All of the butthurt belt. They hate Russia so much they will destroy the world
That was just straight up bullying walahi. I never thought we could get to a point that world leaders would start acting like high schoolersI don't even know what is going on in the world. I really do live in a small bubble
This is such deranged takeWhat I see is finally a Christian putting a jew in his place. Zelensky is a jew and jews are notorious in not being loyal to their hosting country even if they born there, they always milk it. Like the american jews funelling all the dollars from america to Israel.
When Zelensky say you have nice ocean that seperates you from war with russia, im glad Trump put him in his place. This is exactly what israelis being milking the west for years.and decades, almost a century, by telling them if they dont stop the terrorists in Israel they and the war will come to you in your confort zone in europe and america. This is the strategy jews use to milk the naive europeans and americans into giving them even more money and weapons. But Trump is here to save America and will not buy the bluff.
I am starting to like JD Vance what a great vice president. A single moment can sement your legacy. Seeing JD Vance in action makes realize what great quality he possess. Trump sure made the right choice in choosing.
Team Trump/Vance correct in ending this stupid war in ukraine. The world can not afford a world war 3. Typical jews picking a fight with muslims and then hiding behind christians. Trump will not fall for the bait. Ukraine should not provoke mother Russia and then hide behind USA.