I disagree with you, so Im arrogant?
We have done it before. Remember Faroe stopped all southern traffic at gal kayo. We were testing to see how desperate u get and we know we can eliminate u.
I disagree with you, so Im arrogant?
I disagree with you, so Im arrogant?
Everything you’ve posted is absolute nonsense. Al Shabab not being a threat in the region...?
You need Bosaso to survive as the good doctor said, HS is working with PL because they have to... not because they want to.
Ok Puntland will play it's card. Immediate ban of all hirshabelle traders from Bosaso. Hirshabelle responds by passing thru mogadishu and being taxed by shabab all the way up untill beletwayn. By the time they reach the market, the business man will need to recoup those costs of taxes and sell products SO EXPENSIVE the locals start not affording it. The economy collapses, eventuating in hirshabelle FAMINE.
Plus you will be providing taxes to the shabab who are killing u looooooooooool. Nice try @Loyan I am sure the hirshabelle are not as stupid as you and realize puntland is in their interest. Economic interest or else their people will suffer a famine. You know how much shabab charges trucks from mogadishu to beletwayn? thousands of dollars of taxes.
I think we should do it ban HS and send a message and let them see how beletwayn collapses overnight.
Everything you’ve posted is absolute nonsense. Al Shabab not being a threat in the region...?
You need Bosaso to survive as the good doctor said, HS is working with PL because they have to... not because they want to.
Beletweyn and Hiiraan as a whole will also want to use the Xamar port. It has huge market for agriculture goods and is closer. AS isnt going to be in HS for 5 years. You already lost Middle Shabelle their agri goods dont go through Boosaso, soon Hiiraan will do so too. Then SWS this is the interest of Abgaals. Abgaal and MJ interest have alienated so much. Abgaals want piece in Xamar and Xamar to compleatly control the economy of SWS and HS then we will try to take GM from you, since you want PIM and isolationism it will be easy task as soon as Al-Shabaab is gone in Hiiraan and SWS, Abgaal dominated south central Somaliaa will be born.
Not anymore accept the fact that there is no more AS tarrifs in the road between Jowhar and Xamar same with Afgooye- Xamar road.
FGS interst is to eradicate Al-Shabaab
PL interest is to use al-shabaab for political and economic gains as you have stated above.
PL prospers in a chaotic South and you want to keep it that way. Waare will be shown his place or replaced Muduloods dont want anything to get on the way of Xamars development its in our interests to eradicate Ahlu Naar from this region.
Simple as that.
You have done nothing to diversify from. Shabab can lay ambushes from afgoye to Beletwayne. Amisom can't escort you the whole way, you will be ambushed and pay heavy tax as now shabab has to work harder they charge higher looooooooool.
Noone can cross from Mogadishu to Beletwayn at this stage and amisom is only protecting the MAIN capital of hiiraan not the route nor the smaller towns, they don't have the resources for such thing.
PL is a bit better we have diversified. We got the 'turdibi' corridor open and our vegetables will come from Oromia just in-case beletwayn plays funny games, plus we are building our capacity in agriculture through individual farmers who have already addressed some of our farming needs completely. We got the Garacad port happening.
@Loyan do you really want to be free from 'ahlu naar'? If so just sign the political deal that puntland put's in place. Ratify the constitution, Ratify powersharing, Ratify eliminating 4.5, Ratify district sharing, Ratify Mogadishu is symbolic capital with no power, Ratify Puntland is the mother of Somalia and leader of the nation. Once you comply with that, I can guarantee you shabab will be out of afgoye illa beletwayn. Cuz where else do u think they get weapons from doqon yahow? It's not mogadishu port or kismayo port
Our interest with shabab is none of your business, if you play any funny games, ana afka soo xiran doono in beletwayne and ensure you remember shabab is here. U r currently where i believe you are best, under my influence and economic control as I can use that to ensure your compliance to my policies and majertenism
@Loyan if you don't sign the deal, we will ensure their lifeline and arms continue to be flowed towards them so he can kill you untill you realize your people are dying too much for this shit and might as well just go under the puntland kingdom like it always was.
Do you want us to be free of Ahlu naar is the real question? My interest is to see HS and SWS under Abgaals politically and economically and Ahlu Naar gone from where I live, anyone who will bring me closer to it will be used yes even MJ. You know RX will side with Abgaals over anyone else we have long history of partnership and no animosity.
MJ are panicking because Abgaals jumped on the FGS bandwagon. Whoever sits in Villa Somalia answers to us first and foremost if not then he will rule nothing else than Villas bunker.
This game goes bothways remember that. The Galgala montains already have some terrorist planted, if they need young Madow boys to wield the gun I will provide them in return Boosaso shall burn.
Why would I help you be 'free'? There will be no leverage over me on you to get you to comply to my vision of Somalia. So that's stupid proposal DAMEER ABGAAL
@Loyan you are so stupid sxb, why you think their in galgala? to attack Bosaso? these guys need bosaso to filther in arms into the southern areas, we allow them to stay looooool their ensuring you are captive and beletwayn-hamar road never opens and u come to my port while somalia is settled. Once Somalia is settled, these guys have no place to stay in Puntland loooooooooool. They will be gone in seconds. That's what every political analyst say, it's somali tribal beef that is causing shabab to survive. Once that beef is over, they will be gone in seconds.
Why you think they live in the forests for 10 years now, it's just to keep an eye on the arms flow and organizing it towards mogadishu.
Nonesense they work for SL who wants to see Boosaso out of the game and secure the East SL economically since they already have it with military power. We will motivate SL with "talks" of ictiraaf and we will see what is left of boosaso then.
Soon Hiiraan Jowhar road will be free from AS. And then Waare will be re-elected, if not he will be replaced he just needs to be reminded of it.
Anyways ditoore you seem to not shy away from facts.
But insults arent like you, I must have gotten under your skin.