Hitler and muslims during WW2

Omar del Sur

true most fought for the allies but the point is to talk abou those that fought for hitler and the reich

I do understand that but I was a little against the video title because Hitler is considered a bad guy so portraying Muslims as being pro-Nazi and not showing the majority that fought for the Allies could give the non-Muslims a bad impression.


I do understand that but I was a little against the video title because Hitler is considered a bad guy so portraying Muslims as being pro-Nazi and not showing the majority that fought for the Allies could give the non-Muslims a bad impression.
true but the title isn't gonna make people think that the nazis and muslims where friends since the video will tell u that they weren't


Somalis fought against each other.

For what? For a couple of points from the colonisers.

I'd rather be under Mussolini than Churchill though.:banderas:

Churchill called the Somalis mad dogs.
Honestly i take that as a compliment.
The motherf.... was annoyed after 20years of guerrilla by the Sayid who fought the brits with little resources.