just present an image of discord for the public. That's my theory. Even those youtube shock jocks, you'll see them cosied up in coffee shops. All they care about is how to make money together.

The business community is similar, you'll see MJ men who own companies in Mogadishu, and shares in their local businesses.

The shacab are the ones who are instigated against each other, so they are too busy fighting each other, instead of seeing the classes that are being formed.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
Somali politicians and crooks, are all connected and they just present an image of discord for the public. That's my theory. Even those youtube shock jocks, you'll see them cosied up in coffee shops. All they care about is how to make money together.

The business community is similar, you'll see MJ men who own companies in Mogadishu, and shares in their local businesses.

The shacab are the ones who are instigated against each other, so they are too busy fighting each other, instead of seeing the classes that are being formed.

To clarify, people are hired without even the minimum experience or educational qualifications for the job and are ghost workers who go out and chew khat. Public servants in Somalia do zero work and don't have any strategic planning guide to refer to.

