historical, islamic and arabic sources for the origin of the somali people

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Samaalic Era

i know, but my issue is why does the map say haran is son of Hud, when he is son of azar, father of ibrahim,

this map has some major issues,
There is inconsistency in Arab record of the lineage.

In the Prophet pbuh lineage , one claims that the Prophet pbuh is from Naboith, first son of Isma'il pbuh while another says he is from Kedar, second son of Isma'il
yeah i know it doesnt mention bantus amerindians indoaryans germanic and latins
the flood story is only explicit to the semetic hamitic speakers aka fro asiatic
(habesha are included as sons of cush)

arent africans sons of ham, third son of nabi Nuuh AS

they say he had 3 sons, ham, jafid/yafid and sham

shame or sam was given the middle east, ham was given africa- Egypt/kush etc and yaif they say was given greece/europe,

so Allah knows best, but we know sudanese empire that ruled egypt for 700 years was called Kushtic Kingdom, they called themslves Kush, in north sudan

they say 80 people landed with Nabi Nuux from the ark, and they spread around the world,

Nuux was given a new wife as his wife went to hell as she used to mock him when he was building the ship and would call the gaal to mock her own husband,

so God gave him a new family as he creid for his son, But Allah said he was not yuor true son, she cheated, but we are not allowed to mention or talk about the bad wife, any how God gave him new family, and strong sons, halal, sons,

now the remaining, 80 people is what humanity is truely from directly, as majorty were wiped out by the flood,

the ark landed in mount Judy, and only Allah knows best but god calles the moutna Judy, some say its in northern iraq, eastern turkey, syriya,

but one thing we know for sure is the nabi SAW told us about the great rivers, the two in iraq and the nile as being very special, and the two iraq rivers go into eastern turkey and Syria, so who knows,

but keep in mined god sent 124,000 nabis, so we cannot say all are from Nuux, just the major ones, the middle eastern ones, after Nuux named in quran seem to be from him directly,

we know this becasue we are told Ibrahim is a spitting image of nabi Mohamed,

Samaalic Era

arent africans sons of ham, third son of nabi Nuuh AS

they say he had 3 sons, ham, jafid/yafid and sham

shame or sam was given the middle east, ham was given africa- Egypt/kush etc and yaif they say was given greece/europe,

so Allah knows best, but we know sudanese empire that ruled egypt for 700 years was called Kushtic Kingdom, they called themslves Kush, in north sudan

they say 80 people landed with Nabi Nuux from the ark, and they spread around the world,

Nuux was given a new wife as his wife went to hell as she used to mock him when he was building the ship and would call the gaal to mock her own husband,

so God gave him a new family as he creid for his son, But Allah said he was not yuor true son, she cheated, but we are not allowed to mention or talk about the bad wife, any how God gave him new family, and strong sons, halal, sons,

now the remaining, 80 people is what humanity is truely from directly, as majorty were wiped out by the flood,

the ark landed in mount Judy, and only Allah knows best but god calles the moutna Judy, some say its in northern iraq, eastern turkey, syriya,

but one thing we know for sure is the nabi SAW told us about the great rivers, the two in iraq and the nile as being very special, and the two iraq rivers go into eastern turkey and Syria, so who knows,

but keep in mined god sent 124,000 nabis, so we cannot say all are from Nuux, just the major ones, the middle eastern ones, after Nuux named in quran seem to be from him directly,

we know this becasue we are told Ibrahim is a spitting image of nabi Mohamed,

Japheth is the father of the Turkic people and Yajuj and Majuj and the flood only destroyed people of Nuh pbuh , not the globe as the bible claims
Japheth is the father of the Turkic people and Yajuj and Majuj and the flood only destroyed people of Nuh pbuh , not the globe as the bible claims

apparently, i dont know its possible, they say the japhet dude is the father of the white race as well as the mongols/turkic,

no hsotry tells me the turkic race left their mongal cousins in todays mongolia/the kazstans, north western china border area to invade eruope, so i dont know how one earth they are related to blonde and red head Europeans,

but this is the claim i have read many times, that japhet birthed the mongol/turkiz cousins and the white race,

so who birthed the Thais, felipins, australian natives, etc?

only God knows,

and if ham birthed blacks like egytians, kushtic sudanese, ethiopians, somalis, why do we look so different to nigerans and why do san and those chingy blacks with chiense eyes in south africa and namibia look different to bantus

Samaalic Era

apparently, i dont know its possible, they say the japhet dude is the father of the white race as well as the mongols/turkic,

no hsotry tells me the turkic race left their mongal cousins in todays mongolia/the kazstans, north western china border area to invade eruope, so i dont know how one earth they are related to blonde and red head Europeans,

but this is the claim i have read many times, that japhet birthed the mongol/turkiz cousins and the white race,

so who birthed the Thais, felipins, australian natives, etc?

only God knows,

and if ham birthed blacks like egytians, kushtic sudanese, ethiopians, somalis, why do we look so different to nigerans and why do san and those chingy blacks with chiense eyes in south africa and namibia look different to bantus

One thing that we can use is the Hadith timeline that the Prophet pbuh gave for Adam and Nuh pbuh and the estimate timeline of certain ethnic groups.

3 – The period between Adam and Nooh (peace be upon them both): it was narrated from Abu Umaamah that a man said: “O Messenger of Allaah, was Adam a Prophet?” He said, “Yes, and Allaah spoke to him.” The man asked, “How much (time) was there between him and Nooh?” He said, “Ten centuries.” Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in his Saheeh, 14/69; and by al-Haakim, 2/262. He said it is saheeh according to the conditions of Muslim, and al-Dhahabi agreed with him. Ibn Katheer said in al-Bidaayah wa’l-Nihaayah (1/94): this is (saheeh) according to the conditions of Muslim, even though he did not narrate it.

4 – The period between Nooh and Ibraaheem (peace be upon them both): our evidence is in the continuation of the hadeeth of Abu Umaamah (may Allaah be pleased with him) quoted above: … He said, “And how long was there between Nooh and Ibraaheem?” He said, “Ten centuries.” (Narrated by al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak, 2/288. He said: this hadeeth is saheeh according to the conditions of Muslim, although he did not narrate it. And it was narrated by al-Tabaraani in al-Mu’jam al-Kabeer, 8/118

As we know, a generation in those early days of Reer Adam pbuh was far longer. From this , we get an estimate time between Adam and Ibrahim pbuh of 20,000 years.

Groups such as Bantus and Amerindians are descendants of Adam pbuh and existed prior to Nuh pbuh . Neanderthals are probably descendants of Qabil and other Humaniods who are extinct today. The children of Adam pbuh can only procreate with each other.

The true descendants of Nuh pbuh are Horners and some midde easterners and turkic peoples. Europeans are descendants of Adam pbuh through his son sheeth

Ken Kaneki

Somalia needs the KGB
One thing that we can use is the Hadith timeline that the Prophet pbuh gave for Adam and Nuh pbuh and the estimate timeline of certain ethnic groups.

3 – The period between Adam and Nooh (peace be upon them both): it was narrated from Abu Umaamah that a man said: “O Messenger of Allaah, was Adam a Prophet?” He said, “Yes, and Allaah spoke to him.” The man asked, “How much (time) was there between him and Nooh?” He said, “Ten centuries.” Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in his Saheeh, 14/69; and by al-Haakim, 2/262. He said it is saheeh according to the conditions of Muslim, and al-Dhahabi agreed with him. Ibn Katheer said in al-Bidaayah wa’l-Nihaayah (1/94): this is (saheeh) according to the conditions of Muslim, even though he did not narrate it.

4 – The period between Nooh and Ibraaheem (peace be upon them both): our evidence is in the continuation of the hadeeth of Abu Umaamah (may Allaah be pleased with him) quoted above: … He said, “And how long was there between Nooh and Ibraaheem?” He said, “Ten centuries.” (Narrated by al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak, 2/288. He said: this hadeeth is saheeh according to the conditions of Muslim, although he did not narrate it. And it was narrated by al-Tabaraani in al-Mu’jam al-Kabeer, 8/118

As we know, a generation in those early days of Reer Adam pbuh was far longer. From this , we get an estimate time between Adam and Ibrahim pbuh of 20,000 years.

Groups such as Bantus and Amerindians are descendants of Adam pbuh and existed prior to Nuh pbuh . Neanderthals are probably descendants of Qabil and other Humaniods who are extinct today. The children of Adam pbuh can only procreate with each other.

The true descendants of Nuh pbuh are Horners and some midde easterners and turkic peoples. Europeans are descendants of Adam pbuh through his son sheeth
Do People actually believe that billions of people in various continents are the result of 1 family and their various sons?


Ted Kaczynski respecter
What if by sons of Noah what’s actually meant is Caucasians? I know it’s basically pseudoscience based on skull measurements, but it would fit with Shem basically representing today’s Semites, Hamites being Cushites & Berbers—North-East Africa basically, and Japheth representing Indo-Europeans?

Only weak link here is that Indo-Europeans don’t share much ancestry with Afroasiatics except I guess Eastern Farmer DNA from the Levant, and Cro-magnons maybe? I know that my maternal haplogroup has been found in a 23000yo man from southern Italy. Food for thought.

The rest of humanity being sons of Adam.
One thing that we can use is the Hadith timeline that the Prophet pbuh gave for Adam and Nuh pbuh and the estimate timeline of certain ethnic groups.

3 – The period between Adam and Nooh (peace be upon them both): it was narrated from Abu Umaamah that a man said: “O Messenger of Allaah, was Adam a Prophet?” He said, “Yes, and Allaah spoke to him.” The man asked, “How much (time) was there between him and Nooh?” He said, “Ten centuries.” Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in his Saheeh, 14/69; and by al-Haakim, 2/262. He said it is saheeh according to the conditions of Muslim, and al-Dhahabi agreed with him. Ibn Katheer said in al-Bidaayah wa’l-Nihaayah (1/94): this is (saheeh) according to the conditions of Muslim, even though he did not narrate it.

4 – The period between Nooh and Ibraaheem (peace be upon them both): our evidence is in the continuation of the hadeeth of Abu Umaamah (may Allaah be pleased with him) quoted above: … He said, “And how long was there between Nooh and Ibraaheem?” He said, “Ten centuries.” (Narrated by al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak, 2/288. He said: this hadeeth is saheeh according to the conditions of Muslim, although he did not narrate it. And it was narrated by al-Tabaraani in al-Mu’jam al-Kabeer, 8/118

As we know, a generation in those early days of Reer Adam pbuh was far longer. From this , we get an estimate time between Adam and Ibrahim pbuh of 20,000 years.

Groups such as Bantus and Amerindians are descendants of Adam pbuh and existed prior to Nuh pbuh . Neanderthals are probably descendants of Qabil and other Humaniods who are extinct today. The children of Adam pbuh can only procreate with each other.

The true descendants of Nuh pbuh are Horners and some midde easterners and turkic peoples. Europeans are descendants of Adam pbuh through his son sheeth

The Quran says all of humanity descends from Nuh (AS) so how is that possible? People like Bantu's did not exist in the early days of man. They're a mix of a lot of different African groups including ancient North/East Africans. If we follow the theory in this thread that makes them descendants of Ham sxb. Natives are related to Central Asians...
Some races are more ancient than others. We are some of the more ancient people on the planet


Noah's flood was local and did not affect the evolution of races.. c'mon son, you can't have 200,000 year old haplogroups like A and L0 if it wiped out all of humanity.

Australian Aborigines have 50,000 year old haplogroups not found elsewhere. There is zero evidence of a total extermination of humans around 3,000 years ago with Noah's flood.


What if by sons of Noah what’s actually meant is Caucasians? I know it’s basically pseudoscience based on skull measurements, but it would fit with Shem basically representing today’s Semites, Hamites being Cushites & Berbers—North-East Africa basically, and Japheth representing Indo-Europeans?

Only weak link here is that Indo-Europeans don’t share much ancestry with Afroasiatics except I guess Eastern Farmer DNA from the Levant, and Cro-magnons maybe? I know that my maternal haplogroup has been found in a 23000yo man from southern Italy. Food for thought.

The rest of humanity being sons of Adam.
to be fair i honestly think the decendents of noah are just the hamito semetic speakers
basicly cushites (including habeshas) and semites egyptians, berbers etc

since its set in the middle east it makes sence since that most of the charecters are ancestors of mainly middle eastern and north african peoples , cushites are included for obious reasons

mainly close cultrally linguistically and genetically and most importantly geographically mainly sudan/egypt habeshas etc with people from the middle east and north africa


to be fair i honestly think the decendents of noah are just the hamito semetic speakers
basicly cushites (including habeshas) and semites egyptians, berbers etc

since its set in the middle east it makes sence since most of the charecters are ancestors of mainly middle eastern and north african peoples , cushties are indluded for obious reasons

mainly close cultrally linguistically and genetically and most importantly geographically mainly sudan/egypt habeshas etc with people from the middle east and north africa

The Afro-Asiatic/Hamito-Semitic language family developed around 12,000 to 10,000 years ago.

Noah's flood myth is at the most 3,000 year old and is similar to pre-existing flood myth stories found in Mesopotamia.



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
you never know?

we know dude, lets not rewrite hisotry

how can a man who lived thousands of years before haran, ibrahims brother be the father of lut,

hud is ancient,

also if haran is the brother of ibrahim, and the father of lut, why is this no updated,

also hud is A'd

also if you use common sense, the people of A'd Hud AS was sent to, were destroyed, so how can there be nabi Lut sent after a nation was destroyed already for their idol worship

lastly, Hud is from hadramawt and we know this as the Nabi once went there and said to muslims do not go to this exact location then A'd were destroyed for they faced halaag one earth,

do you not have common sense and cilmi in history?

sure if you desire to write about history, do not say "he could have been"


If i am not mistaken Qomul Hud were Giants who built houses in rock moutains. None of them Survived.

Lut as was Ibrahim as nephew. He had daughters, whom their descedants were prophet Yusuf. as


Ted Kaczynski respecter
to be fair i honestly think the decendents of noah are just the hamito semetic speakers
basicly cushites (including habeshas) and semites egyptians, berbers etc

since its set in the middle east it makes sence since that most of the charecters are ancestors of mainly middle eastern and north african peoples , cushties are included for obious reasons

mainly close cultrally linguistically and genetically and most importantly geographically mainly sudan/egypt habeshas etc with people from the middle east and north africa

Yeah, maybe. I kinda see Haplogroup E-M215 as Noah’s lineage in my headcanon, with the different major lineages representing his sons/grandsons.

The Afro-Asiatic/Hamito-Semitic language family developed around 12,000 to 10,000 years ago.

Noah's flood myth is at the most 3,000 year old and is similar to pre-existing flood myth stories found in Mesopotamia.


>there has only been one flood in human history


Noah’s flood event is taken to be way before proto-history even happened to begin with way earlier than any Sumerian tale. A dogmatic secular worldview is antithetical to scripture, you goon


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The Afro-Asiatic/Hamito-Semitic language family developed around 12,000 to 10,000 years ago.

Noah's flood myth is at the most 5,000 year old and is similar to pre-existing flood myth stories found in Mesopotamia.

that wasnt the point of the whole thing , it was to demonstrate that thier were historical whether its religious or just normal historic sources for Somalis being of north-east African cushite decent.

Everything else is just minimal importance to be honest, we now have genetic historical or religious even sources dating back thousands of years as evidence and proof even a somali lineage

although i do stand by the flood effecting people of a similar geographic cultral linguistic,and genetic sphere of influece
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You guys are not being scientific, but are being theocratic.

This is why America and China will soon send people over to mars, while the Islamic world is still bickering over theology.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
One thing that we can use is the Hadith timeline that the Prophet pbuh gave for Adam and Nuh pbuh and the estimate timeline of certain ethnic groups.

3 – The period between Adam and Nooh (peace be upon them both): it was narrated from Abu Umaamah that a man said: “O Messenger of Allaah, was Adam a Prophet?” He said, “Yes, and Allaah spoke to him.” The man asked, “How much (time) was there between him and Nooh?” He said, “Ten centuries.” Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in his Saheeh, 14/69; and by al-Haakim, 2/262. He said it is saheeh according to the conditions of Muslim, and al-Dhahabi agreed with him. Ibn Katheer said in al-Bidaayah wa’l-Nihaayah (1/94): this is (saheeh) according to the conditions of Muslim, even though he did not narrate it.

4 – The period between Nooh and Ibraaheem (peace be upon them both): our evidence is in the continuation of the hadeeth of Abu Umaamah (may Allaah be pleased with him) quoted above: … He said, “And how long was there between Nooh and Ibraaheem?” He said, “Ten centuries.” (Narrated by al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak, 2/288. He said: this hadeeth is saheeh according to the conditions of Muslim, although he did not narrate it. And it was narrated by al-Tabaraani in al-Mu’jam al-Kabeer, 8/118

As we know, a generation in those early days of Reer Adam pbuh was far longer. From this , we get an estimate time between Adam and Ibrahim pbuh of 20,000 years.

Groups such as Bantus and Amerindians are descendants of Adam pbuh and existed prior to Nuh pbuh . Neanderthals are probably descendants of Qabil and other Humaniods who are extinct today. The children of Adam pbuh can only procreate with each other.

The true descendants of Nuh pbuh are Horners and some midde easterners and turkic peoples. Europeans are descendants of Adam pbuh through his son sheeth

Europeans are the descendants of Rūm aka Rome named after the Roman Empre. If you look at the image in the original post, Sayid Ayūb AS was a direct descendant. They were nicknamed Banu Asfar for their Yellow skin and blonde hair.


You guys are not being scientific, but are being theocratic.

This is why America and China will soon send people over to mars, while the Islamic world is still bickering over theology.
to be fair the islamic world can be devided , the arab world is far more advanced then for example the horn, we just need to catch up to the middle east (hopefully oil helps)

as for theology or religion its irrelevent we jsut need a common origin based on science genetic historic sources or religious sources then unite somalis into a ethnostate and work towards getting out of the subsaharan 4th world
You guys are not being scientific, but are being theocratic.

This is why America and China will soon send people over to mars, while the Islamic world is still bickering over theology.
I predict that China will gain a slight edge over the USA technologically in the coming years, since they're focusing heavily on manufacturing High-Tech goods, weaponry etc. Whilst, Trump keeps on yappering about bringing back coal production, steel-making and low-level manufacturing from China, Mexico etc....
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