What does it mean?
Of course there is a little bit of luck in there too but that goes for any war/event in history. I completely disagree about the Derg being Marxists, they began that way but they turned out to be deceivers like most communist governments. As to the rest of your post, I'll just quote my response to a previous poster: "Alliances are about common objectives by the way...no country is going to send their own people to die for the cause/battle of others if there isn't also something in it for them too." If Ethiopia can make itself strategically appealing to the Soviets, that still says something (because Somalia could've done the same). Either way, it goes further than that because Ethiopia had been allies with the U.S. and many other superpowers since the days of Menelik.
Seriously, I gotta know
True, but as @Bahal said, it wasn't really an alliance. Soviet union were the ones who were scheming & they used you guys as a tool to prevent Somali hegemony in the HOA & east africa. So you guys got lucky by recieving military backing from commies...
BTW, do you support the Ethiopian occupation of Somali galbeed(western Somali)?
That along with quote such as these: "the only time the Ethiopians won was when they had backup"
Winning is not only about one's own army and physical efforts; it's also about creating alliances.All those Portuguese, the Soviet, and the Cubans didn't help out of the kindness of their heart...Ethiopia had to make itself appealing to those countries and convince them to join our side. That in itself is a SKILL.
It's the art of diplomacy..so don't discount it as "oh Ethiopia wouldn't have won without help" because war is a SOCIAL GAME too lol. (A lot of prominent wars around the world were won with the assistance of allies...come on, give some credit
:siilaanyosmile:ሻርዒ is better as it is a somali way of saying it, one step at a time mr sharci, we will convert you to Somali identity
How were we being used as a tool if the end goal of Soviet support was "to prevent Somali hegemony"...what part of that do you think goes against Ethiopia's interests???
Luck had something to do with it but it wasn't all of it.
As to the question regarding Ogaden, I support the people within deciding for themselves; if you gave members of Somali galbeed an option tomorrow though...I 100% believe that that they would choose to stay with Ethiopia rather than join Somalia.![]()
In the world of realpolitik, the only thing that matters is OUTCOME. If "subordinates" are handing you L's, what does that make you??Rubbish.
Out of all battles we fought against you, we always fought with a less fighting force & we still massacred the enemy that shows we're more efficient we get the job done.You people are truly subordinate.
How were we being used as a tool if the end goal of Soviet support was "to prevent Somali hegemony"...what part of that do you think goes against Ethiopia's interests???
Luck had something to do with it but it wasn't all of it.
As to the question regarding Ogaden, I support the people within deciding for themselves; if you gave members of Somali galbeed an option tomorrow though...I 100% believe that that they would choose to stay with Ethiopia rather than join Somalia.![]()
I don't know. You chose the name, you tell us.![]()
They would have more chances of developing their region under the current government than they would if they joined Somalia. A lot of them seem to love the federalism system as well, from the videos I've seen; they didn't even protest the gov as much as the Oromos and Amharas did. I'll take your word for it though as I'm not very well informed about that region and their collective political mindset.
After all that oppression at the hands of the Xabashi & you're confident they'd vote to stay a part of Ethiopia?
Thats very delusional wallahi, i guarantee 99% would would vote to reunify with Somali Republic than opt to continue being oppressed in their own lands.
There's no debate. Ethiopia has only ever had one Ace in the hole - Christianity. That's gotten you out of a pinch quite a few times.
Unfortunately for Somalis, as Muslims, our only Allies are Turkey (very secular for most of modern history) and fat hermaphrodite Arabs, who lack a spine.
Ethiopia's Cruel Con Game
David Steinmann
"America and the rest of the international community have turned a blind eye to this theft of taxpayer money and the millions of lives destroyed in its wake, because they rely on Ethiopia’s government to provide local counterterror cooperation, especially with the fight against Al-Shabab in neighboring Somalia. But even there we’re being taken. Our chief aim in Somalia is to eliminate Al-Shabab. Our Ethiopian ally’s aim is twofold: Keep Somalia weak and divided so it can’t unite with disenfranchised fellow Somalis in Ethiopia’s adjoining, gas-rich Ogaden region; and skim as much foreign assistance as possible. No wonder we’re losing.
The Trump Administration has not evinced particular interest in democracy promotion, but much of Ethiopia’s and the region’s problems stem from Ethiopia’s lack of the accountability that only democracy confers. A more accountable Ethiopian government would be forced to implement policies designed to do more than protect its control of the corruption. It would have to free Ethiopia’s people to develop their own solutions to their challenges and end their foreign dependency. It would be compelled to make the fight on terror more effective by decreasing fraud, basing military promotions on merit instead of cronyism and ending the diversion of state resources to domestic repression. An accountable Ethiopian government would have to allow more relief to reach those who truly need it and reduce the waste of U.S. taxpayers’ generous funding. Representative, accountable government would diminish the Ogaden’s secessionist tendencies that drive Ethiopia’s counterproductive Somalia strategy."
Seriously, I gotta know![]()