Hiraan Native In Puntland PMPF

Yusuf M

You're a iyaal so you dont count. The reality is MJs are very divided amongst themselves but do a good job hiding it.
Bullshit, we are the most united clan in Somalia. Yes, there are some internal issues among MJs. But it is nothing compared to the rest of Somalia. That is why Puntland is stable, peaceful, and governable. Otherwise, Puntland would've been a warzone like south Somalia. With never ending wars, and probably with foreign troops presence in PL.
There was a former President who gave his Abgal best friend Puntland government money in plastic bags for him while telling other MJs "no" as he had a deep hatred for the other Mohamuuds.
Which president would that be?
Are you talking about a PL president?
You couldn't even bother naming the President you are referring to.
"There was a former President" kulaha
Nigga stop making shit up.

If a PL president did that, then that would've been a major scandal and all reer Puntland iyo even other Somalis would've known about it.

I mean a PL president saying no to MJs, and giving PL money to a Hawiye is basically committing political suicide.
Cousin, nevermind. Some people are just lost cause. Stay safe.

So cousin being anti Ethiopia and for Somali unity to create a stronger country is being Kumbaya now.. I'm in no way or shape naive but I'm just looking at the bigger picture, the great common good for all Somalis..


Bullshit, we are the most united clan in Somalia. Yes, there are some internal issues among MJs. But it is nothing compared to the rest of Somalia. That is why Puntland is stable, peaceful, and governable. Otherwise, Puntland would've been a warzone like south Somalia. With never ending wars, and probably with foreign troops presence in PL.

Which president would that be?
Are you talking about a PL president?
You couldn't even bother naming the President you are referring to.
"There was a former President" kulaha
Nigga stop making shit up.

If a PL president did that, then that would've been a major scandal and all reer Puntland iyo even other Somalis would've known about it.

I mean a PL president saying no to MJs, and giving PL money to a Hawiye is basically committing political suicide.

We definitely got our problems socially but nowhere near the level of the south. I'll give U example, my jifi bah dubays got no seats in Garowe local council because we were mideeye, we don't go and hold a meeting and says let's destroy Garowe, we say it wasn't our time, let the other side continue progressing the town and we will compete in 5 years time. You won't see this type of culture in the south, they will literally destroy everyone progress over their personal or clan interest. We are all the Same country in Somalia but vastly different cultures and values.

In PL,we don't hold this value if your not in power all the time and everytime you are some inan gumeed, we know every clan is armed and gob and nothing can be forced on anyone against their will.


They get Market to sell their produce plus they use our ports. You think it's charity? This is business. We can always buy from Ethiopia and also have started growing ourselves.

There is a Abgaal guy in Deni's presidential guard Personally, I can't trust a Hawiye with my life.
The have a large market west of Hiraan. The arid maayland as well as galgaduud and mudug. Hiraan fruit & vegetable go as far Hargeisa.

Hiraan main port of use is still Muqdisho eboow.

There are darood part of HSM security detail and villa somalia guards qabyaalada lafaha ee ka gashay walle


The have a large market west of Hiraan. The arid maayland as well as galgaduud and mudug. Hiraan fruit & vegetable go as far Hargeisa.

Hiraan main port of use is still Muqdisho eboow.

There are darood part of HSM security detail and villa somalia guards qabyaalada lafaha ee ka gashay walle

Hiiraan is a strategic ally of Puntland and their finally waking up they lost more time, lives, and progress by looking south to mogadishu for 30 years and they want to be apart of the future 3G corridor tapping into Ethiopia 10% growth rate, as they realise if PL grows, Hiiraan agriculture production will grow.

Everyone In the nation is sick of your clan oo aan tashan Karin with each leader U produce U just play obstacle role for clans who are decided snd moving forward while your leader doesn't do any nation building but building up his own personal and family interest πŸ˜€ ileen tol ma haysto oo tashday.


Hiiraan is a strategic ally of Puntland and their finally waking up they lost more time, lives, and progress by looking south to mogadishu for 30 years and they want to be apart of the future 3G corridor tapping into Ethiopia 10% growth rate, as they realise if PL grows, Hiiraan agriculture production will grow.

Everyone In the nation is sick of your clan oo aan tashan Karin with each leader U produce U just play obstacle role for clans who are decided snd moving forward while your leader doesn't do any nation building but building up his own personal and family interest πŸ˜€ ileen tol ma haysto oo tashday.
Luckily, we're not dependant on another region for anything at all.. Major development awaits Middle Shabelle as put forward by international organisations ranging from roadworks to a $100m dam. Its not all doom and gloom as many of you like to claim on here :heh:

Hiraan doesn't need you, you need Hiraan and you can't do anything for them politically either lol